/* * Simple tool to produce a memory dump for an absolute * ack.out file. Suitable for noddy operating systems * like DOS, CP/M, Arthur, etc. Also useful for RAM * images (but *not* ROM images, note) and, more * importantly, general test purposes. * * Mostly pinched from the ARM cv (and then rewritten in * ANSI C). Which, according to the comment, was pinched * from m68k2; therefore I am merely continuing a time- * honoured tradition. * * (I was 10 when the original for this was checked into * CVS...) * * dtrg, 2006-10-17 */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "out.h" #define ASSERT(x) switch (2) { case 0: case (x): ; } /* * Header and section table of ack object file. */ struct outhead outhead; struct outsect outsect[S_MAX]; char* stringarea; char* outputfile = NULL; /* Name of output file, or NULL */ char* program; /* Name of current program: argv[0] */ FILE* input; /* Input stream */ FILE* output; /* Output stream */ #define readf(a, b, c) fread((a), (b), (int)(c), input) #define writef(a, b, c) fwrite((a), (b), (int)(c), output) bool verbose = false; /* Segment numbers understood by aslod. */ enum { TEXT = 0, ROM, DATA, BSS, NUM_SEGMENTS }; /* Produce an error message and exit. */ void fatal(const char* s, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "%s: ",program) ; va_start(ap, s); vfprintf(stderr, s, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (outputfile) unlink(outputfile); exit(1); } /* Calculate the result of a aligned to b (rounding up if necessary). */ long align(long a, long b) { a += b - 1; return a - a % b; } int follows(struct outsect* pa, struct outsect* pb) { /* return 1 if pa follows pb */ return (pa->os_base == align(pb->os_base+pb->os_size, pa->os_lign)); } /* Copies the contents of a section from the input stream * to the output stream, zero filling any uninitialised * space. */ void emits(struct outsect* section) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; /* Copy the actual data. */ { long n = section->os_flen; while (n > 0) { int blocksize = (n > BUFSIZ) ? BUFSIZ : n; readf(buffer, 1, blocksize); writef(buffer, 1, blocksize); n -= blocksize; } } /* Zero fill any remaining space. */ if (section->os_flen != section->os_size) { long n = section->os_size - section->os_flen; memset(buffer, 0, BUFSIZ); while (n > 0) { int blocksize = (n > BUFSIZ) ? BUFSIZ : n; writef(buffer, 1, blocksize); n -= blocksize; } } } /* Macros from modules/src/object/obj.h */ #define Xchar(ch) ((ch) & 0377) #define uget2(c) (Xchar((c)[0]) | ((unsigned) Xchar((c)[1]) << 8)) #define get4(c) (uget2(c) | ((long) uget2((c)+2) << 16)) /* Read the ack.out file header. */ int rhead(FILE* f, struct outhead* head) { char buf[SZ_HEAD], *c; if (fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, f) != 1) return 0; c = buf; head->oh_magic = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_stamp = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_flags = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_nsect = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_nrelo = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_nname = uget2(c); c += 2; head->oh_nemit = get4(c); c += 4; head->oh_nchar = get4(c); return 1; } /* Read an ack.out section header. */ int rsect(FILE* f, struct outsect* sect) { char buf[SZ_SECT], *c; if (fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, f) != 1) return 0; c = buf; sect->os_base = get4(c); c += 4; sect->os_size = get4(c); c += 4; sect->os_foff = get4(c); c += 4; sect->os_flen = get4(c); c += 4; sect->os_lign = get4(c); return 1 ; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* General housecleaning and setup. */ input = stdin; output = stdout; program = argv[0]; /* Read in and process any flags. */ while ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-')) { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s: Syntax: aslod [-h] <inputfile> <outputfile>\n", program); exit(0); case 'v': verbose = true; break; default: syntaxerror: fatal("syntax error --- try -h for help"); } argv++; argc--; } /* Process the rest of the arguments. */ switch (argc) { case 1: /* No parameters --- read from stdin, write to stdout. */ break; case 3: /* Both input and output files specified. */ output = fopen(argv[2], "w"); if (!output) fatal("unable to open output file."); outputfile = argv[2]; /* fall through */ case 2: /* Input file specified. */ input = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (!input) fatal("unable to open input file."); break; default: goto syntaxerror; } /* Read and check the ack.out file header. */ if (!rhead(input,&outhead)) fatal("failed to read file header."); if (BADMAGIC(outhead)) fatal("this isn't an ack object file."); if (outhead.oh_nrelo > 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: relocation information present."); if (!((outhead.oh_nsect == NUM_SEGMENTS) || (outhead.oh_nsect == (NUM_SEGMENTS+1)))) fatal("the input file must have %d sections, not %ld.", NUM_SEGMENTS, outhead.oh_nsect); /* Read in the section headers. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<outhead.oh_nsect; i++) { if (!rsect(input, &outsect[i])) fatal("failed to read section header %d.", i); } } /* A few checks */ if (outsect[BSS].os_flen != 0) fatal("the bss space contains initialized data."); if (!follows(&outsect[BSS], &outsect[DATA])) fatal("the bss segment must follow the data segment."); if (!follows(& outsect[ROM], &outsect[TEXT])) fatal("the rom segment must follow the text segment."); if (!follows(&outsect[DATA], &outsect[ROM])) fatal("the data segment must follow the rom segment.") ; /* Check for an optional end segment (which is otherwise * ignored). */ if (outhead.oh_nsect == (NUM_SEGMENTS+1)) { if (!follows(&outsect[NUM_SEGMENTS], &outsect[BSS])) fatal("end segment must follow bss"); if ( outsect[NUM_SEGMENTS].os_size != 0 ) fatal("end segment must be empty"); } /* And go! */ emits(&outsect[TEXT]); emits(&outsect[ROM]); emits(&outsect[DATA]); if (ferror(output)) fatal("output write error"); if (outputfile) chmod(outputfile, 0755); /* Summarise what we've done. */ if (verbose) { uint32_t ss = 0; printf(" base : %08"PRIx32"\n", outsect[TEXT].os_base) ; printf(" text = %08"PRIx32"\n", outsect[TEXT].os_size); printf(" rom = %08"PRIx32"\n", outsect[ROM].os_size); printf(" data = %08"PRIx32"\n", outsect[DATA].os_size); printf(" bss = %08"PRIx32"\n", outsect[BSS].os_size); ss += outsect[TEXT].os_size; ss += outsect[ROM].os_size; ss += outsect[DATA].os_size; ss += outsect[BSS].os_size; printf("TOTAL = %08"PRIx32"\n", ss); } return 0; }