from osdk.context import Context from osdk import vt100 def view(context: Context, scope: str | None = None, showExe: bool = True, showDisabled: bool = False): from graphviz import Digraph g = Digraph(, filename='graph.gv') g.attr('graph', splines='ortho', rankdir='BT', ranksep='1.5') g.attr('node', shape='ellipse') g.attr( 'graph', label=f"<{scope or 'Full Dependency Graph'}
{}>", labelloc='t') scopeInstance = None if scope is not None: scopeInstance = context.componentByName(scope) for instance in context.instances: if not instance.isLib() and not showExe: continue if scopeInstance is not None and \ != scope and \ not in scopeInstance.resolved: continue if instance.enabled: fillcolor = "lightgrey" if instance.isLib() else "lightblue" shape = "plaintext" if not scope == else 'box' g.node(, f"<{}
{vt100.wordwrap(instance.manifest.decription, 40,newline='
')}>", shape=shape, style="filled", fillcolor=fillcolor) for req in instance.manifest.requires: g.edge(, req) for req in instance.manifest.provides: isChosen = req, None) == g.edge(req,, arrowhead="none", color=( "blue" if isChosen else "black")) elif showDisabled: g.node(, f"<{}
{vt100.wordwrap(instance.manifest.decription, 40,newline='

{vt100.wordwrap(instance.disableReason, 40,newline='
>", shape="plaintext", style="filled", fontcolor="#999999", fillcolor="#eeeeee") for req in instance.manifest.requires: g.edge(, req, color="#aaaaaa") for req in instance.manifest.provides: g.edge(req,, arrowhead="none", color="#aaaaaa") g.view(filename=os.path.join(context.builddir(), "graph.gv"))