import importlib import shutil import sys from types import ModuleType import as build import osdk.utils as utils import osdk.targets as targets import osdk.manifests as manifests CMDS = {} def parseOptions(args: list[str]) -> dict: result = { 'opts': {}, 'args': [] } for arg in args: if arg.startswith("--"): if "=" in arg: key, value = arg[2:].split("=", 1) result['opts'][key] = value else: result['opts'][arg[2:]] = True else: result['args'].append(arg) return result def runCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: if len(args) == 0: print(f"Usage: {args[0]} run ") sys.exit(1) out = build.buildOne(opts.get('target', 'default'), args[0]) print(f"{utils.Colors.BOLD}Running: {args[0]}{utils.Colors.RESET}") utils.runCmd(out, *args[1:]) def buildCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: targetName = opts.get('target', 'default') if len(args) == 0: build.buildAll(targetName) else: for component in args: build.buildOne(targetName, component) def listCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: targetName = opts.get('target', 'default') target = targets.load(targetName) components = manifests.loadAll("src", target) print(f"Available components for target '{targetName}':") componentsNames = list(components.keys()) componentsNames.sort() for component in componentsNames: print(" " + component) print("") def cleanCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: shutil.rmtree(".build", ignore_errors=True) def nukeCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: shutil.rmtree(".build", ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(".cache", ignore_errors=True) def helpCmd(opts: dict, args: list[str]) -> None: print(f"Usage: osdk [options...] []") print("") print("Description:") print(" Operating System Development Kit.") print("") print("Commands:") for cmd in CMDS: print(" " + cmd + " - " + CMDS[cmd]["desc"]) print("") print("Targets:") availableTargets = targets.available() if len(availableTargets) == 0: print(" No targets available") else: for targetName in targets.available(): print(" " + targetName) print("") print("Variants:") for var in targets.VARIANTS: print(" " + var) print("") CMDS = { "run": { "func": runCmd, "desc": "Run a component on the host", }, "build": { "func": buildCmd, "desc": "Build one or more components", }, "list": { "func": listCmd, "desc": "List available components", }, "clean": { "func": cleanCmd, "desc": "Clean the build directory", }, "nuke": { "func": nukeCmd, "desc": "Clean the build directory and cache", }, "help": { "func": helpCmd, "desc": "Show this help message", }, } def loadPlugin(path: str) -> ModuleType: """Load a plugin from a path""" spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("plugin", path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module for files in utils.tryListDir("meta/plugins"): if files.endswith(".py"): plugin = loadPlugin(f"meta/plugins/{files}") CMDS[plugin.__plugin__["name"]] = plugin.__plugin__ def main(): argv = sys.argv try: if len(argv) < 2: helpCmd({}, []) else: o = parseOptions(argv[2:]) if not argv[1] in CMDS: print(f"Unknown command: {argv[1]}") print("") print(f"Use '{argv[0]} help' for a list of commands") return 1 CMDS[argv[1]]["func"](o['opts'], o['args']) return 0 except utils.CliException as e: print() print(f"{utils.Colors.RED}{e.msg}{utils.Colors.RESET}") return 1