# ! $Source$ ! $State$ ! $Revision$ ! Declare segments (the order is important). .sect .text .sect .rom .sect .data .sect .bss .sect .text .use16 exe_header: .data2 0x5a4d ! magic number .data2 exe_last_page ! number of bytes in last loadable page .data2 exe_text_pages ! size of .exe, in pages .data2 0 ! number of relocation entries .data2 0 ! start of loadable area, in 16-byte paragraphs .data2 exe_ram_paras ! required RAM size, in 16-byte paragraphs .data2 exe_ram_paras ! maximum RAM siz, in 16-byte paragraphs .data2 0 ! initial SS, relative to program .data2 stack ! initial SP .data2 0 ! checksum (ignored) .data2 exe_start ! initial IP .data2 0 ! initial CS, relative to program .data2 0 ! offset of relocation table .data2 0 ! overlay number exe_start: ! On entry, DS=ES=PSP. Make DS=CS, so we're running in tiny mode. push cs pop ds mov (rseg), ds mov (pspseg), es ! Ensure that at least two handles are available by blindly closing some. mov bx, 19 ! close handle movb ah, 0x3e int 0x21 mov bx, 18 ! close handle movb ah, 0x3e int 0x21 ! Scan the environment to find the program name. eseg mov es, (0x2c) ! environment pointer segment from PSP xor di, di xorb al, al mov cx, 0xffff cld 1: repne scasb ! find end of next string eseg cmpb (di), 0 jnz 1b 2: add di, 3 mov si, di repne scasb ! es:si now points at the program name, and es:di at one past the end. mov cx, di sub cx, si sub sp, cx ! allocate space on stack mov di, sp ! es:si source, ds:di dest 1: eseg movb al, (si) inc si movb (di), al inc di cmpb al, 0 jnz 1b ! Open the file. (0x5f) mov dx, sp mov ax, 0x3d00 int 0x21 jc no_file mov (fh), ax add sp, cx ! don't need filename any more ! Get the file length (== text len). mov bx, ax mov ax, 0x4202 xor cx, cx ! high offset xor dx, dx ! low offset int 0x21 ! lseek mov (pmemlen+0), ax mov (pmemlen+2), dx ! Initialise DPMI. mov ax, 0x1687 int 0x2f or ax, ax jnz no_dpmi mov (pmode_switch+0), di ! write back PMODE switch routine mov (pmode_switch+2), es or si, si ! do we need a DPMI private area? jz 1f mov bx, si movb ah, 0x48 int 0x21 ! allocate memory from DOS mov es, ax ! data area segment -> es 1: ! Switch to protected mode. mov ax, 1 ! 32-bit app callf (pmode_switch) jc bad_dpmi ! We're now in protected mode. mov (psegcs), cs mov (psegds), ds ! Allocate space for the code segment. mov ax, 0x0000 mov cx, 1 int 0x31 ! allocate LDT jc bad_dpmi mov es, ax mov (psegcs32), ax mov cx, (pmemlen+0) mov bx, (pmemlen+2) mov ax, 0x0501 int 0x31 ! allocate linear address jc bad_dpmi mov (pmemhandle+0), di mov (pmemhandle+2), si mov dx, cx mov cx, bx mov bx, es mov ax, 0x0007 int 0x31 ! set segment base address jc bad_dpmi mov bx, es mov dx, (pmemlen+0) mov cx, (pmemlen+2) mov ax, 0x0008 int 0x31 ! set segment limit mov cx, cs and cx, 3 shl cx, 5 or cx, 0xc09b ! 32-bit, big, code, non-conforming, readable mov bx, es mov ax, 0x0009 int 0x31 ! set descriptor access rights ! Allocate the data segment (as a simple clone of the code segment). (10e) mov ax, 0x000a mov bx, es int 0x31 mov fs, ax mov (psegds32), ax mov cx, ax and cx, 3 shl cx, 5 or cx, 0xc093 ! 32-bit, big, data, r/w, expand-up mov bx, fs mov ax, 0x0009 int 0x31 ! set descriptor access rights ! Load the program. mov bx, (fh) mov ax, 0x4200 xor cx, cx ! high offset mov dx, text_top ! low offset int 0x21 ! lseek o32 xor edi, edi ! destination 32-bit register 1: movb ah, 0x3f mov bx, (fh) mov cx, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE mov dx, transfer_buffer o32 push edi call int21 ! read up to 32kB into transfer buffer o32 pop edi cmp ax, 0 je 2f o32 movzx ecx, ax ! number of bytes read o32 mov esi, transfer_buffer cld o32 rep movsb jmp 1b 2: ! Close the file. movb ah, 0x3e mov bx, (fh) int 0x21 ! close ! Jump to the new segment and enter 32-bit mode! o32 movzx eax, (psegcs) o32 movzx ebx, (psegds) o32 movzx ecx, (rseg) o32 mov edx, realloc o32 mov esi, interruptf o32 mov edi, transfer_buffer push es pop ds push es push 0 retf ! 