
278 lines
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1987-03-09 19:15:41 +00:00
* (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
1987-02-01 21:04:49 +00:00
/* This is a special cv.c program for testing purposes ;
* it converts to a stripped version of COFF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <filehdr.h>
#include <aouthdr.h>
#include <scnhdr.h>
#include <out.h>
#define AOUTHSZ sizeof(AOUTHDR)
#define ASSERT(x) switch (2) { case 0: case (x): ; }
* Header and section table of new format object file.
struct outhead outhead;
struct outsect outsect[S_MAX];
char *output_file;
int outputfile_created;
int rom_in_data;
char *program ;
char flag ;
#define readf(a, b, c) fread((a), (b), (int)(c), input)
#define writef(a, b, c) fwrite((a), (b), (int)(c), output)
/* Output file definitions and such */
#define TS 0
#define DS 1
#define BS 2
#define NS 3
FILHDR filh;
AOUTHDR aouth;
SCNHDR scnh[NS];
#define ENTRY 0
#define MC68MAGIC 0520
#define MYFLAGS 01017
#define STYP_TEXT 0x20
#define STYP_DATA 0x40
#define STYP_BSS 0x80
#define TEXTSG 0
#define ROMSG 1
#define DATASG 2
#define BSSSG 3
#define LSECT BSSSG+1
#define NSECT LSECT+1
FILE *input;
FILE *output;
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
register int nsect;
long magic ;
long textsize, datasize, bsssize;
extern long ftell();
long filepos;
int scn;
ASSERT(sizeof(struct outhead) == SZ_HEAD);
ASSERT(sizeof(struct outsect) == SZ_SECT);
input = stdin; output = stdout;
program= argv[0] ;
if ( argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-' ) {
flag=argv[1][1] ;
argc-- ; argv++ ;
switch (argc) {
case 1: break;
case 3: if ((output = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == (FILE *)0)
fatal("Can't write %s.\n", argv[2]);
output_file = argv[2];
outputfile_created = 1;
case 2: if ((input = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == (FILE *)0)
fatal("Can't read %s.\n", argv[1]);
default:fatal("Usage: %s <as object> <dl object>.\n", argv[0]);
if ( !rhead(input,&outhead) )
fatal("Reading header failed.\n");
if (BADMAGIC(outhead))
fatal("Not an ack object file.\n");
if (outhead.oh_nrelo > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: relocation information present.\n");
if ( outhead.oh_nsect!=LSECT && outhead.oh_nsect!=NSECT )
fatal("Input file must have %d sections, not %ld\n",
NSECT,outhead.oh_nsect) ;
for ( nsect=0 ; nsect<outhead.oh_nsect ; nsect++ )
if ( !rsect(input,&outsect[nsect]) )
fatal("Reading section table failed.\n");
/* A few checks */
if ( outsect[TEXTSG].os_base != ENTRY)
fatal("text must start at %lx not at 0x%lx\n", ENTRY,
outsect[TEXTSG].os_base) ;
if ( outsect[BSSSG].os_flen != 0 )
printf("Warning: bss space contains initialized data\n") ;
/* as actually writes zeroes in the bss segment */
if ( outsect[BSSSG].os_base != outsect[DATASG].os_base+
outsect[DATASG].os_size )
fatal("bss segment must follow data segment\n") ;
/* 410 file with ROMSG in instruction space */
rom_in_data = 0;
magic= 0410 ;
textsize= outsect[TEXTSG].os_size + outsect[ROMSG].os_size ;
datasize= outsect[DATASG].os_size ;
if ( outsect[ROMSG].os_base != outsect[TEXTSG].os_base+
outsect[TEXTSG].os_size )
fatal("rom segment must follow text\n") ;
bsssize = outsect[BSSSG].os_size;
if ( outhead.oh_nsect==NSECT ) {
