/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #define RCSID3 "$Id$" /* * Mostek 6500 keywords */ {0, EXTENSION, 0, ".l"}, {0, EXTENSION, 8, ".h"}, {0, A, 0, "a"}, {0, X, 0, "x"}, {0, Y, 0, "y"}, {0, ADDOP, 0x60, "adc"}, {0, ADDOP, 0x20, "and"}, {0, ADDOP, 0xC0, "cmp"}, {0, ADDOP, 0x40, "eor"}, {0, ADDOP, 0xA0, "lda"}, {0, ADDOP, 0x00, "ora"}, {0, ADDOP, 0xE0, "sbc"}, {0, ADDOP, 0x80, "sta"}, {0, ROLOP, 0x00, "asl"}, {0, ROLOP, 0x40, "lsr"}, {0, ROLOP, 0x20, "rol"}, {0, ROLOP, 0x60, "ror"}, {0, BRAOP, 0x90, "bcc"}, {0, BRAOP, 0xB0, "bcs"}, {0, BRAOP, 0xF0, "beq"}, {0, BRAOP, 0x30, "bmi"}, {0, BRAOP, 0xD0, "bne"}, {0, BRAOP, 0x10, "bpl"}, {0, BRAOP, 0x50, "bvc"}, {0, BRAOP, 0x70, "bvs"}, {0, BITOP, 0x24, "bit"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x00, "brk"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x18, "clc"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xD8, "cld"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x58, "cli"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xB8, "clv"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xCA, "dex"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x88, "dey"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xE8, "inx"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xC8, "iny"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xEA, "nop"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x48, "pha"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x08, "php"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x68, "pla"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x28, "plp"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x40, "rti"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x60, "rts"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x38, "sec"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xF8, "sed"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x78, "sei"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xAA, "tax"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xA8, "tay"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x98, "tya"}, {0, NOPOP, 0xBA, "tsx"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x8A, "txa"}, {0, NOPOP, 0x9A, "txs"}, {0, CPXOP, 0xE0, "cpx"}, {0, CPXOP, 0xC0, "cpy"}, {0, INCOP, 0xC0, "dec"}, {0, INCOP, 0xE0, "inc"}, {0, JMPOP, 0x4C, "jmp"}, {0, JSROP, 0x20, "jsr"}, {0, LDXOP, 0xA0, "ldx"}, {0, LDYOP, 0xA0, "ldy"}, {0, STXOP, 0x80, "stx"}, {0, STYOP, 0x80, "sty"}, {0, PSEU, 0x1860, "add"}, {0, PSEU, 0x38E0, "sub"},