/* Copyright (C) 1987 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.  Permission is hereby granted to
 * private individuals and educational institutions to modify and
 * redistribute the binary and source programs of this system to other
 * private individuals and educational institutions for educational and
 * research purposes.  For corporate or commercial use, permission from
 * Prentice-Hall is required.  In general, such permission will be granted,
 * subject to a few conditions.

#define EXTERN        extern	/* used in *.h files */
#define PRIVATE       static	/* PRIVATE x limits the scope of x */
#define PUBLIC			/* PUBLIC is the opposite of PRIVATE */
#define FORWARD       static	/* some compilers require this to be 'static' */

#define TRUE               1	/* used for turning integers into Booleans */
#define FALSE              0	/* used for turning integers into Booleans */

#define HZ	          60	/* clock freq (software settable on IBM-PC) */
#define BLOCK_SIZE      1024	/* # bytes in a disk block */
#define SUPER_USER   (uid) 0	/* uid of superuser */

#define MAJOR	           8	/* major device = (dev>>MAJOR) & 0377 */
#define MINOR	           0	/* minor device = (dev>>MINOR) & 0377 */

#define NR_TASKS           8	/* number of tasks in the transfer vector */
#define NR_PROCS          16	/* number of slots in proc table */
#define NR_SEGS            3	/* # segments per process */
#define T                  0	/* proc[i].mem_map[T] is for text */
#define D                  1	/* proc[i].mem_map[D] is for data */
#define S                  2	/* proc[i].mem_map[S] is for stack */

#define MAX_P_LONG  2147483647	/* maximum positive long, i.e. 2**31 - 1 */

/* Memory is allocated in clicks. */
#ifdef i8088
#define CLICK_SIZE      0020	/* unit in which memory is allocated */
#define CLICK_SHIFT        4	/* log2 of CLICK_SIZE */
#ifdef ATARI_ST
#define CLICK_SIZE       256	/* unit in which memory is allocated */
#define CLICK_SHIFT        8	/* log2 of CLICK_SIZE */

/* Process numbers of some important processes */
#define MM_PROC_NR         0	/* process number of memory manager */
#define FS_PROC_NR         1	/* process number of file system */
#define INIT_PROC_NR       2	/* init -- the process that goes multiuser */
#define LOW_USER           2	/* first user not part of operating system */

/* Miscellaneous */
#define BYTE            0377	/* mask for 8 bits */
#define TO_USER            0	/* flag telling to copy from fs to user */
#define FROM_USER          1	/* flag telling to copy from user to fs */
#define READING            0	/* copy data to user */
#define WRITING            1	/* copy data from user */
#ifndef ATARI_ST
#define ABS             -999	/* this process means absolute memory */

#define WORD_SIZE          2	/* number of bytes per word */

#define NIL_PTR   (char *) 0	/* generally useful expression */

#define NO_NUM           0x8000	/* used as numerical argument to panic() */
#define MAX_PATH            128	/* max length of path names */
#define SIG_PUSH_BYTES	      8	/* how many bytes pushed by signal */
#define MAX_ISTACK_BYTES   1024	/* maximum initial stack size for EXEC */

/* Device numbers of root (RAM) and boot (fd0) devices. */
#define ROOT_DEV (dev_nr)   256	/* major-minor device number of root dev */
#define BOOT_DEV (dev_nr)   512	/* major-minor device number of boot diskette */

/* Flag bits for i_mode in the inode. */
#define I_TYPE          0170000	/* this field gives inode type */
#define I_REGULAR       0100000	/* regular file, not dir or special */
#define I_BLOCK_SPECIAL 0060000	/* block special file */
#define I_DIRECTORY     0040000	/* file is a directory */
#define I_CHAR_SPECIAL  0020000	/* character special file */
#define I_SET_UID_BIT   0004000	/* set effective uid on exec */
#define I_SET_GID_BIT   0002000	/* set effective gid on exec */
#define ALL_MODES       0006777	/* all bits for user, group and others */
#define RWX_MODES       0000777	/* mode bits for RWX only */
#define R_BIT           0000004	/* Rwx protection bit */
#define W_BIT           0000002	/* rWx protection bit */
#define X_BIT           0000001	/* rwX protection bit */
#define I_NOT_ALLOC     0000000	/* this inode is free */