.sect .text; .sect .rom; .sect .data; .sect .bss
.define .ciu
.define .cui
.define .cuu

.sect .text
	pop     bx              ! return address
				! pop     cx, dest. size
				! pop     dx, source size
				! ax is low word of source
	cmp     dx,cx
	je      8f
	cmp     dx,2
	je      1f
	cmp     dx,4
	jne     9f
	cmp     cx,2
	jne     9f
	pop     dx
	jmp     bx
	cmp     cx,4
	jne     9f
	xor     dx,dx
	push    dx
	jmp     bx
	push    ax              ! to help debugging ?
.extern EILLINS
.extern .fat
	mov     ax,EILLINS
	push    ax
	jmp     .fat