/* $Header$ */ /* internal type representation */ /* structure for struct/union elements */ struct fields { long fld_pos; /* position of field */ long fld_bitsize; /* size in bits */ struct type *fld_type; /* type of field */ char *fld_name; /* name of field */ }; /* structure for enumeration literals */ struct literal { long lit_val; /* value of literal */ char *lit_name; /* name of literal */ }; /* structure for parameters */ struct param { struct type *par_type; /* type of parameter */ char par_kind; /* kind of parameter ('p', 'i', or 'v') */ }; typedef struct type { short ty_class; #define T_SUBRANGE 1 #define T_ARRAY 2 #define T_STRUCT 3 #define T_UNION 4 #define T_ENUM 5 #define T_POINTER 6 #define T_FILE 7 #define T_PROCEDURE 8 #define T_SET 9 #define T_REAL 10 #define T_INTEGER 11 #define T_VOID 12 #define T_UNSIGNED 13 #define T_STRING 14 /* only for string constants ... */ #define T_INCOMPLETE 100 short ty_flags; #define T_CROSS 0x0001 long ty_size; union { /* cross references */ char *typ_tag; #define ty_tag ty_v.typ_tag /* procedures/functions: */ struct { int typ_nparams; struct type *typ_retval; struct param *typ_params; long typ_nbparams; } ty_proc; #define ty_nparams ty_v.ty_proc.typ_nparams #define ty_retval ty_v.ty_proc.typ_retval #define ty_params ty_v.ty_proc.typ_params #define ty_nbparams ty_v.ty_proc.typ_nbparams /* pointers, files: */ struct type *typ_ptrto; #define ty_ptrto ty_v.typ_ptrto #define ty_fileof ty_v.typ_ptrto /* arrays: */ struct { struct type *typ_index; struct type *typ_elements; } ty_array; #define ty_index ty_v.ty_array.typ_index #define ty_elements ty_v.ty_array.typ_elements /* subranges: */ struct { long typ_low, typ_up; int typ_A; struct type *typ_base; } ty_subrange; #define ty_A ty_v.ty_subrange.typ_A #define ty_low ty_v.ty_subrange.typ_low #define ty_up ty_v.ty_subrange.typ_up #define ty_base ty_v.ty_subrange.typ_base /* structures/unions: */ struct { unsigned typ_nfields; /* number of field structures */ struct fields *typ_fields; } ty_struct; #define ty_nfields ty_v.ty_struct.typ_nfields #define ty_fields ty_v.ty_struct.typ_fields /* enumerations: */ struct { unsigned typ_nenums; /* number of enumeration literals */ struct literal *typ_literals; } ty_enum; #define ty_nenums ty_v.ty_enum.typ_nenums #define ty_literals ty_v.ty_enum.typ_literals /* bit sets: */ struct { struct type *typ_setbase; /* base type of set elements */ long typ_setlow; /* low bound */ } ty_set; #define ty_setbase ty_v.ty_set.typ_setbase #define ty_setlow ty_v.ty_set.typ_setlow } ty_v; } t_type, *p_type; /* ALLOCDEF "type" 50 */ extern p_type subrange_type(), array_type(), *tp_lookup(); extern long param_size(), compute_size(); extern p_type char_type, uchar_type, bool_type, int_type, long_type, double_type, string_type; extern p_type void_type, incomplete_type; extern long int_size;