 *	Include header for make
 *	$Header$

#ifndef uchar
#ifdef os9
#define uchar		char
#define void		int
#define fputc		putc
#define uchar		unsigned char

#define bool		int
#define time_t		long
#define TRUE		(1)
#define FALSE		(0)
#define max(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))

#define DEFN1		"makefile"		/*  Default names  */
#ifdef unix
#define DEFN2		"Makefile"
#ifdef eon
#define DEFN2		"Makefile"
/* os9 is case insensitive */

#define LZ		(2048)			/*  Line size  */

 *	A name.  This represents a file, either to be made, or existant

struct name
	struct name *		n_next;		/* Next in the list of names */
	char *			n_name;		/* Called */
	struct line *		n_line;		/* Dependencies */
	time_t			n_time;		/* Modify time of this name */
	uchar			n_flag;		/* Info about the name */

#define N_MARK		0x01			/* For cycle check */
#define N_DONE		0x02			/* Name looked at */
#define N_TARG		0x04			/* Name is a target */
#define N_PREC		0x08			/* Target is precious */
#define N_DOUBLE	0x10			/* Double colon target */

 *	Definition of a target line.
struct	line
	struct line *		l_next;		/* Next line (for ::) */
	struct depend *		l_dep;		/* Dependents for this line */
	struct cmd *		l_cmd;		/* Commands for this line */

 *	List of dependents for a line
struct	depend
	struct depend *		d_next;		/* Next dependent */
	struct name *		d_name;		/* Name of dependent */

 *	Commands for a line
struct	cmd
	struct cmd *		c_next;		/* Next command line */
	char *			c_cmd;		/* Command line */

 *	Macro storage
struct	macro
	struct macro *	m_next;		/* Next variable */
	char *		m_name;		/* Called ... */
	char *		m_val;		/* Its value */
	uchar		m_flag;		/* Infinite loop check */
	uchar		m_prio;		/* 5 levels:
					   - 0 for internal ($(CC), etc)
					   - 1 (reserved for environment)
					   - 2 for makefile
					   - 3 for command line
					   - 4 for special ($*,$<, etc)

extern char *		myname;
extern struct name	namehead;
extern struct macro *	macrohead;
extern struct name *	firstname;
extern bool		silent;
extern bool		ignore;
extern bool		rules;
extern bool		dotouch;
extern bool		quest;
extern bool		domake;
extern char		str1[];
extern char		str2[];
extern int		lineno;

char *			fgets();
char *			index();
char *			rindex();
char *			malloc();
char *			strcpy();
char *			strcat();
extern int		errno;

void			circh();
char *			getmacro();
struct macro *		setmacro();
void			input();
void			error();
void			expand();
void			fatal();
int			make();
void			modtime();
struct name *		newname();
struct depend *		newdep();
struct cmd *		newcmd();
void			newline();
void			prt();
char *			suffix();
void			touch();
void			makerules();
char *			gettok();
void			precious();