.define e_memflt .sect .text .sect .rom .sect .data .sect .bss .sect .text e_array: cl -(sp) ; bra error e_range: mov #0x1,-(sp) ; bra error e_set: mov #0x2,-(sp) ; bra error e_iovfl: mov #0x3,-(sp) ; bra error e_fovfl: mov #0x4,-(sp) ; bra error e_funfl: mov #0x5,-(sp) ; bra error e_idivz: mov #0x6,-(sp) ; bra error e_fdivz: mov #0x7,-(sp) ; bra error e_iund: mov #0x8,-(sp) ; bra error e_fund: mov #0x9,-(sp) ; bra error e_conv: mov #0xA,-(sp) ; bra error e_stack: mov #0x10,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_heap: mov #0x11,-(sp) ; bra error e_illins: mov #0x12,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_oddz: mov #0x13,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_case: mov #0x14,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_memflt: mov #0x15,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_badptr: mov #0x16,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_badpc: mov #0x17,-(sp) ; bra fatal e_badlae: mov #0x18,-(sp) ; bra error e_badmon: mov #0x19,-(sp) ; bra error e_badlin: mov #0x1A,-(sp) ; bra error e_badgto: mov #0x1B,-(sp) ; bra error flnim: bra e_illins no8bar: bra e_oddz !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ERRORS AND TRAPS !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fatal: clr.l -(sp) !dummy return address pea hlt_z !RETURN FROM FATAL HALTS mov 8(sp),-(sp) error: movem.l d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6,-(sp) mov 60(sp),d0 !ERROR NUMBER IN d0 lea retsize,a1 move.l eb,a6 !JUST TO BE SURE lea retarea,a5 !JUST TO BE SURE lea loop,a4 move.l #16,d1 1: move.w -(a1),-(sp) dbra d1,1b cmp.w #0xB,d0 bge 0f !FATAL ERROR , START ERROR HANDLING move.l #0x1,d1 asl.l d0,d1 move.w ignmask,d2 not.w d2 and.w d2,d1 bne 0f move.l #16,d1 lea retsize,a1 1: move.w (sp)+,(a1)+ dbra d1,1b movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6 add.l wrd,sp !REMOVE ERROR NUMBER rts 0: move.l uerrorp,a0 cmp.l #-1,a0 beq notrap mov d0,-(sp) move.l uerrorp,-(sp) move.l #-1,uerrorp !USER MUST SET TRAP AGAIN bra cai_z !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rtt_z: move.l a2,sp add.l #0x10,sp !REMOVE RETURN STATUS BLOCK add.l wrd,sp !REMOVE ERROR NUMBER move.l #16,d0 lea retsize,a1 1: move.w (sp)+,(a1)+ dbra d0,1b movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6 add.l wrd,sp rts trp_z: sub.l #4,sp mov 4(sp),(sp) !COPY ERROR NUMBER move.l a4,word(sp) !RETURN ADDRESS TO MAIN LOOP bra error sig_z: move.l (sp),d0 move.l uerrorp,(sp) move.l d0,uerrorp jmp (a4) .sect .data uerrorp: .data4 0x-1 .sect .text !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !FIRST INFORMATION ABOUT THE KIND OF THE ERROR notrap: add.l #38,sp movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6 notrap1: comp #29,d0 !ERROR NUMBER STILL IN d0 blt 1f !START PRINTING ERROR extend d0 !NUMBER. move.l d0,d1 lea erno+5,a0 bsr itoa move.l #609,d0 bra 2f 1: mulu #21,d0 2: lea emerr,a0 move.l #20,-(sp) pea 0(a0,d0) mov #2,-(sp) !STANDARD ERROR bsr _Xwrite add.l wrd+4,sp !NEXT INFORMATION ABOUT THE LINE NUMBER clr.l d1 mov (a6),d1 lea emess+14,a0 bsr itoa move.l #30,-(sp) pea emess mov #2,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite add.l wrd+4,sp !NOW INFORMATION ABOUT THE FILES 2: move.l 4(a6),a0 cmp.l #0,a0 beq 5f move.l a0,a1 sub.l #4,sp move.l a1,-(sp) move.l #-1,d0 1: add.l #1,d0 tst.b (a1)+ bne 1b move.l d0,4(sp) mov #2,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite add.l wrd+4,sp 5: move.w #0x0A,-(sp) move.l #2,-(sp) pea 4(sp) mov #2,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite add.l wrd+6,sp comp #0xB,(sp) beq 1f move.l #-1,argc clr.l -(sp) !dummy return address bra hlt_z 1: add.l wrd,sp jmp (a4) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! EXIT HANDLING !