The Intermediate Code and the IC phase
In this chapter the intermediate code of the EM global optimizer
will be defined.
The 'Intermediate Code construction' phase (IC),
which builds the initial intermediate code from
EM Compact Assembly Language,
will be described.
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The EM global optimizer is a multi pass program,
hence there is a need for an intermediate code.
Usually, programs in the Amsterdam Compiler Kit use the
Compact Assembly Language format
keizer architecture
.], section 11.2]
for this purpose.
Although this code has some convenient features,
such as being compact,
it is quite unsuitable in our case,
because of a number of reasons.
At first, the code lacks global information
about whole procedures or whole basic blocks.
Second, it uses identifiers ('names') to bind
defining and applied occurrences of
procedures, data labels and instruction labels.
Although this is usual in high level programming
languages, it is awkward in an intermediate code
that must be read many times.
Each pass of the optimizer would have
to incorporate an identifier look-up mechanism
to associate a defining occurrence with each
applied occurrence of an identifier.
Finally, EM programs are used to declare blocks of bytes,
rather than variables. A 'hol 6' instruction may be used to
declare three 2-byte variables.
Clearly, the optimizer wants to deal with variables, and
not with rows of bytes.
To overcome these problems, we have developed a new
intermediate code.
This code does not merely consist of the EM instructions,
but also contains global information in the
form of tables and graphs.
Before describing the intermediate code we will
first leap aside to outline
the problems one generally encounters
when trying to store complex data structures such as
graphs outside the program, i.e. in a file.
We trust this will enhance the
comprehensibility of the
intermediate code definition and the design and implementation
of the IC phase.