Format: 2.3

# This is the main file you use to configure Natural Docs for your project.

# Project Information
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: StupidOS
Subtitle: 32-bit Operating System written in x86 assembly.

Copyright: Copyright © 2024 d0p1

Timestamp: Updated yyyy/mm/dd
#    m     - Single digit month, when possible.  January is "1".
#    mm    - Always double digit month.  January is "01".
#    mon   - Short month word.  January is "Jan".
#    month - Long month word.  January is "January".
#    d     - Single digit day, when possible.  1 is "1".
#    dd    - Always double digit day.  1 is "01".
#    day   - Day with text extension.  1 is "1st".
#    yy    - Double digit year.  2022 is "22".
#    yyyy  - Four digit year.  2022 is "2022".
#    year  - Four digit year.  2022 is "2022".

# This is where you put general information about your project.  None of these
# settings are required, though Title is recommended.
# Title: [text]
#    The name of your project.  (R) and (TM) will be converted to their
#    respective symbols.
# Subtitle: [text]
#    A subtitle for your project, if desired.
# Copyright: [text]
#    The copyright notice for your project.  (C) will be converted to the
#    copyright symbol.
# Timestamp: [text]
#    Text explaining when the documentation was generated, such as "Last
#    Updated Month Day Year", if you want that to be included.  The following
#    substitutions are performed:
#    m     - Single digit month, when possible.  January is "1".
#    mm    - Always double digit month.  January is "01".
#    mon   - Short month word.  January is "Jan".
#    month - Long month word.  January is "January".
#    d     - Single digit day, when possible.  1 is "1".
#    dd    - Always double digit day.  1 is "01".
#    day   - Day with text extension.  1 is "1st".
#    yy    - Double digit year.  2022 is "22".
#    yyyy  - Four digit year.  2022 is "2022".
#    year  - Four digit year.  2022 is "2022".
# Style: [style]
#    A custom style to apply to the generated documentation.  See
# for more information.
# Home Page: [file]
#    A custom home page for the generated documentation.  It could be a
#    documented file in one of the source folders or a HTML file in any
#    location.
# Encoding: [name or code page number]
# Encoding: [name or code page number] *.[extension]
#    The character encoding source files use if it is something other than
#    Unicode.  It can be specified as a name such as "iso-8859-1" or a code
#    page number such as "28591".  You can see the list of encodings your
#    system supports by running Natural Docs with the --list-encodings command
#    line option.
#    Natural Docs defaults to Unicode which will handle all forms of UTF-8,
#    UTF-16, and UTF-32.  You can set a new default for all files or you can
#    limit it to an extension such as "*.txt".  You can use multiple Encoding
#    lines to cover all the extensions that need them.
#    You can also set encodings for specific folders by adding Encoding lines
#    in Source Folder sections.

# Source Code
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source Folder: ..\..
   Name: StupidOS

# This is where you tell Natural Docs which folders it should scan for source
# files.  If you add any on the command line this section is ignored except
# for the properties of the ones from the command line.
# Source Folder: [folder]
#    Specifies a folder which will be searched for source files.  The path is
#    relative to the project configuration folder, which lets this file remain
#    portable across computers and not cause problems in version control
#    systems.  You can enter an absolute path and it will be converted
#    automatically.
#    Additional properties can be added after each source folder:
#    Name: [name]
#       How this source folder will appear in the menu if you have more than
#       one.
#    Encoding: [name or code page number]
#    Encoding: [name or code page number] *.[extension]
#    Encoding: [name or code page number] [folder]
#    Encoding: [name or code page number] [folder]\*.[extension]
#       The character encoding source files use if it's something other than
#       Unicode.  It can be specified as a name such as "iso-8859-1" or a code
#       page number such as "28591".  You can see the list of encodings your
#       system supports by running Natural Docs with the --list-encodings
#       command line option.
#       Natural Docs defaults to Unicode which will handle all forms of UTF-8,
#       UTF-16, and UTF-32.  You can set a new default for all files in this
#       folder, limit it to an extension such as "*.txt", limit it to a
#       subfolder, or limit it to extensions in a subfolder.  You can use
#       multiple Encoding lines to cover all the subfolders and extensions
#       that need them.

# Source Filtering
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ignore Source Folder: ..\..\sysroot

# If there are any subfolders in the source code that you would like Natural
# Docs to ignore they can be added here.  If you use any of these options on
# the command line this section is ignored.
# Ignore Source Folder: [folder]
#    Tells Natural Docs to skip this folder when scanning files.
# Ignore Source Folder Pattern: [pattern]
#    Tells Natural Docs to skip all folder names which match this pattern when
#    scanning files.  ? matches a single character, * matches zero or more
#    characters.  It applies to the entire folder name, so "cli" will not
#    match "client", although "cli*" will.
#    The data folders of common version control systems (.git, .svn, .cvs, .hg)
#    are ignored automatically.  You don't have to add them here.

# Images
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Image Folder: ..\img

# This is where you tell Natural Docs which folders it should look for images
# in.  When you put something like (see diagram.jpg) in a comment Natural Docs
# will look for it relative to the source file it appears in plus any folders
# added here.  If you add any on the command line this section is ignored.
# Image Folder: [folder]
#    Specifies a folder which will be searched for image files.  The path is
#    relative to the project configuration folder, which lets this file remain
#    portable across computers and not cause problems in version control
#    systems.  You can enter absolute paths and they will be converted
#    automatically.

# Generated Documentation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

HTML Output Folder: ..\html

# This is where you tell Natural Docs what kind of documentation you want
# built and where it should be put.  If you use any of these options on the
# command line this section is ignored except for the properties of the ones
# from the command line.
# HTML Output Folder: [folder]
#    Generates HTML documentation in the specified folder.  The path is
#    relative to the project configuration folder, which lets this file remain
#    portable across computers and not cause problems in version control
#    systems.  You can enter an absolute path and it will be converted
#    automatically.
#    Additional properties can be added after each output folder:
#    Title: [text]
#    Subtitle: [text]
#    Copyright: [text]
#    Timestamp: [text]
#    Style: [style]
#    Home Page: [file]
#       These properties can be overridden for just this output folder, which
#       allows you to have multiple output folders with different styles or
#       titles.  See the Project Information section for descriptions of them.

# Global Settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Other settings that apply to your entire project.  Settings specified on the
# command line override the settings here.
# Tab Width: [width]
#    The number of spaces tabs should be expanded to.
# Documented Only: [yes|no]
#    Whether only documented code elements should appear in the output.
#    Defaults to no.
# Auto Group: [yes|no]
#    Whether groups should automatically apply to you code.  Defaults to yes.