#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #define logf(args...) while (0) //#define logf(args...) printf(args) struct file { struct file* prev; struct file* next; cpm_filename_t filename; int fd; int flags; }; #define NUM_FILES 16 static struct file files[NUM_FILES]; static struct file* firstfile; #define NUM_DRIVES 16 static int drives[NUM_DRIVES]; static cpm_filename_t currentpattern; static int currentsearchdrivefd; static DIR* currentdir; void files_init(void) { int i; for (i=0; iprev = NULL; else f->prev = &files[i-1]; if (i == (NUM_FILES-1)) f->next = NULL; else f->next = &files[i+1]; memset(&f->filename.bytes, ' ', 11); f->filename.drive = 0; f->fd = -1; f->flags = 0; } firstfile = &files[0]; } void file_set_drive(int drive, const char* path) { if ((drive < 0) || (drive >= NUM_DRIVES)) fatal("bad drive letter"); if (drives[drive] != -1) close(drives[drive]); drives[drive] = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (drives[drive] == -1) fatal("could not open '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); struct stat st; fstat(drives[drive], &st); if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) fatal("could not open '%s': not a directory", path); logf("[drive %c now pointing at %s (fd %d)]\n", drive+'A', path, drives[drive]); } static void bump(struct file* f) { // logf("[bumping file %d to front]\n", f-files); if (f != firstfile) { /* Remove from list. */ if (f->prev) f->prev->next = f->next; if (f->next) f->next->prev = f->prev; /* Reinsert at head of list. */ firstfile->prev = f; f->prev = NULL; f->next = firstfile; firstfile = f; } // logf("[first file is %d]\n", firstfile-files); // for (int i=0; ifilename.drive, f->filename.bytes, f->fd, // f->prev ? (f->prev - files) : -1, // f->next ? (f->next - files) : -1); // } } static void cpm_filename_to_unix(cpm_filename_t* cpmfilename, char* unixfilename) { int i; char* pin = cpmfilename->bytes; char* pout = unixfilename; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { char c = *pin++; if (c != ' ') *pout++ = tolower(c); } *pout++ = '.'; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { char c = *pin++; if (c != ' ') *pout++ = tolower(c); } if (pout[-1] == '.') pout--; *pout = '\0'; } static bool unix_filename_to_cpm(const char* unixfilename, cpm_filename_t* cpmfilename) { const char* pin = unixfilename; memset(cpmfilename, ' ', sizeof(cpm_filename_t)); char* pout = &cpmfilename->bytes[0]; int count = 0; int maxcount = 8; for (;;) { char c = *pin++; if ((c == '.') && (maxcount == 8)) { maxcount = 3; count = 0; pout = &cpmfilename->bytes[8]; } else if (c == '\0') break; else if (count == maxcount) return false; else if (isupper(c)) return false; else { *pout++ = toupper(c); count++; } } return true; } static bool match_filenames(cpm_filename_t* pattern, cpm_filename_t* filename) { int i; if (pattern->drive != filename->drive) return false; for (i=0; ibytes); i++) { char p = pattern->bytes[i]; if (p == '?') continue; if (p != filename->bytes[i]) return false; } return true; } static int get_drive_fd(cpm_filename_t* filename) { int drive = filename->drive - 1; if ((drive < 0) || (drive >= NUM_DRIVES)) { logf("[reference to bad drive %c]\n", drive + 'A'); return -1; } int drivefd = drives[drive]; if (drivefd == -1) { logf("[reference to undefined drive %c]\n", drive + 'A'); return -1; } logf("[selecting drive %c on fd %d]\n", drive + 'A', drivefd); return drivefd; } static void reopen(struct file* f, int flags) { if ((f->fd == -1) || ((f->flags == O_RDONLY) && (flags == O_RDWR))) { char unixfilename[13]; cpm_filename_to_unix(&f->filename, unixfilename); if (f->fd != -1) { logf("[reopening actual file '%s' on %d with different flags]\n", unixfilename, f->fd); close(f->fd); } int drivefd = get_drive_fd(&f->filename); if (drivefd == -1) return; f->flags = flags & O_ACCMODE; errno = 0; f->fd = openat(drivefd, unixfilename, flags, 0666); logf("[opened actual file '%s' to fd %d: %s]\n", unixfilename, f->fd, strerror(errno)); } } static struct file* find_file(cpm_filename_t* filename) { struct file* f = firstfile; for (;;) { if (memcmp(filename, &f->filename, sizeof(cpm_filename_t)) == 0) break; if (f->next) f = f->next; else { logf("[allocating file %d for '%.11s']\n", f-files, filename->bytes); bump(f); if (f->fd != -1) { logf("[closing old file %d for '%.11s']\n", f-files, f->filename.bytes); close(f->fd); } f->fd = -1; f->filename = *filename; f->flags = 0; break; } } return f; } struct file* file_open(cpm_filename_t* filename) { struct file* f = find_file(filename); reopen(f, O_RDONLY); if (f->fd == -1) return NULL; return f; } struct file* file_create(cpm_filename_t* filename) { struct file* f = find_file(filename); logf("[creating file %d for '%.11s']\n", f-files, f->filename.bytes); reopen(f, O_RDWR | O_CREAT); if (f->fd == -1) return NULL; return f; } int file_close(cpm_filename_t* filename) { struct file* f = find_file(filename); logf("[explicitly closing file %d for '%.11s']\n", f-files, f->filename.bytes); if (f->fd != -1) { logf("[closing file descriptor %d]\n", f->fd); close(f->fd); } memset(&f->filename.bytes, ' ', 11); f->fd = -1; f->flags = 0; return 0; } int file_read(struct file* f, uint8_t* data, uint16_t record) { reopen(f, O_RDONLY); logf("[read record %04x from file %d for '%.11s']\n", record, f-files, f->filename.bytes); bump(f); memset(data, '\0', 128); return pread(f->fd, data, 128, record*128); } int file_write(struct file* f, uint8_t* data, uint16_t record) { reopen(f, O_RDWR); logf("[write record %04x from file %d for '%.11s']\n", record, f-files, f->filename.bytes); bump(f); return pwrite(f->fd, data, 128, record*128); } int file_getrecordcount(struct file* f) { reopen(f, O_RDONLY); struct stat st; fstat(f->fd, &st); return (st.st_size + 127) >> 7; } void file_setrecordcount(struct file* f, int count) { reopen(f, O_RDONLY); if (count != file_getrecordcount(f)) { logf("[truncating file %d to %d records]\n", f-files, count); reopen(f, O_RDWR); ftruncate(f->fd, count*128); } } int file_findfirst(cpm_filename_t* pattern) { if (currentdir) { closedir(currentdir); currentdir = NULL; } currentpattern = *pattern; logf("[reset search; current find pattern is '%.11s']\n", currentpattern.bytes); currentsearchdrivefd = get_drive_fd(pattern); if (currentsearchdrivefd == -1) return 0; currentdir = fdopendir(dup(currentsearchdrivefd)); if (currentdir) { rewinddir(currentdir); return 0; } return -1; } int file_findnext(cpm_filename_t* result) { for (;;) { if (!currentdir) return -1; struct dirent* de = readdir(currentdir); if (!de) { closedir(currentdir); currentdir = NULL; logf("[finished search]\n"); return -1; } struct stat st; if ((fstatat(currentsearchdrivefd, de->d_name, &st, 0) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && unix_filename_to_cpm(de->d_name, result)) { result->drive = currentpattern.drive; logf("[compare '%.11s' with pattern '%.11s']\n", result->bytes, currentpattern.bytes); if (match_filenames(¤tpattern, result)) { logf("[positive match]\n"); return 0; } } } } int file_delete(cpm_filename_t* pattern) { logf("[attempting to delete pattern '%.11s' on drive %c]\n", pattern->bytes, '@'+pattern->drive); int drivefd = get_drive_fd(pattern); DIR* dir = fdopendir(dup(drivefd)); if (!dir) return -1; rewinddir(dir); int result = -1; for (;;) { struct dirent* de = readdir(dir); if (!de) break; struct stat st; cpm_filename_t candidate; if ((fstatat(drivefd, de->d_name, &st, 0) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && unix_filename_to_cpm(de->d_name, &candidate)) { candidate.drive = pattern->drive; logf("[compare '%.11s' with pattern '%.11s']\n", candidate.bytes, pattern->bytes); if (match_filenames(pattern, &candidate)) { logf("[positive match, deleting]\n"); unlinkat(drivefd, de->d_name, 0); result = 0; } } } closedir(dir); return result; } int file_rename(cpm_filename_t* src, cpm_filename_t* dest) { logf("[renaming %.11s to %.11s on drive %c]\n", src->bytes, dest->bytes, '@'+src->drive); char srcunixfilename[13]; cpm_filename_to_unix(src, srcunixfilename); char destunixfilename[13]; cpm_filename_to_unix(dest, destunixfilename); int drivefd = get_drive_fd(src); return renameat(drivefd, srcunixfilename, drivefd, destunixfilename); }