I need this so I can add more %token lines to mach/powerpc/as/mach2.c
The assembler's tempfile encoded each token in a byte. This only
worked with tokens 0 to 127 and 256 and 383. If a token 384 or higher
existed, the assembler stopped working. I need tokens 384 and higher.
I change the token encoding to a 2-byte little-endian integer. I also
change a byte in the string encoding.
See issue #1 (https://github.com/davidgiven/ack/issues/1). The file
mach/proto/as/comm2.y goes through cpp twice. The _include macro,
defined in comm2.y and used in comm0.h, delays the inclusion of system
header files. The inclusion of <stdint.h> wasn't delayed. This
caused multiple inclusions of <sys/_types.h> in FreeBSD and
<machine/_types.h> in OpenBSD.
Use _include to delay <stdint.h>. Also use _include for "arch.h" and
"out.h", because h/out.h includes <stdint.h> and h/arch.h might
include it in the future.
Sort the system includes in comm0.h by moving them up to be with
<stdint.h>. Must include <stdint.h> before "mach0.c", because
mach/powerpc/as/mach0.c needs it. Must include "mach0.c" before
checking ASLD.
In my OpenBSD/amd64 system, the code becomes
if (0)
outname.on_valu &= ~(((0xFFFFFFFF)<<32)<<32);
The 0xFFFFFFFF is a 32-bit int, so the left shift by 32 is out of
range and causes the gcc warning.
The intent might be to clear any sign-extended bits, if the assignment
outname.on_valu = valu did sign extension. Old C had no unsigned
long, so .on_valu would have been long. The code is obsolete because
h/out.h now declares .on_valu as uint32_t.
possible values. Add the PowerPC ncg and mcg backend support to let the test
actually run, including modifying a bunch of PowrePC libem functions so that
they can be called from both ncg and mcg.
corresponding invocation in the ncg table so the same helpers can be used for
both mcg and ncg. Add a new IR opcode, FARJUMP, which jumps to a helper
function but saves volatile registers.
occasionally the first hop of a block would try to rearrange its registers (due
to evicted throughs), resulting in the phi moves copying values into the wrong
register 'type'; now use int/float/long/double throughout to identify
registers. Lots of register allocator tweaks and table bugfixes --- we now get
through the dreading Mathlib.mod!