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hlt_z: add.l #4,sp !remove return address #if prof .sect .data emprof: .asciz "em_profile\0" .align 2 .sect .bss profile: .space 4 ltime: .space 4 profsiz: .space 4 .sect .text tst.l firstp beq lhalt pea emprof bsr _Xunlink testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov #0x1B6,-(sp) pea emprof bsr _Xcreat testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov (sp)+,d0 move.l ltime,a4 !a4 points at bottem of prof table bsr tabprint 1: #endif #if flow tst.l firstp beq lhalt pea emflow bsr _Xunlink testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov #0x1B6,-(sp) pea emflow bsr _Xcreat testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov (sp)+,d0 move.l flowsiz,-(sp) move.l lflow,-(sp) mov d0,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt 1f add.l #4,sp .sect .data emflow: .asciz "em_flow\0" .align 2 .sect .bss lflow: .space 4 flowsiz: .space 4 .sect .text 1: #endif #if count tst.l firstp beq lhalt pea emcount bsr _Xunlink testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov #0x1B6,-(sp) pea emcount bsr _Xcreat testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov (sp)+,d0 move.l lcount,a4 bsr tabprint 1: .sect .data emcount: .asciz "em_count\0" .align 2 .sect .bss lcount: .space 4 countsiz: .space 4 #endif #if opfreq .sect .data emopf: .asciz "em_opfreq\0" .align .sect .bss counttab: .space 1892 .sect .text pea emopf bsr _Xunlink testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov #0x1B6,-(sp) pea emopf bsr _Xcreat testen (sp)+ blt 1f mov (sp)+,d0 move.l #1884,-(sp) pea counttab mov d0,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt 1f add.l #4,sp 1: #endif #if count+flow+prof .sect .bss countfld: .space 4 !COUNT NUMBER - NUMBER OF LINE 1 OF PROC countptr: .space 4 !COUNT NUMBER OF CURRENT LINE #endif lhalt: #if last .sect .text pea emlast bsr _Xunlink testen (sp)+ blt halt mov #0x1B6,-(sp) pea emlast bsr _Xcreat testen (sp)+ blt halt mov (sp)+,d6 !d6 contains file descriptor cmp.l #-1,linused-4 !test if buffer is fully used beq 0f bsr nexttab bra 1f 0: lea lasttable,a1 1: tst.l (a1) bne 2f !exists entry in table move.l #22,-(sp) !here case no lines processed pea mess1 mov d6,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt halt add.l #4,sp bra 9f 2: move.l a1,-(sp) move.l #7,-(sp) !announce new file name pea mess2 mov d6,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt halt add.l #4,sp move.l (sp)+,a1 move.l (a1),d7 move.l d7,a0 !keep file pointer in d7 clr.l (a1)+ !this will stop the printing move.l #-1,d1 !d1 will contain length of file name 3: add.l #1,d1 tst.b (a0)+ bne 3b move.l a1,-(sp) move.l d1,-(sp) move.l d7,-(sp) mov d6,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite add.l wrd+4,sp move.l (sp)+,a1 4: move.l (a1),d1 !next print line numbers lea mess3,a0 bsr itoa move.l a1,-(sp) move.l #12,-(sp) pea mess3 mov d6,-(sp) bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt halt add.l #4,sp