/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* DUMP ROUTINES */ #include "debug.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "nofloat.h" #include "nopp.h" #include "nobitfield.h" #include "arith.h" #include "stack.h" #include "idf.h" #include "def.h" #include "type.h" #include "struct.h" #include "field.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "static.h" /* Some routines (symbol2str, token2str, type2str) which should have * yielded strings are written to yield a pointer to a transient piece * of memory, containing the string, since this is the only reasonable * thing to do in C. `Transient' means that the result may soon * disappear, which is generally not a problem, since normally it is * consumed immediately. Sometimes we need more than one of them, and * MAXTRANS is the maximum number we will need simultaneously. */ #define MAXTRANS 6 extern char options[]; extern struct idf *idf_hashtable[]; extern char *symbol2str(), *type2str(), *next_transient(); enum sdef_kind {selector, field}; /* parameter for dumpsdefs */ static int dumplevel; static newline() { register int dl = dumplevel; print("\n"); while (dl >= 2) { print("\t"); dl -= 2; } if (dl) print(" "); } dumpidftab(msg, opt) char msg[]; { /* Dumps the identifier table in readable form (but in arbitrary order). Unless opt & 1, macros are not dumped. Unless opt & 2, reserved identifiers are not dumped. Unless opt & 4, universal identifiers are not dumped. */ int i; print(">>> DUMPIDF, %s (start)", msg); dumpstack(); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { register struct idf *notch = idf_hashtable[i]; while (notch) { dumpidf(notch, opt); notch = notch->next; } } newline(); print(">>> DUMPIDF, %s (end)\n", msg); } dumpstack() { /* Dumps the identifier stack, starting at the top. */ register struct stack_level *stl = local_level; while (stl) { register struct stack_entry *se = stl->sl_entry; newline(); print("%3d: ", stl->sl_level); while (se) { print("%s ", se->se_idf->id_text); se = se->next; } stl = stl->sl_previous; } print("\n"); } dumpidf(idf, opt) register struct idf *idf; { /* All information about the identifier idf is divulged in a hopefully readable format. */ int started = 0; if (!idf) return; #ifndef NOPP if ((opt&1) && idf->id_macro) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } print(" macro"); } #endif NOPP if ((opt&2) && idf->id_reserved) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } print(" reserved: %d;", idf->id_reserved); } if (idf->id_def && ((opt&4) || idf->id_def->df_level)) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } dumpdefs(idf->id_def, opt); } if (idf->id_sdef) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } dumpsdefs(idf->id_sdef, selector); } if (idf->id_struct) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } dumptags(idf->id_struct); } if (idf->id_enum) { if (!started++) { newline(); print("%s:", idf->id_text); } dumptags(idf->id_enum); } } dumpdefs(def, opt) register struct def *def; { dumplevel++; while (def && ((opt&4) || def->df_level)) { newline(); print("L%d: %s %s%s%s%s %lo;", def->df_level, symbol2str(def->df_sc), def->df_initialized ? "init'd " : "", def->df_used ? "used " : "", type2str(def->df_type), def->df_sc == ENUM ? ", =" : " at", def->df_address ); print("%s, line %u", def->df_file ? def->df_file : "NO_FILE", def->df_line); def = def->next; } dumplevel--; } dumptags(tag) register struct tag *tag; { dumplevel++; while (tag) { register struct type *tp = tag->tg_type; register int fund = tp->tp_fund; newline(); print("L%d: %s %s", tag->tg_level, fund == STRUCT ? "struct" : fund == UNION ? "union" : fund == ENUM ? "enum" : "<UNKNOWN>", tp->tp_idf->id_text ); if (is_struct_or_union(fund)) { print(" {"); dumpsdefs(tp->tp_sdef, field); newline(); print("}"); } print(";"); tag = tag->next; } dumplevel--; } dumpsdefs(sdef, sdk) register struct sdef *sdef; enum sdef_kind sdk; { /* Since sdef's are members of two chains, there are actually two dumpsdefs's, one following the chain of all selectors belonging to the same idf, starting at idf->id_sdef; and the other following the chain of all selectors belonging to the same struct, starting at stp->tp_sdef. */ dumplevel++; while (sdef) { newline(); print("L%d: ", sdef->sd_level); #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (sdk == selector) #endif NOBITFIELD print("selector %s at offset %lu in %s;", type2str(sdef->sd_type), sdef->sd_offset, type2str(sdef->sd_stype) ); #ifndef NOBITFIELD else print("field %s at offset %lu;", type2str(sdef->sd_type), sdef->sd_offset ); #endif NOBITFIELD sdef = (sdk == selector ? sdef->next : sdef->sd_sdef); } dumplevel--; } char * type2str(tp) register struct type *tp; { /* Yields a pointer to a one-line description of the type tp. */ char *buf = next_transient(); int ops = 1; buf[0] = '\0'; if (!tp) { sprint(buf, "<NILTYPE>"); return buf; } sprint(buf, "%s(#%ld, &%d) ", buf, (long)tp->tp_size, tp->tp_align); while (ops) { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case POINTER: sprint(buf, "%spointer to ", buf); break; case ARRAY: sprint(buf, "%sarray [%ld] of ", buf, tp->tp_size); break; case FUNCTION: sprint(buf, "%sfunction yielding ", buf); break; default: sprint(buf, "%s%s%s", buf, tp->tp_unsigned ? "unsigned " : "", symbol2str(tp->tp_fund) ); if (tp->tp_idf) sprint(buf, "%s %s", buf, tp->tp_idf->id_text); #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (tp->tp_field) { struct field *fd = tp->tp_field; sprint(buf, "%s [s=%ld,w=%ld] of ", buf, fd->fd_shift, fd->fd_width); } else #endif NOBITFIELD ops = 0; break; } tp = tp->tp_up; } return buf; } GSTATIC char trans_buf[MAXTRANS][300]; char * /* the ultimate transient buffer supplier */ next_transient() { static int bnum; if (++bnum == MAXTRANS) bnum = 0; return trans_buf[bnum]; } print_expr(msg, expr) char msg[]; struct expr *expr; { /* Provisional routine to print an expression preceded by a message msg. */ if (options['x']) { print("\n%s: ", msg); print("(L=line, T=type, r/lV=r/lvalue, F=flags, D=depth)\n"); p1_expr(0, expr); } } p1_expr(lvl, expr) register struct expr *expr; { p1_indent(lvl); if (!expr) { print("NILEXPR\n"); return; } print("expr: L=%u, T=%s, %cV, F=%03o, D=%d, %s: ", expr->ex_line, type2str(expr->ex_type), expr->ex_lvalue ? 'l' : 'r', expr->ex_flags & 0xFF, expr->ex_depth, expr->ex_class == Value ? "Value" : expr->ex_class == String ? "String" : #ifndef NOFLOAT expr->ex_class == Float ? "Float" : #endif NOFLOAT expr->ex_class == Oper ? "Oper" : expr->ex_class == Type ? "Type" : "UNKNOWN CLASS" ); switch (expr->ex_class) { struct oper *o; case Value: switch (expr->VL_CLASS) { case Const: print("(Const) "); break; case Name: print("(Name) %s + ", expr->VL_IDF->id_text); break; case Label: print("(Label) .%lu + ", expr->VL_LBL); break; default: print("(Unknown) "); break; } print(expr->ex_type->tp_unsigned ? "%lu\n" : "%ld\n", expr->VL_VALUE); break; case String: { char *bts2str(); print( "\"%s\"\n", bts2str(expr->SG_VALUE, expr->SG_LEN-1, next_transient()) ); break; } #ifndef NOFLOAT case Float: print("%s\n", expr->FL_VALUE); break; #endif NOFLOAT case Oper: o = &expr->ex_object.ex_oper; print("\n"); p1_expr(lvl+1, o->op_left); p1_indent(lvl); print("%s <%s>\n", symbol2str(o->op_oper), type2str(o->op_type) ); p1_expr(lvl+1, o->op_right); break; case Type: print("\n"); break; default: print("UNKNOWN CLASS\n"); break; } } p1_indent(lvl) register int lvl; { while (lvl--) print(" "); } #endif DEBUG