1. When you see _Command?_ printed, enter one of the legal commands
   (nav, srs, lrs, pha, tor, she, dam, com, or xxx).

2. If you should type in an illegal command, you'll get a short list of
   the legal commands printed out.

3. Some commands require you to enter data (for example, the 'nav' command
   comes back with 'Course(1-9) ?'.) If you type in illegal data (like
   negative numbers), that command will be aborted.

  The galaxy is divided into an 8 X 8 quadrant grid, and each quadrant
is further divided into an 8 x 8 sector grid.

  You will be assigned a starting point somewhere in the galaxy to begin
a tour of duty as commander of the starship _Enterprise_; your mission:
to seek out and destroy the fleet of Klingon warships which are menacing
the United Federation of Planets.

  You have the following commands available to you as Captain of the Starship

\nav\ Command = Warp Engine Control --

  Course is in a circular numerical vector            4  3  2
  arrangement as shown. Integer and real               . . .
  values may be used. (Thus course 1.5 is               ...
  half-way between 1 and 2.                         5 ---*--- 1
  Values may approach 9.0, which itself is             . . .
  equivalent to 1.0.                                  6  7  8

  One warp factor is the size of one quadrant.        COURSE
  Therefore, to get from quadrant 6,5 to 5,5
  you would use course 3, warp factor 1.

\srs\ Command = Short Range Sensor Scan

  Shows you a scan of your present quadrant.

  Symbology on your sensor screen is as follows:
    <*> = Your starship's position
    +K+ = Klingon battlecruiser
    >!< = Federation starbase (Refuel/Repair/Re-Arm here)
     *  = Star

  A condensed 'Status Report' will also be presented.

\lrs\ Command = Long Range Sensor Scan

  Shows conditions in space for one quadrant on each side of the Enterprise
  (which is in the middle of the scan). The scan is coded in the form \###\
  where the units digit is the number of stars, the tens digit is the number
  of starbases, and the hundreds digit is the number of Klingons.

  Example - 207 = 2 Klingons, No Starbases, & 7 stars.

\pha\ Command = Phaser Control.

  Allows you to destroy the Klingon Battle Cruisers by zapping them with
  suitably large units of energy to deplete their shield power. (Remember,
  Klingons have phasers, too!)

\tor\ Command = Photon Torpedo Control

  Torpedo course is the same  as used in warp engine control. If you hit
  the Klingon vessel, he is destroyed and cannot fire back at you. If you
  miss, you are subject to the phaser fire of all other Klingons in the

  The Library-Computer (\com\ command) has an option to compute torpedo
  trajectory for you (option 2).

\she\ Command = Shield Control

  Defines the number of energy units to be assigned to the shields. Energy
  is taken from total ship's energy. Note that the status display total
  energy includes shield energy.

\dam\ Command = Damage Control report
  Gives the state of repair of all devices. Where a negative 'State of Repair'
  shows that the device is temporarily damaged.

\com\ Command = Library-Computer
  The Library-Computer contains six options:
  Option 0 = Cumulative Galactic Record
    This option shows computer memory of the results of all previous
    short and long range sensor scans.
  Option 1 = Status Report
    This option shows the number of Klingons, stardates, and starbases
    remaining in the game.
  Option 2 = Photon Torpedo Data
    Which gives directions and distance from Enterprise to all Klingons
    in your quadrant.
  Option 3 = Starbase Nav Data
    This option gives direction and distance to any starbase in your
  Option 4 = Direction/Distance Calculator
    This option allows you to enter coordinates for direction/distance
  Option 5 = Galactic /Region Name/ Map
    This option prints the names of the sixteen major galactic regions
    referred to in the game.