This is the result of the merging of 2.5 with, with some
minor fixes.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 131 additions and 47 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <em_spec.h>
#include <em_pseu.h>
#include <em_mnem.h>
#include <em_mes.h>
#include <em_mnem.h>
#include <em_mes.h>
#include <em_reg.h>
#include <pc_size.h>
#include <pc_size.h>
(c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{#define STANDARD 1}
{if next line is included, the compiler won't generate static exchanges}
#define NO_EXC 1
{#define NO_EXC 1}
{Author: Johan Stevenson Version: 32}
{$l- : no source line numbers}
@ -43,8 +43,17 @@ program pem(input,output,em,errors);
"Description of a machine architecture for use with
block structured languages" Informatika rapport 81.
NOTE: this version is modified to produce the modified EM code of
januari 1981. it is not possible, using this compiler, to generate
code for machines with 1 or 4 byte wordsize.
januari 1981. it is not possible, using this compiler, to
generate code for machines with 1 byte wordsize.
NOTE: this version is modified by Kees Visser in such a way that
the compiler can now run on 2 and 4 byte machines. It is also
able to generate em-code for a 2 bytes machine while running
on a 4-bytes machine. Cross-compilation from a 2 bytes to a
four bytes machine is also possible with the following
exception: large integers that don't fit in an integer of
the compiler are treated like longs and are thus not allowed
in types.
A description of Pascal is given in
- K.Jensen & N.Wirth, "PASCAL user manual and report", Springer-Verlag.
Several options may be given in the normal pascal way. Moreover,
@ -52,7 +61,8 @@ program pem(input,output,em,errors);
a: interpret assertions (+)
c: C-type strings allowed (-)
d: type long may be used (-)
i: controls the number of bits in integer sets (16)
i: controls the number of elements in integer sets
default: (wordsize in bits)
l: insert code to keep track of source lines (+)
o: optimize (+)
r: check subranges (+)
@ -67,14 +77,38 @@ label 9999;
{fundamental constants}
MB1 = 7; MB2 = 15; {MB4 = 31}
NB1 = 8; NB2 = 16; {NB4 = 32}
MB1 = 7;
NB1 = 8;
MI2 = 32767;
MU1 = 255;
NU1 = 256;
MI1 = 127; MI2 = 32767; {MI4 = 2147483647}
NI1 = 128; {NI2 = 32768} {NI4 = 2147483648}
{string constants}
imax = 10;
max2bytes = '0000032767';
max4bytes = '2147483647';
wordsize = EM_WSIZE;
MU1 = 255; {MU2 = 65535} {MU4 = 4294967295}
NU1 = 256; {NU2 = 65536} {NU4 = 4294967296}
#if EM_WSIZE == 4
{this can only be compiled with a compiler that has integer size 4}
MU2 = 65535;
NU2 = 65536;
{characteristics of the machine on which the compiler will run}
{wordsize and integer size are 4}
MI = 2147483647;
maxcompintstring = max4bytes;
#if EM_WSIZE == 2
MU2 = 0; {not used}
NU2 = 0; {not used}
MI = MI2;
maxcompintstring = max2bytes;
#if EM_WSIZE != 2 && EM_WSIZE != 4
Something wrong here!
{maximal indices}
idmax = 8;
@ -361,6 +395,7 @@ var {the most frequent used externals are declared first}
fa:attr; {attr for current file name}
sizes:array[0 .. sz_last] of integer;
maxintstring,maxlongstring:packed array[1..imax] of char;
strbuf:array[1..smax] of char;
rw:array[rwrange] of idarr;
{reserved words}
@ -506,15 +541,27 @@ begin
put1(i1); put1(i2)
procedure put4(i:integer);
var i1,i2:integer;
if i<0 then
begin i:=-(i+1); i1:=MU2 - i mod NU2; i2:=MU2 - i div NU2 end
begin i1:=i mod NU2; i2:=i div NU2 end;
put1(i1 mod NU1); put1(i1 div NU1);
put1(i2 mod NU1); put1(i2 div NU1)
procedure argend;
begin put1(sp_cend) end;
procedure argcst(i:integer);
