DEFINITION MODULE CSP; (* Module: Communicating Sequential Processes From: "A Modula-2 Implementation of CSP", M. Collado, R. Morales, J.J. Moreno, SIGPlan Notices, Volume 22, Number 6, June 1987. Version: $Id$ See this article for an explanation of the use of this module. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE; TYPE Channel; PROCEDURE COBEGIN; (* Beginning of a COBEGIN .. COEND structure *) PROCEDURE COEND; (* End of a COBEGIN .. COEND structure *) PROCEDURE StartProcess(P: PROC); (* Start an anonimous process that executes the procedure P *) PROCEDURE StopProcess; (* Terminate a Process (itself) *) PROCEDURE InitChannel(VAR ch: Channel); (* Initialize the channel ch *) PROCEDURE GetChannel(ch: Channel); (* Assign the channel ch to the process that gets it *) PROCEDURE Send(data: ARRAY OF BYTE; VAR ch: Channel); (* Send a message with the data to the cvhannel ch *) PROCEDURE Receive(VAR ch: Channel; VAR dest: ARRAY OF BYTE); (* Receive a message from the channel ch into the dest variable *) PROCEDURE SELECT(n: CARDINAL); (* Beginning of a SELECT structure with n guards *) PROCEDURE NEXTGUARD(): CARDINAL; (* Returns an index to the next guard to be evaluated in a SELECT *) PROCEDURE GUARD(cond: BOOLEAN; ch: Channel; VAR dest: ARRAY OF BYTE): BOOLEAN; (* Evaluates a guard, including reception management *) PROCEDURE ENDSELECT(): BOOLEAN; (* End of a SELECT structure *) END CSP.