/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* A R I T H M E T I C C O N V E R S I O N S */ /* This file contains the routines for the various conversions that may befall operands in C. It is structurally a mess, but I haven't decided yet whether I can't find the right structure or the semantics of C is a mess. */ #include #include "debug.h" #include "lint.h" #include "nobitfield.h" #include "idf.h" #include #include "arith.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "type.h" #include "proto.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "field.h" #include "mes.h" #include "assert.h" extern char *symbol2str(); extern char options[]; extern arith flt_flt2arith(); arithbalance(e1p, oper, e2p) /* */ register struct expr **e1p, **e2p; int oper; { /* The expressions *e1p and *e2p are balanced to be operands of the arithmetic operator oper. We check here if the EX_PTRDIFF flag should be retained. They are set to zero in because one of the opreands might have a floating type, in which case the flags shouldn't travel upward in the expression tree. */ register int t1, t2, u1, u2; int shifting = (oper == LEFT || oper == RIGHT || oper == LEFTAB || oper == RIGHTAB); int ptrdiff = 0; t1 = any2arith(e1p, oper); t2 = any2arith(e2p, oper); if (int_size != pointer_size) { if (ptrdiff = ((*e1p)->ex_flags & EX_PTRDIFF) || ((*e2p)->ex_flags & EX_PTRDIFF)) { if (!((*e1p)->ex_flags & EX_PTRDIFF) && t1 == LONG) ptrdiff = 0; if (!((*e2p)->ex_flags & EX_PTRDIFF) && t2 == LONG && !shifting) ptrdiff = 0; } /* Now turn off ptrdiff flags */ (*e1p)->ex_flags &= ~EX_PTRDIFF; (*e2p)->ex_flags &= ~EX_PTRDIFF; } /* Now t1 and t2 are either INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, or LNGDBL */ /* If any operand has the type long double, the other operand is converted to long double. */ /* ??? t1 == LNGDBL, t2 == DOUBLE */ if (t1 == LNGDBL) { if (t2 != LNGDBL) int2float(e2p, lngdbl_type); return; } else if (t2 == LNGDBL) { if (t1 != LNGDBL) int2float(e1p, lngdbl_type); return; } /* If any operand has the type double, the other operand is converted to double. */ if (t1 == DOUBLE) { if (t2 != DOUBLE) int2float(e2p, double_type); return; } else if (t2 == DOUBLE) { if (t1 != DOUBLE) int2float(e1p, double_type); return; } /* If any operand has the type float, the other operand is converted to float. */ if (t1 == FLOAT) { if (t2 != FLOAT) int2float(e2p, float_type); return; } else if (t2 == FLOAT) { if (t1 != FLOAT) int2float(e1p, float_type); return; } /* Now they are INT or LONG */ u1 = (*e1p)->ex_type->tp_unsigned; u2 = (*e2p)->ex_type->tp_unsigned; /* If either operand has type unsigned long int, the other operand is converted to unsigned long int. */ if (t1 == LONG && u1 && (t2 != LONG || !u2)) t2 = int2int(e2p, ulong_type); else if (t2 == LONG && u2 && (t1 != LONG || !u1) && !shifting) /* ??? */ t1 = int2int(e1p, ulong_type); /* If one operand has type long int and the other has type unsigned int, if a long int can represent all values of an unsigned int, the operand of type unsigned int is converted to long int; if a long int cannot represent all values of an unsigned int, both operands are converted to unsigned long int. */ if (t1 == LONG && t2 == INT && u2) t2 = int2int(e2p, (int_sizeex_type->tp_unsigned; u2 = (*e2p)->ex_type->tp_unsigned; /* If either operand has type unsigned int, the other operand is converted to unsigned int. Otherwise, both operands have type int. */ if (u1 && !u2 && !shifting) t2 = int2int(e2p, (t1 == LONG) ? ulong_type : uint_type); else if (!u1 && u2 && !shifting) t1 = int2int(e1p, (t2 == LONG) ? ulong_type : uint_type); if (int_size != pointer_size) { if (ptrdiff) { (*e1p)->ex_flags |= EX_PTRDIFF; (*e2p)->ex_flags |= EX_PTRDIFF; } } } relbalance(e1p, oper, e2p) register struct expr **e1p, **e2p; { /* The expressions *e1p and *e2p are balanced to be operands of the relational operator oper, or the ':'. Care is taken to switch the operands in case of a null-pointer constant. This is done so that ch3cast() allows assignments of a null-pointer to a function pointer. */ register struct expr *e1 = *e1p, *e2 = *e2p; struct expr *tmpexpr; if (e1->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER && is_cp_cst(e1) && e1->VL_VALUE == 0) { tmpexpr = e1; e1 = e2; e2 = tmpexpr; } if (e1->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER) ch3pointer(e2p, oper, e1->ex_type); else if (e2->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER) ch3pointer(e1p, oper, e2->ex_type); else if (e1->ex_type == e2->ex_type && e1->ex_type->tp_fund == ENUM) {} else if (oper == ':' && e1->ex_type->tp_fund == VOID && e2->ex_type->tp_fund == VOID) {} else arithbalance(e1p, oper, e2p); } ch3pointer(expp, oper, tp) struct expr **expp; register struct type *tp; { /* Checks whether *expp may be compared to tp using oper, as described in chapter 3.3.8 and 3.3.9. tp is known to be a pointer. */ register struct expr *exp = *expp; if (exp->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER) { if (exp->ex_type != tp) ch3cast(expp, oper, tp); } else if (is_integral_type(exp->ex_type)) { if ((oper != EQUAL && oper != NOTEQUAL && oper != ':') || !