if (i >= -sp_zcst0) and (i < sp_ncst0-sp_zcst0) then
put1(i + sp_zcst0 + sp_fcst0)
begin put1(sp_cst2); put2(i) end
put1(i + sp_zcst0 + sp_fcst0)
else if (i >= -MI2-1) and (i <= MI2) then
begin put1(sp_cst2); put2(i) end
else begin put1(sp_cst4); put4(i) end
procedure argnil;
@ -850,7 +897,8 @@ begin if formof(a.asp,[arrays..records]) then loadaddr else load end;
procedure nextch;
eol:=eoln(input); read(input,ch); srcchno:=srcchno+1; chsy:=cs[ch];
eol:=eoln(input); read(input,ch); chsy:=cs[ch];
if chsy <> tabch then srcchno:=srcchno+1
procedure nextln;
@ -934,9 +982,6 @@ end;
procedure innumber;
label 1;
const imax = 10;
maxintstring = '0000032767';
maxlongstring = '2147483647';
var i,j:integer;
is:packed array[1..imax] of char;
begin ix:=0; sy:=intcst; val:=0;
@ -964,7 +1009,7 @@ begin ix:=0; sy:=intcst; val:=0;
if ix>imax then error(+08) else
begin is:='0000000000'; i:=ix; j:=imax;
repeat is[j]:=strbuf[i]; j:=j-1; i:=i-1 until i=0;
if is<=maxintstring then
if (is<=maxintstring) and (is<=maxcompintstring) then
repeat j:=j+1; val:=val*10 - ord('0') + ord(is[j]) until j=imax
else if (is<=maxlongstring) and (dopt<>off) then
begin sy:=longcst; val:=romstr(sp_icon,sz_long) end
@ -1307,7 +1352,8 @@ end;
function posaddr(var lb:integer; fsp:sp; partword:boolean):integer;
var sz:integer;
begin sz:=sizeof(fsp,partword);
if lb >= MI2-sz then begin error(+016); lb:=0 end;
if sz_int = 2 then
if lb >= MI2-sz-sz_word then begin error(+016); lb:=0 end;
if not partword or (sz>=sz_word) then
while lb mod sz_word <> 0 do lb:=lb+1;
@ -1318,7 +1364,8 @@ function negaddr(fsp:sp):integer;
var sz:integer;
begin with b do begin
if reglb <= -MI2+sz then begin error(+017); reglb:=0 end;
if sz_int = 2 then
if reglb <= -MI2+sz+sz_word then begin error(+017); reglb:=0 end;
while reglb mod sz_word <> 0 do reglb:=reglb-1;
if reglb < minlb then minlb:=reglb;
@ -1332,7 +1379,10 @@ end;
procedure genhol;
begin gencst(ps_hol,posaddr(holeb,nil,false));
argcst(-MI2-1); argcst(0); level:=1
if sz_word = 4 then begin put1(sp_cst4); put1(0); put1(0); end
else put1(sp_cst2);
put1(0); put1(128); { 1000000000000000 pattern}
argcst(0); level:=1
function arraysize(fsp:sp; pack:boolean):integer;
@ -1715,8 +1765,9 @@ begin fwptr:=nil; intypedec:=true;
nextif(semicolon,+093); enterid(lip);
until not find2([ident],fsys,+094);
assert sy<>ident;
while fwptr<>nil do
begin assert sy<>ident;
id:=fwptr^.name; lip:=searchid([types]);
fwptr^.idtype^.eltype:=lip^.idtype; fwptr:=fwptr^.next
@ -1725,7 +1776,7 @@ end;
procedure vardeclaration(fsys:sos);
var lip,hip,vip:ip; lsp:sp;
begin with b do begin
repeat hip:=nil; lip:=nil;
repeat vip:=newident(vars,nil,nil,+095);
if vip<>nil then
@ -1745,7 +1796,7 @@ begin with b do begin
until not find2([ident],fsys,+0100);
end end;
procedure pfhead(fsys:sos;var fip:ip;var again:boolean;param:boolean);
@ -2361,21 +2412,41 @@ procedure buildset(fsys:sos);
- expr..expr very difficult to implement on most machines
- this construct makes it hard to implement sets of different size
const ncsw = 16; {tunable}
type wordset = set of 0..MB2;
const ncsb = 32; {tunable}
type byteset = set of 0..MB1;
var i,j,val1,val2,ncst,l1,l2,sz:integer;
cstpart:array[1..ncsw] of wordset;
cstpart:array[1..ncsb] of byteset;
procedure genwordset(s:wordset);
procedure genconstset(sz:integer);
{level 2: << buildset}
var b,i,w:integer;
begin i:=0; w:=0; b:=-1;
var i,j:integer;
function setcode(s:byteset):byte;
{level 3: << buildset}
var b,i,w:byte;
begin i:=0; w:=0; b:=1;
for i:=0 to MB1 do
begin if i in s then w:=w+b; b:=b+b end;
