/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* L O N G S E T S * * L S E T . C */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "types.h" #include "lset.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "debug.h" /* A 'long' set is represented as a linear list of 'elemholder' * records. Every such record contains a pointer to an element * of the set and to the next elemholder. An empty set is * represented as a null pointer. * An element of a long set must be of some pointer type or, * in any case, must have the size of a pointer. Note that * the strict typing rules are not obeyed here. * This package implements the usual operations on sets. * The name of every operation is preceeded by a 'L' to * distinguish it from the operation on 'compact' (bitvector) * sets with a similar name. */ lset Lempty_set() { return ((lset) 0); } bool Lis_elem(x,s) register Lelem_t x; register lset s; { /* Search the list to see if x is an element of s */ while (s != (elem_p) 0) { if (s->e_elem == x) { return TRUE; } s = s->e_next; } return FALSE; } Ladd(x,s_p) Lelem_t x; lset *s_p; { /* add x to a set. Note that the set is given as in-out * parameter, because it may be changed. */ elem_p t; if (!Lis_elem(x,*s_p)) { t = newelem(); /* allocate a new elemholder */ t->e_elem = x; t->e_next = *s_p; /* insert it at the head of the list */ *s_p = t; } } Lremove(x,s_p) Lelem_t x; lset *s_p; { /* Remove x from a set. If x was not an element of * the set, nothing happens. */ register elem_p *epp, ep; lset s; s = *s_p; epp = &s; while ((ep = *epp) != (elem_p) 0) { if (ep->e_elem == x) { *epp = ep->e_next; oldelem(ep); break; } else { epp = &ep->e_next; } } *s_p = s; } /* The operations first, next and elem can be used to iterate * over a set. For example: * for (i = Lfirst(s); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,s) { * x = Lelem(i); * use x * } * which is like: * 'for all elements x of s do' * use x */ Lindex Lfirst(s) lset s; { return ((Lindex) s); /* Note that an index for long sets is just * a pointer to an elemholder. */ } /*ARGSUSED1*/ Lindex Lnext(i,s) Lindex i; lset s; { assert(i != (Lindex) 0); return (i->e_next); } Lelem_t Lelem(i) Lindex i; { return (i->e_elem); } Ljoin(s1,s2_p) lset s1,*s2_p; { /* Join two sets, assign the result to the second set * and delete the first set (i.e. the value of the * first set becomes undefined). */ register elem_p *epp, ep; lset s2; /* First all elements of s1 that are also an element of s2 * are removed from the s1 list. The two resulting lists * (for s1 and s2) are linked (s1 first). * Note the usage of epp, which points to a pointer that * points to the next elemholder record of the list. */ s2 = *s2_p; epp = &s1; while ((ep = *epp) != (elem_p) 0) { if (Lis_elem(ep->e_elem,s2)) { /* remove an element */ *epp = ep->e_next; oldelem(ep); } else { epp = &ep->e_next; } } *epp = s2; /* last record of s1 (or s1 itself) now points * to first record of s2. */ *s2_p = s1; } Ldeleteset(s) lset s; { register elem_p ep, next; for (ep = s; ep != (elem_p) 0; ep = next) { next = ep->e_next; oldelem(ep); } } bool Lis_subset(s1,s2) lset s1,s2; { /* See if s1 is a subset of s2 */ register Lindex i; for (i = Lfirst(s1); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,s1)) { if (!Lis_elem(Lelem(i),s2)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } short Lnrelems(s) lset s; { /* Compute the number of elements of a set */ register elem_p ep; register short cnt; cnt = 0; for (ep = s; ep != (elem_p) 0; ep = ep->e_next) { cnt++; } return cnt; }