(is_cp_cst(exp) && exp->VL_VALUE == 0)) { expr_error(exp,"%s on %s and pointer", symbol2str(oper), symbol2str(exp->ex_type->tp_fund)); } ch3cast(expp, CAST, tp); } else { expr_error(exp, "%s on %s and pointer", symbol2str(oper), symbol2str(exp->ex_type->tp_fund) ); ch3cast(expp, oper, tp); } } int any2arith(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; register int oper; { /* Turns any expression into int_type, long_type, float_type, double_type or lngdbl_type. */ int fund; switch (fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: ASSERT((*expp)->ex_type->tp_size <= int_type->tp_size); if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_unsigned && (*expp)->ex_type->tp_size == int_type->tp_size) { int2int(expp, uint_type); } else { int2int(expp, int_type); } break; case INT: case LONG: break; case ENUM: #ifndef LINT int2int(expp, int_type); #endif LINT break; case FLOAT: /* only when it is a parameter and the default promotion should occur. Hence this code is moved to any2parameter(). float2float(expp, double_type); break; */ case DOUBLE: case LNGDBL: break; #ifndef NOBITFIELD case FIELD: field2arith(expp); break; #endif NOBITFIELD default: expr_error(*expp, "operator %s on non-numerical operand (%s)", symbol2str(oper), symbol2str(fund)); case ERRONEOUS: erroneous2int(expp); break; } return (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; } erroneous2int(expp) struct expr **expp; { /* the (erroneous) expression *expp is replaced by an int expression */ register struct expr *exp = *expp; int flags = exp->ex_flags; free_expression(exp); exp = intexpr((arith)0, INT); exp->ex_flags = (flags | EX_ERROR); *expp = exp; } struct expr * arith2arith(tp, oper, expr) struct type *tp; int oper; register struct expr *expr; { /* arith2arith constructs a new expression containing a run-time conversion between some arithmetic types. */ register struct expr *new = new_expr(); new->ex_file = expr->ex_file; new->ex_line = expr->ex_line; new->ex_type = tp; new->ex_class = Type; return new_oper(tp, new, oper, expr); } int int2int(expp, tp) struct expr **expp; register struct type *tp; { /* The expression *expp, which is of some integral type, is converted to the integral type tp. */ register struct expr *exp = *expp; if (is_cp_cst(exp)) { register struct type *tp1 = exp->ex_type; exp->ex_type = tp; if (! tp1->tp_unsigned && tp->tp_unsigned) { /* Avoid "unreal" overflow warnings, such as caused by f.i.: unsigned int x = ~0; unsigned int y = -1; */ extern long full_mask[]; long remainder = exp->VL_VALUE & ~full_mask[(int)(tp->tp_size)]; if (remainder == 0 || remainder == ~full_mask[(int)(tp->tp_size)]) { exp->VL_VALUE &= ~remainder; } } cut_size(exp); } else { exp = arith2arith(tp, INT2INT, exp); } *expp = exp; return exp->ex_type->tp_fund; } /* With compile-time constants, we don't set fp_used, since this is done * only when necessary in eval.c. */ int2float(expp, tp) register struct expr **expp; struct type *tp; { /* The expression *expp, which is of some integral type, is converted to the floating type tp. */ register struct expr *exp = *expp; int uns = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_unsigned; if (is_cp_cst(exp)) { *expp = new_expr(); **expp = *exp; /* sprint(buf+1, "%ld", (long)(exp->VL_VALUE)); /* buf[0] = '-'; */ exp = *expp; /* ??? */ exp->ex_type = tp; exp->ex_class = Float; exp->FL_VALUE = 0; flt_arith2flt(exp->VL_VALUE, &(exp->FL_ARITH), uns); exp->FL_DATLAB = 0; } else { fp_used = 1; *expp = arith2arith(tp, INT2FLOAT, *expp); } } float2int(expp, tp) struct expr **expp; struct type *tp; { /* The expression *expp, which is of some floating type, is converted to the integral type tp. */ register struct expr *ex = *expp; if (is_fp_cst(ex)) { arith ar = flt_flt2arith(&ex->FL_ARITH, tp->tp_unsigned); if (flt_status == FLT_OVFL) expr_warning(ex,"overflow in float to int conversion"); else if (flt_status == FLT_UNFL) expr_warning(ex,"underflow in float to unsigned conversion"); ex->ex_type = tp; /* The following lines are copied from fill_int_expr */ ex->ex_class = Value; ex->VL_CLASS = Const; ex->VL_VALUE = ar; cut_size(ex); } else { fp_used = 1; *expp = arith2arith(tp, FLOAT2INT, ex); } } float2float(expp, tp) register struct expr **expp; struct type *tp; { /* The expression *expp, which is of some floating type, is converted to the floating type tp. There is no need for an explicit conversion operator if the expression is a constant. */ if (is_fp_cst(*expp)) (*expp)->ex_type = tp; else { fp_used = 1; *expp = arith2arith(tp, FLOAT2FLOAT, *expp); } } array2pointer(exp) register struct expr *exp; { /* The expression, which must be an array, is converted to a pointer. */ exp->ex_type = construct_type(POINTER, exp->ex_type->tp_up , /* exp->ex_type->tp_typequal */ 0 , (arith)0, NO_PROTO); } function2pointer(exp) register struct expr *exp; { /* The expression, which must be a function, is converted to a pointer to the function. */ exp->ex_type = construct_type(POINTER, exp->ex_type, 0, (arith)0, NO_PROTO); } string2pointer(ex) register struct expr *ex; { /* The expression, which must be a string constant, is converted to a pointer to the string-containing area. */ label lbl = data_label(); code_string(ex->SG_VALUE, ex->SG_LEN, lbl); ex->ex_class = Value; ex->VL_CLASS = Label; ex->VL_LBL = lbl; ex->VL_VALUE = (arith)0; } opnd2integral(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; int oper; { register int fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; if (fund != INT && fund != LONG) { expr_error(*expp, "%s operand to %s", symbol2str(fund), symbol2str(oper)); erroneous2int(expp); /* fund = INT; */ } } opnd2logical(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; int oper; { int fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (fund == FIELD) field2arith(expp); #endif NOBITFIELD switch (fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: case POINTER: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case LNGDBL: break; default: expr_error(*expp, "%s operand to %s", symbol2str(fund), symbol2str(oper)); case ERRONEOUS: erroneous2int(expp); break; } } opnd2test(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; { opnd2logical(expp, oper); if ((*expp)->ex_class == Oper) { switch((*expp)->OP_OPER) { case '<': case '>': case LESSEQ: case GREATEREQ: case EQUAL: case NOTEQUAL: case '!': case AND: case OR: /* && and || also impose a test */ /* It is already a test */ return; case ',': opnd2test(&((*expp)->OP_RIGHT), oper); return; } } ch3bin(expp, NOTEQUAL, intexpr((arith)0, INT)); } any2opnd(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; { if (!*expp) return; if (oper == SIZEOF || oper == ADDRESSOF) return; switch ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case ENUM: /* case FLOAT: /* not necessary anymore */ any2arith(expp, oper); break; case ARRAY: array2pointer(*expp); break; case POINTER: if ((*expp)->ex_class == String) string2pointer(*expp); break; case FUNCTION: function2pointer(*expp); break; #ifndef NOBITFIELD case FIELD: field2arith(expp); break; #endif NOBITFIELD } } any2parameter(expp) register struct expr **expp; { /* To handle default argument promotions */ any2opnd(expp, '('); if (int_size != pointer_size) if ((*expp)->ex_flags & EX_PTRDIFF) expr_warning(*expp, "pointer difference caused long expression"); if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == FLOAT) float2float(expp, double_type); } #ifndef NOBITFIELD field2arith(expp) register struct expr **expp; { /* The expression to extract the bitfield value from the memory word is put in the tree. */ register struct type *tp = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_up; register struct field *fd = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_field; (*expp)->ex_type = word_type; if (tp->tp_unsigned) { /* don't worry about the sign bit */ if (fd->fd_width >= 8 * word_size) (*expp)->ex_type = uword_type; ch3bin(expp, RIGHT, intexpr((arith)fd->fd_shift, INT)); ch3bin(expp, '&', intexpr(fd->fd_mask, INT)); } else { /* take care of the sign bit: sign extend if needed */ arith bits_in_type = word_size * 8; ch3bin(expp, LEFT, intexpr(bits_in_type - fd->fd_width - fd->fd_shift, INT) ); ch3bin(expp, RIGHT, intexpr(bits_in_type - fd->fd_width, INT)); } } #endif NOBITFIELD /* switch_sign_fp() negates the given floating constant expression, * and frees the string representing the old value. */ switch_sign_fp(expr) register struct expr *expr; { flt_umin(&(expr->FL_ARITH)); if (expr->FL_VALUE) free(expr->FL_VALUE); expr->FL_VALUE = 0; }