iburg -- A Code Generator Generator iburg is a code-generator generator that uses dynamic programming at compile time. It's described in C. W. Fraser, D. R. Hanson and T. A. Proebsting, Engineering a simple, efficient code generator generator, ACM Letters on Prog. Languages and Systems 1, 3 (Sep. 1992), 213-226. http://storage.webhop.net/documents/iburg.pdf iburg is written in and generates ANSI C and thus must be compiled with an ANSI C compiler and preprocessor, e.g., gcc or lcc. To compile iburg, type "make". There should be no warnings or errors (except perhaps in the system-dependent YACC skeleton). If you need to customize the makefile, edit custom.mk, which is included in makefile. The default custom.mk is empty. sample.brg is from the paper in burg.ps, sample4.brg is from the paper in iburg.ps, and sample5.brg is an example from a compilers course. "make test" runs iburg on sample[45].brg and executes the resulting programs. The output should be something like: % make test ./iburg -I sample4.brg sample4.c; cc -o test4 sample4.c; ./test4 sample4.c i = c + 4; stmt: ASGNI(disp,reg) disp: ADDRLP reg: disp disp: ADDI(reg,con) reg: CVCI(INDIRC(disp)) disp: ADDRLP con: CNSTI ./iburg -I sample5.brg sample5.c; cc -o test5 sample5.c; ./test5 sample5.c stm: MOVE(MEM(loc),reg) loc: NAME reg: PLUS(MEM(loc),reg) loc: PLUS(NAME,reg) reg: MEM(loc) loc: NAME reg: con con: CONST % To install iburg, copy it and its man page to the appropriate local directories, e.g., on UNIX: % cp iburg /usr/local % cp iburg.1 /usr/local/man/man1 "make clobber" removes the executables and all derived files except gram.c; "make clean" removes just object, core, and sample*.c files. Mail bug reports along with the shortest input that exposes them to drh@drhanson.net. $Id$