move.l (sp)+,a1 bsr nexttab tst.l (a1) !in case 0 no more lines beq 9f cmp.l (a1),d7 bne 2b !new file name clr.l (a1)+ !skip file name bra 4b !only new line 9: cl -(sp) .sect .data emlast: .asciz "em_last" mess1: .asciz "no line processed yet\n" mess2: .asciz "\nfile :" mess3: .asciz " \n" .align 2 .sect .bss lasttable: .space 512 linused: .space 4 #endif .sect .text halt: bsr _Xexit .sect .data emerr: .asciz "ARRAY BOUND ERROR \n" .asciz "RANGE BOUND ERROR \n" .asciz "SET BOUND ERROR \n" .asciz "INTEGER OVERFLOW \n" .asciz "FLOATING OVERFLOW \n" .asciz "FLOATING UNDERFLOW \n" .asciz "INT. DIV. BY ZERO \n" .asciz "DIVIDE BY 0.0 \n" .asciz "UNDEFINED INTEGER \n" .asciz "UNDEFINED FLOAT \n" .asciz "CONVERSION ERROR \n" .asciz "NO FLOATING POINT \n" .asciz "NO 8 BYTE ARITH. \n" .asciz "NO LOAD FILE \n" .asciz "LOAD FILE ERROR \n" .asciz "PROGRAM TOO LARGE \n" .asciz "STACK OVERFLOW \n" .asciz "HEAP OVERFLOW \n" .asciz "ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION\n" .asciz "ILLEGAL SIZE ARG. \n" .asciz "CASE ERROR \n" .asciz "ADDRESS NON EX. MEM\n" .asciz "BAD POINTER USED \n" .asciz "PR COUNT. OUT RANGE\n" .asciz "BAD ARG. OF LAE \n" .asciz "BAD MONITOR CALL \n" .asciz "ARG OF LIN TOO HIGH\n" .asciz "GTO DESCR. ERROR \n" .asciz "BAD RETURN SIZE \n" erno: .asciz "ERRNO \n" emess: .asciz "ON SOURCE LINE OF\n" .align 2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINES FOR THE INTERPRETOR !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .sect .text #if last nexttab: move.l linused,a1 add.l #8,a1 cmp.l #linused,a1 !top of buffer reached? bne 1f !if so back to bottom sub.l #512,a1 1: move.l a1,linused rts #endif #if count+prof !SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING TABLES . EXPECTS BOTTOM OF TABLE IN a4 AND FILE !DESCRIPTOR IN d0 .IN maxcount NUMBER OF 4 BYTE WORDS IN THE TABLE. .sect .text tabprint: mov d0,-(sp) !KEEP FILE DESCRIPTOR FOR WRITING lea buffer,a3 move.l firstp,a1 !IN a1 POINTER TO CURRENT PROC. move.l #0,a2 !IN a2 POINTER TO FILENAME . 2: move.l 16(a1),d0 beq 9f !LAST PROCEDURE , EXCEPTION . move.l d0,a6 !IN a6 POINTER TO NEXT PROCEDURE . 7: move.l 8(a6),d7 !COUNTPTR OF NEXT IN d7 bne 8f move.l 16(a6),d0 beq 9f move.l d0,a6 bra 7b 8: move.l 8(a1),d6 !COUNTPTR OF CURRENT IN d6. move.l 12(a1),d5 !FIRST LINE NUMBER IN d5. beq 1f !NO LINES : GO ON. cmp.l 20(a1),a2 !START PRINTING FILE NAME . beq 6f !NO NEW NAME. move.l 20(a1),a2 !NEW FILE NAME. cmp.l #0,a2 !NO FILE NAME . beq 6f move.l #0,d1 !START SCANNING FILE NAME 5: move.b (a2),d0 !d1 WILL CONTAIN NUMBER OF SYMBOLS. beq 4f add.l #1,d1 add.l #1,a2 bra 5b 4: sub.l d1,a2 move.l d1,-(sp) move.l a2,-(sp) mov 8(sp),-(sp) !WRITE FILE NAME. bsr _Xwrite testen (sp)+ blt 3f add.l #4,sp !CLEAN STACK. 6: sub.l d6,d7 !IN d7 NUMBER OF LINES OF CURRENT PROC. asl.l #2,d6 0: move.l a3,a0 move.l d5,d1 !SET UP FOR CALLING itoa. bsr itoa lea 11(a3),a0 move.l 0(a4,d6),d1 bsr itoa move.l #23,-(sp) pea buffer mov 8(sp),-(sp) bsr _Xwrite !PRINT LINE NUMBER AND INTEGER . testen (sp)+ blt 3f add.l #4,sp !CLEAN STACK. add.l #1,d5 !NEXT LINE NUMBER . add.l #4,d6 !NEXT COUNT. sub.l #1,d7 !ONE LINE LESS TO GO. bhi 0b 1: move.l a6,a1 cmp.l #0,a1 bne 2b add.l wrd,sp !REMOVE FILE DESCR. rts !READY. 9: move.l maxcount,d7 move.l #0,a6 !NO NEXT PROCEDURE. bra 8b 3: testen (sp)+ testen (sp)+ rts .sect .data buffer: .asciz " \n" .sect .text #endif