setcode := w;
if i in s then w:=w-b; b:=b+b; i:=i+1
until i=MB2;
if i in s then w:=w+b;
genop(op_loc); j:=i; i:=i-sz_word;
{the bytes of the next word to be loaded on the stack}
{are in cstpart[i+1] .. cstpart[j]}
while (cstpart[j] = []) and (j > i+1) do j:=j-1;
if j = i+1 then argcst(setcode(cstpart[j]))
if j = i+2 then put1(sp_cst2)
else begin j:=i+4; put1(sp_cst4) end;
for j:=i+1 to j do put1(setcode(cstpart[j]))
until i = 0;
procedure setexpr(fsys:sos; var c:boolean; var v:integer);
@ -2396,14 +2467,14 @@ begin with a do begin c:=false; v:=0; lsp:=asp;
if asp<>nil then if ak=cst then
if (<0) or ( div NB1>=sizeof(lsp,wordmult)) then
else if sz<=ncsw*sz_word then
else if sz<=ncsb*sz_byte then
begin c:=true; end;
if not c then load; asp:=lsp
end end;
begin with a do begin {buildset}
varpart:=false; ncst:=0; asp:=nullset;
for i:=1 to ncsw do cstpart[i]:=[];
for i:=1 to ncsb do cstpart[i]:=[];
if find2([notsy..lparent],fsys,+0189) then
repeat l1:=newmark;
setexpr(fsys+[colon2,comma],cst1,val1); cst12:=cst1;
@ -2426,8 +2497,8 @@ begin with a do begin {buildset}
if cst12 then val2:=val1 else genasp(op_set);
if cst12 then
for i:=val1 to val2 do
begin j:=i div NB2 + 1; ncst:=ncst+1;
cstpart[j]:=cstpart[j] + [i mod NB2]
begin j:=i div NB1 + 1; ncst:=ncst+1;
cstpart[j]:=cstpart[j] + [i mod NB1]
if varpart then genasp(op_ior) else varpart:=true;
@ -2436,8 +2507,7 @@ begin with a do begin {buildset}
if ncst>0 then
for i:=sizeof(asp,wordmult) div sz_word downto 1 do
if varpart then genasp(op_ior);
@ -2655,7 +2725,7 @@ begin
if not formof(la.asp,[arrays..records]) then store else
begin loadaddr;
if la.asp^.form<>carray then genasp(op_blm) else
begin descraddr(la.asp^.arpos); gensp(ASZ,2*sz_addr);
begin descraddr(la.asp^.arpos); gensp(ASZ,sz_addr);
gencst(op_lfr,sz_word); gencst(op_bls,sz_word)
@ -2724,7 +2794,7 @@ begin with b do begin
expression(fsys+[ofsy,semicolon,ident..plussy]); lsp:=a.asp; load;
if not nicescalar(desub(lsp)) then begin error(+0223); lsp:=nil end;
l0:=newmark; ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb1:=ilbno;
nextif(ofsy,+0224); head:=nil; max:=-MI2; min:=MI2; n:=0;
nextif(ofsy,+0224); head:=nil; max:=-MI; min:=MI; n:=0;
repeat ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb2:=ilbno; {label of current case}
repeat i:=cstinteger(fsys+[comma,colon1,semicolon],lsp,+0225);
if i>max then max:=i; if i<min then min:=i; n:=n+1;
@ -3201,8 +3271,13 @@ end;
procedure init3;
var n:np; p,q:ip; i:integer; c:char;
is:packed array[1..imax] of char;
for i:=0 to sz_last do readln(errors,sizes[i]);
if sz_int = 2 then maxintstring := max2bytes
else maxintstring := max4bytes;
if sz_long = 2 then maxlongstring := max2bytes
else maxlongstring := max4bytes;
gencst(ps_mes,ms_emx); argcst(sz_word); argcst(sz_addr); argend;
while not eoln(errors) do
@ -3234,7 +3309,16 @@ begin
q:=nil; p:=newip(konst,'false ',boolptr,q); enterid(p);
q:=p; p:=newip(konst,'true ',boolptr,q); p^.value:=1; enterid(p);
p:=newip(konst,'maxint ',intptr,nil); p^.value:=MI2; enterid(p);
{maxint of the target machine}
p:=newip(konst,'maxint ',intptr,nil);
if sz_int = 2 then p^.value:=MI2
else if wordsize = 4 then p^.value := MI
else {wordsize = 2, sz_int = 4}
begin p^.idtype:=longptr; ix:=imax; is:=max4bytes;
for i:=1 to ix do strbuf[i]:=is[i];
p:=newip(konst,spaces,charptr,nil); p^.value:=maxcharord;
{new name space for user externals}
@ -3252,7 +3336,7 @@ end;
procedure init4;
dopt:=opt['d']; if wordsize < sz_int then dopt:=on;
if sopt<>off then begin copt:=off; dopt:=off end
Reference in a new issue