if ( outsect[LSECT].os_base != outsect[BSSSG].os_base+
outsect[BSSSG].os_size )
fatal("end segment must follow bss\n") ;
if ( outsect[LSECT].os_size != 0 )
fatal("end segment must be empty\n") ;
filh.f_magic = MC68MAGIC;
filh.f_nscns = 3; /* three sections: .text, data, .bss */
filh.f_timdat = (long) time(0); /* doesn't really matter */
filh.f_symptr = 0L; /* no symbol table */
filh.f_nsyms = 0L; /* ditto */
filh.f_opthdr = AOUTHSZ;
filh.f_flags = MYFLAGS;
aouth.magic = magic;
aouth.vstamp = 0;
aouth.tsize = textsize;
aouth.dsize = datasize;
aouth.bsize = bsssize;
aouth.entry = ENTRY;
aouth.text_start= ENTRY;
aouth.data_start= outsect[DATASG].os_base;
strcpy(scnh[TS].s_name, _TEXT);
strcpy(scnh[DS].s_name, _DATA);
strcpy(scnh[BS].s_name, _BSS);
scnh[TS].s_vaddr = (scnh[TS].s_paddr = aouth.text_start);
scnh[DS].s_vaddr = (scnh[DS].s_paddr = aouth.data_start);
scnh[BS].s_vaddr = (scnh[BS].s_paddr = aouth.data_start + datasize);
scnh[TS].s_size = textsize;
scnh[DS].s_size = datasize;
scnh[BS].s_size = bsssize;
scnh[TS].s_scnptr = FILHSZ + AOUTHSZ + 3 * SCNHSZ;
scnh[DS].s_scnptr = FILHSZ + AOUTHSZ + 3 * SCNHSZ + textsize;
scnh[BS].s_scnptr = 0L; /* always 0 for .bss section */
for (scn=TS; scn<=BS; scn++) {
scnh[scn].s_relptr = 0L; /* no relocation */
scnh[scn].s_lnnoptr = 0L; /* no line numbers */
scnh[scn].s_nreloc = 0; /* no relocation */
scnh[scn].s_nlnno = 0; /* no line numbers */
scnh[TS].s_flags = STYP_TEXT;
scnh[DS].s_flags = STYP_DATA;
scnh[BS].s_flags = STYP_BSS;
/* now write the new file headers */
ffwrite(&filh, FILHSZ, 1);
ffwrite(&aouth, AOUTHSZ, 1);
ffwrite(scnh, SCNHSZ, 3); /* write all three section headers */
emits(&outsect[TEXTSG]) ;
emits(&outsect[ROMSG]) ;
emits(&outsect[DATASG]) ;
if ( outputfile_created ) chmod(argv[2],0755);
return 0;
ffwrite(ptr, size, nitems)
char *ptr;
writef(ptr, size, nitems);
if (ferror(output))
fatal("output write error\n");
* Transfer the emitted bytes from one file to another.
emits(section) struct outsect *section ; {
register long n ;
register int blk;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
n= section->os_flen ;
while (n > 0) {
blk = n > BUFSIZ ? BUFSIZ : n;
readf(buffer, 1, blk);
writef(buffer, 1, blk);
n -= blk;
if ((n=section->os_size - section->os_flen) > 0) {
fseek(output, n-1, 1);
rhead(f,head) struct outhead *head ; FILE *f ; {
char buf[SZ_HEAD] ;
if ( fread(buf,SZ_HEAD,1,f)!=1 ) return 0 ;
iconvert(buf,(char *)head,SF_HEAD) ;
return 1 ;
rsect(f,sect) struct outsect *sect ; FILE *f ; {
char buf[SZ_SECT] ;
if ( fread(buf,SZ_SECT,1,f)!=1 ) return 0 ;
iconvert(buf,(char *)sect,SF_SECT) ;
return 1 ;
iconvert(buf,str,fmt) char *buf, *str, *fmt ; {
register char *nf, *ni, *no ;
int last, i ;
long value ;
ni=buf ; no=str ; nf=fmt ;
while ( last = *nf++ ) {
last -= '0' ;
if ( last<1 || last >9 ) fatal("illegal out.h format string\n");
value=0 ;
i=last ;
while ( i-- ) {
value = (value<<8) + (ni[i]&0xFF) ;
switch ( last ) {
case 0 : break ;
case 1 : *no= value ; break ;
case 2 : *(unsigned short *)no = value ; break ;
case 4 : *(long *)no = value ; break ;
default :
fatal("illegal out.h format string\n");
ni += last ; no += last ;
/* VARARGS1 */
fatal(s, a1, a2)
char *s;
fprintf(stderr,"%s: ",program) ;
fprintf(stderr, s, a1, a2);
if (outputfile_created)