19b ! Helper routine which reallocates the linear block that the 32-bit code ! is running from. This can't happen from inside the 32-bit code itself ! because it might move. ! ! On entry, ds and ss are ignored. On exit, ds is set to the 32-bit segment. ! eax: new block size realloc: cseg mov ds, (psegds) cli ! atomically switch stacks o32 mov (dpmi_ebp), esp ! yes, saving esp into the ebp field mov (dpmi_ss), ss mov ss, (psegds) mov sp, dosstack sti pusha o32 add eax, 1024*1024 - 1 o32 and eax, ~[1024*1024 - 1] o32 mov (pmemlen), eax mov cx, (pmemlen+0) mov bx, (pmemlen+2) mov di, (pmemhandle+0) mov si, (pmemhandle+2) mov ax, 0x0503 int 0x31 ! resize memory block jc bad_dpmi mov (pmemhandle+0), di mov (pmemhandle+2), si mov (pmemaddr+0), cx mov (pmemaddr+2), bx mov bx, (psegds32) mov dx, (pmemlen+0) mov cx, (pmemlen+2) mov ax, 0x0008 int 0x31 ! set ds segment limit jc bad_dpmi mov dx, (pmemaddr+0) mov cx, (pmemaddr+2) mov ax, 0x0007 int 0x31 ! set ds linear address jc bad_dpmi mov bx, (psegcs32) int 0x31 ! set cs linear address jc bad_dpmi popa o32 mov eax, (pmemlen) cli ! atomically switch stacks back mov ss, (dpmi_ss) o32 mov esp, (dpmi_ebp) mov ds, (psegds32) sti o32 retf bad_dpmi: mov si, bad_dpmi_msg jmp exit_with_error no_file: mov si, no_file_msg jmp exit_with_error no_dpmi: mov si, no_dpmi_msg ! fall through ! Displays the message in si and exits. ! This uses a loop because from protected mode any interrupt which ! takes a pointer parameter requires special treatment. exit_with_error: movb dl, (si) cmpb dl, 0 je 1f inc si movb ah, 2 int 0x21 ! print character jmp exit_with_error 1: mov ax, 0x4cff int 0x21 ! terminate with error code al ! Simulate DOS interrupt. int21: o32 or ebx, 0x210000 ! Simulate interrupt in the high half of ebx. interrupt: mov (dpmi_eax), ax mov (dpmi_ebx), bx mov (dpmi_ecx), cx mov (dpmi_edx), dx mov (dpmi_esi), si mov (dpmi_edi), di mov ax, (rseg) mov (dpmi_ds), ax mov (dpmi_ss), ax push es mov (dpmi_sp), dosstack ! auto stack is too small push ds pop es o32 mov edi, dpmi_edi mov ax, 0x300 o32 shr ebx, 16 int 0x31 ! simulate DOS interrupt pop es o32 movzx eax, (dpmi_eax) o32 movzx ebx, (dpmi_ebx) o32 movzx ecx, (dpmi_ecx) o32 movzx edx, (dpmi_edx) o32 movzx esi, (dpmi_esi) o32 movzx edi, (dpmi_edi) push (dpmi_flags) popf ret ! Far call wrapper around interrupt. interruptf: push ds cseg mov ds, (psegds) call interrupt pop ds o32 retf bad_dpmi_msg: .asciz "DPMI error during setup" no_file_msg: .asciz "Couldn't open .exe" no_dpmi_msg: .asciz "No DPMI host installed" .align 4 text_top: exe_text_pages = [text_top - exe_header + 511] / 512 exe_last_page = [text_top - exe_header] % 512 .sect .rom .sect .bss bss_start: dpmi_edi: .space 4 dpmi_esi: .space 4 dpmi_ebp: .space 4 .space 4 ! reserved dpmi_ebx: .space 4 dpmi_edx: .space 4 dpmi_ecx: .space 4 dpmi_eax: .space 4 dpmi_flags: .space 2 dpmi_es: .space 2 dpmi_ds: .space 2 dpmi_fs: .space 2 dpmi_gs: .space 2 dpmi_ip: .space 2 dpmi_cs: .space 2 dpmi_sp: .space 2 dpmi_ss: .space 2 pmode_switch: .space 4 rseg: .space 2 ! real mode pspseg: .space 2 ! real mode psegcs: .space 2 ! protected mode 16-bit code segment psegds: .space 2 ! protected mode 16-bit data segment psegcs32: .space 2 ! protected mode 32-bit code segment psegds32: .space 2 ! protected mode 32-bit data segment pmemaddr: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory address pmemhandle: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory handle pmemlen: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory length fh: .space 2 .space 512 stack: .space 512 dosstack: TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = 32*1024 transfer_buffer: .space TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE bss_top: exe_ram_paras = [bss_top - bss_start + 15] / 16 ! vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=asm