include("plat/build.lua") local conly = { rpi = true } local softfp = { cpm = true, } local sourcefiles = filenamesof( "./hilo.b", "./hilo.bas", "./hilo.c", "./hilo.mod", "./hilo.p", "./mandelbrot.c", "./paranoia.c", "./startrek.c" ) local usesfp = { ["mandelbrot.c"] = true, ["startrek.c"] = true, } local installmap = {} for _, file in ipairs(sourcefiles) do local b = basename(file) local be = replace(b, "%.", "_") local _, _, e = b:find("%.(%w*)$") for _, plat in ipairs(vars.plats) do local flags = {} if softfp[plat] and usesfp[b] then flags[#flags+1] = "-fp" end if (e == "c") or not conly[plat] then local exe = ackprogram { name = be.."_"..plat, srcs = { file }, vars = { plat = plat, lang = e, ["+ackldflags"] = flags, } } installmap["$(PLATIND)/examples/""."..plat] = exe end end installmap["$(PLATIND)/examples/"..b] = file end installable { name = "pkg", map = installmap }