/* $Header$ */ /* Running a process and communication */ #include #include #include #include #include "ops.h" #include "message.h" #include "position.h" #include "tree.h" #include "file.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "idf.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" #include "expr.h" #define MAXARG 128 extern char *strncpy(); extern struct idf *str2idf(); extern char *AObj; extern FILE *db_out; extern int debug; extern long pointer_size; static int child_pid; /* process id of child */ static int to_child, from_child; /* file descriptors for communication */ static int child_status; static int restoring; static int fild1[2], fild2[2]; /* pipe file descriptors */ int db_ss; t_lineno currline, listline; static int catch_sigpipe(); static int stopped(); static int uputm(), ugetm(); static t_addr curr_stop; int init_run() { /* take file descriptors so that listing cannot take them */ int i; for (i = IN_FD; i <= OUT_FD; i++) close(i); if (pipe(fild1) < 0 || pipe(fild2) < 0 || fild1[0] != IN_FD || fild2[1] != OUT_FD) { return 0; } to_child = fild1[1]; from_child = fild2[0]; return 1; } int start_child(p) p_tree p; { /* start up the process to be debugged and set up communication */ char *argp[MAXARG]; /* argument list */ register p_tree pt = p->t_args[0], pt1; unsigned int nargs = 1; /* #args */ char *in_redirect = 0; /* standard input redirected */ char *out_redirect = 0; /* standard output redirected */ signal_child(SIGKILL); /* like families in China, this debugger is only allowed one child */ /* first check arguments and redirections and build argument list */ while (pt) { switch(pt->t_oper) { case OP_LINK: pt1 = pt->t_args[1]; pt = pt->t_args[0]; continue; case OP_NAME: if (nargs < (MAXARG-1)) { argp[nargs++] = pt->t_str; } else { error("too many arguments"); return 0; } break; case OP_INPUT: if (in_redirect) { error("input redirected twice?"); return 0; } in_redirect = pt->t_str; break; case OP_OUTPUT: if (out_redirect) { error("output redirected twice?"); return 0; } out_redirect = pt->t_str; break; } if (pt != pt1) pt = pt1; else break; } argp[0] = AObj; argp[nargs] = 0; /* create child process */ child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid < 0) { error("could not create child"); return 0; } if (child_pid == 0) { /* this is the child process */ close(fild1[1]); close(fild2[0]); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* I/O redirection */ if (in_redirect) { int fd; close(0); if ((fd = open(in_redirect, 0)) < 0 || (fd != 0 && dup2(fd, 0) < 0)) { error("could not open input file"); exit(1); } if (fd != 0) { close(fd); } } if (out_redirect) { int fd; close(1); if ((fd = creat(in_redirect, 0666)) < 0 || (fd != 1 && dup2(fd, 1) < 0)) { error("could not open output file"); exit(1); } if (fd != 1) { close(fd); } } /* and run process to be debugged */ execv(AObj, argp); error("could not exec %s", AObj); exit(1); } /* debugger */ close(fild1[0]); close(fild2[1]); pipe(fild1); /* to occupy file descriptors */ signal(SIGPIPE, catch_sigpipe); if (! wait_for_child((char *) 0)) { error("child not responding"); return 0; } do_items(); if (! restoring && ! item_addr_actions(curr_stop)) { send_cont(1); } else if (! restoring) { stopped("stopped", curr_stop); handle_displays(); } return 1; } int wait_for_child(s) char *s; /* to pass on to 'stopped' */ { struct message_hdr m; if (child_pid) { if (ugetm(&m)) { return stopped(s, (t_addr) m.m_size); } return 0; } return 1; } signal_child(sig) { if (child_pid) { kill(child_pid, sig); if (sig == SIGKILL) { wait(&child_status); init_run(); } } } static int catch_sigpipe() { child_pid = 0; } static int ureceive(p, c) char *p; long c; { int i; char buf[0x1000]; if (! child_pid) return 0; if (! p) p = buf; while (c >= 0x1000) { i = read(from_child, p, 0x1000); if (i <= 0) { if (i == 0) child_pid = 0; return 0; } if (p != buf) p += i; c -= i; } while (c > 0) { i = read(from_child, p, (int)c); if (i <= 0) { if (i == 0) child_pid = 0; return 0; } p += i; c -= i; } return c == 0; } static int usend(p, c) char *p; long c; { int i; while (c >= 0x1000) { i = write(to_child, p, 0x1000); if (i < 0) return 0; p += i; c -= i; } while (c > 0) { i = write(to_child, p, (int)c); if (i < 0) return 0; p += i; c -= i; } return 1; } static int ugetm(message) struct message_hdr *message; { if (! ureceive((char *) message, (long) sizeof(struct message_hdr))) { return 0; } if (debug) printf("Got %d\n", message->m_type); return 1; } static int uputm(message) struct message_hdr *message; { if (! usend((char *) message, (long) sizeof(struct message_hdr))) { return 0; } if (debug) printf("Sent %d\n", message->m_type); return 1; } static struct message_hdr answer; static int single_stepping; static int stopped(s, a) char *s; /* stop message */ t_addr a; /* address where stopped */ { p_position pos; if (s) { fprintf(db_out, "%s ", s); pos = print_position(a, 1); fputs("\n", db_out); list_position(pos); } curr_stop = a; return 1; } static int could_send(m, stop_message) struct message_hdr *m; { int type; t_addr a; for (;;) { if (child_pid) { if (! uputm(m) || ! ugetm(&answer)) { if (child_pid) { error("something wrong!"); return 1; } wait(&child_status); init_run(); if (child_status & 0177) { fprintf(db_out, "child died with signal %d\n", child_status & 0177); } else { fprintf(db_out, "child terminated, exit status %d\n", child_status >> 8); } return 1; } a = answer.m_size; type = answer.m_type; if (m->m_type & DB_RUN) { /* run command */ CurrentScope = get_scope_from_addr((t_addr) a); if (! item_addr_actions(a) && ( type == DB_SS || type == OK)) { /* no explicit breakpoints at this position. Also, child did not stop because of SETSS or SETSSF, otherwise we would have gotten END_SS. So, continue. */ if ((m->m_type & ~ DB_SS) != CONT) { m->m_type = CONT | (m->m_type & DB_SS); } continue; } if (type != END_SS && single_stepping) { m->m_type = CLRSS; uputm(m) && ugetm(&answer); } single_stepping = 0; } if (stop_message) { stopped("stopped", a); handle_displays(); } return 1; } return 0; } /*NOTREACHED*/ } int get_bytes(size, from, to) long size; t_addr from; char *to; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = GETBYTES; m.m_size = size; put_int(m.m_buf, pointer_size, (long)from); if (! could_send(&m, 0)) { return 0; } if (answer.m_type == FAIL) { return 0; } assert(answer.m_type == DATA && answer.m_size == m.m_size); return ureceive(to, answer.m_size); } int set_bytes(size, from, to) long size; char *from; t_addr to; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = SETBYTES; m.m_size = size; put_int(m.m_buf, pointer_size, (long) to); return uputm(&m) && usend(from, size) && ugetm(&m) && m.m_type != FAIL; } int get_dump(globmessage, globbuf, stackmessage, stackbuf) struct message_hdr *globmessage, *stackmessage; char **globbuf, **stackbuf; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = DUMP; if (! could_send(&m, 0)) { error("no debuggee"); return 0; } if (answer.m_type == FAIL) return 0; assert(answer.m_type == DGLOB); *globmessage = answer; *globbuf = malloc((unsigned) answer.m_size); if (! ureceive(*globbuf, answer.m_size) || ! ugetm(stackmessage)) { if (*globbuf) free(*globbuf); error("no debuggee"); return 0; } assert(stackmessage->m_type == DSTACK); *stackbuf = malloc((unsigned) stackmessage->m_size); if (! ureceive(*stackbuf, stackmessage->m_size)) { if (*globbuf) free(*globbuf); if (*stackbuf) free(*stackbuf); error("no debuggee"); return 0; } put_int(globmessage->m_buf+SP_OFF*pointer_size, pointer_size, get_int(stackmessage->m_buf+SP_OFF*pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED)); if (! *globbuf || ! *stackbuf) { error("could not allocate enough memory"); if (*globbuf) free(*globbuf); if (*stackbuf) free(*stackbuf); return 0; } return 1; } int put_dump(globmessage, globbuf, stackmessage, stackbuf) struct message_hdr *globmessage, *stackmessage; char *globbuf, *stackbuf; { struct message_hdr m; if (! child_pid) { restoring = 1; start_child(run_command); restoring = 0; } return uputm(globmessage) && usend(globbuf, globmessage->m_size) && uputm(stackmessage) && usend(stackbuf, stackmessage->m_size) && ugetm(&m) && stopped("restored", m.m_size); } t_addr * get_EM_regs(level) int level; { struct message_hdr m; static t_addr buf[5]; register t_addr *to = &buf[0]; m.m_type = GETEMREGS; m.m_size = level; if (! could_send(&m, 0)) { return 0; } if (answer.m_type == FAIL) return 0; *to++ = (t_addr) get_int(answer.m_buf, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); *to++ = (t_addr) get_int(answer.m_buf+pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); *to++ = (t_addr) get_int(answer.m_buf+2*pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); *to++ = (t_addr) get_int(answer.m_buf+3*pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); *to++ = (t_addr) get_int(answer.m_buf+4*pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); return buf; } int set_pc(PC) t_addr PC; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = SETEMREGS; m.m_size = 0; put_int(m.m_buf+PC_OFF*pointer_size, pointer_size, (long)PC); return could_send(&m, 0) && answer.m_type != FAIL; } int send_cont(stop_message) int stop_message; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = (CONT | (db_ss ? DB_SS : 0)); m.m_size = 0; return could_send(&m, stop_message) && answer.m_type != FAIL; } int do_single_step(type, count) int type; long count; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = type | (db_ss ? DB_SS : 0); m.m_size = count; single_stepping = 1; if (could_send(&m, 1) && answer.m_type != FAIL) { return 1; } single_stepping = 0; return 0; } int set_or_clear_breakpoint(a, type) t_addr a; int type; { struct message_hdr m; if (a == ILL_ADDR || a == NO_ADDR) return 0; m.m_type = type; m.m_size = a; if (debug) printf("%s breakpoint at 0x%lx\n", type == SETBP ? "setting" : "clearing", (long) a); if (! could_send(&m, 0)) { } return 1; } int set_or_clear_trace(start, end, type) t_addr start, end; int type; { struct message_hdr m; m.m_type = type; put_int(m.m_buf, pointer_size, (long)start); put_int(m.m_buf+pointer_size, pointer_size, (long)end); if (debug) printf("%s trace at [0x%lx,0x%lx]\n", type == SETTRACE ? "setting" : "clearing", (long) start, (long) end); if (! could_send(&m, 0)) { } return 1; }