/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * */ #include "ass00.h" #include "assex.h" #include "assci.h" #include "asscm.h" #include "assrl.h" #include <em_mes.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_ptyp.h> /* * read compact code and fill in tables */ static int tabval; static cons_t argval; static int oksizes; /* MES EMX,.,. seen */ static enum m_type { CON, ROM, HOLBSS } memtype; static int valtype; /* Transfer of type information between valsize, inpseudo and putval */ /* Forward declarations * Yes, there is a better way to reorder to avoid these forward * declarations, but its complex to do, so we use the lazy way */ static int getarg(int); static cons_t getint(void); static glob_t *getlab(int); static char *getdig(char *, unsigned int); static void make_string(unsigned int); static void getstring(void); static void inident(void); static char *inproname(void); static int needed(void); static cons_t valsize(void); static void setline(void); static void inpseudo(int); static void compact_line(void); static cons_t maxval(int); static void setsizes(void); static void exchange(int, int); static void doinsert(line_t *, int, int); static void putval(void); static void chkstart(void); static void typealign(enum m_type); static void sizealign(cons_t); static void extconst(cons_t); static void extbss(cons_t); static void extloc(register locl_t *); static void extglob(glob_t *, cons_t); static void extpro(proc_t *); static void extstring(void); static void extxcon(int); static long myatol(register char *); static void extvcon(int); static int table3(int i) { switch (i) { case sp_ilb1: tabval = get8(); break; case sp_dlb1: make_string(get8()); i = sp_dnam; break; case sp_dlb2: tabval = get16(); if (tabval < 0) { error("illegal data label .%d", tabval); tabval = 0; } make_string(tabval); i = sp_dnam; break; case sp_cst2: argval = get16(); break; case sp_ilb2: tabval = get16(); if (tabval < 0) { error("illegal instruction label %d", tabval); tabval = 0; } i = sp_ilb1; break; case sp_cst4: i = sp_cst2; argval = get32(); break; case sp_dnam: case sp_pnam: inident(); break; case sp_scon: getstring(); break; case sp_doff: getarg(sym_ptyp); getarg(cst_ptyp); break; case sp_icon: case sp_ucon: case sp_fcon: getarg(cst_ptyp); consiz = argval; if (consiz < wordsize ? wordsize % consiz != 0 : consiz % wordsize != 0) { fatal("illegal object size"); } getstring(); break; } return (i); } int get16(void) { register int l_byte, h_byte; l_byte = get8(); h_byte = get8(); if (h_byte >= 128) h_byte -= 256; return l_byte | (h_byte * 256); } int getu16(void) { register int l_byte, h_byte; l_byte = get8(); h_byte = get8(); return l_byte | (h_byte * 256); } cons_t get32(void) { register cons_t l; register int h_byte; l = get8(); l |= (unsigned) get8() * 256; l |= get8() * 256L * 256L; h_byte = get8(); if (h_byte >= 128) h_byte -= 256; return l | (h_byte * 256L * 256 * 256L); } static int table1(void) { register int i; i = xget8(); if (i < sp_fmnem + sp_nmnem && i >= sp_fmnem) { tabval = i - sp_fmnem; return (sp_fmnem); } if (i < sp_fpseu + sp_npseu && i >= sp_fpseu) { tabval = i; return (sp_fpseu); } if (i < sp_filb0 + sp_nilb0 && i >= sp_filb0) { tabval = i - sp_filb0; return (sp_ilb1); } return (table3(i)); } static int table2(void) { register int i; i = get8(); if (i < sp_fcst0 + sp_ncst0 && i >= sp_fcst0) { argval = i - sp_zcst0; return (sp_cst2); } return (table3(i)); } /* Read argument of instruction */ static int getarg(int typset) { register int t, argtyp; argtyp = t = table2(); t -= sp_fspec; t = 1 << t; if ((typset & t) == 0) error("bad argument type %d", argtyp); return (argtyp); } static cons_t getint(void) { getarg(cst_ptyp); return (argval); } static glob_t *getlab(int status) { getarg(sym_ptyp); return (glo2lookup(string, status)); } static char *getdig(char *str, unsigned int number) { register int remain; remain = number % 10; number /= 10; if (number) str = getdig(str, number); *str++ = '0' + remain; return str; } static void make_string(unsigned int n) { string[0] = '.'; *getdig(&string[1], n) = 0; } static void getstring(void) { register char *p; register int n; getarg(cst_ptyp); if (argval < 0 || argval >= MAXSTRING - 1) fatal("string/identifier too long"); strlngth = n = argval; p = string; while (--n >= 0) *p++ = get8(); *p = 0; } static void inident(void) { getstring(); } static char *inproname(void) { getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)); return (string); } static int needed(void) { register glob_t *g; register proc_t *p; for (;;) { switch (table2()) { case sp_dnam: if ( (g = xglolookup(string, SEARCHING)) != NULL) { if ((g->g_status & DEF) != 0) continue; } else continue; break; case sp_pnam: p = searchproc(string, xprocs, oursize->n_xproc); if (p->p_name) { if ((p->p_status & DEF) != 0) continue; } else continue; break; default: error("Unexpected byte after ms_ext"); case sp_cend: return FALSE; } while (table2() != sp_cend) ; return TRUE; } } static cons_t valsize(void) { switch (valtype = table2()) { /* valtype is used by putval and inpseudo */ case sp_cst2: return wordsize; case sp_ilb1: case sp_dnam: case sp_doff: case sp_pnam: return ptrsize; case sp_scon: return strlngth; case sp_fcon: case sp_icon: case sp_ucon: return consiz; case sp_cend: return 0; default: fatal("value expected"); return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ } } void newline(int type) { register line_t *n_lnp; if (type > VALLOW) type = VALLOW; n_lnp = lnp_cast getarea((unsigned) linesize[type]); n_lnp->l_next = pstate.s_fline; pstate.s_fline = n_lnp; n_lnp->type1 = type; n_lnp->opoff = NO_OFF; } static void setline(void) { /* Get line numbers correct */ if (pstate.s_fline && ctrunc(pstate.s_fline->instr_num) == sp_fpseu) { /* Already one present */ pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra++; } else { newline(LINES); pstate.s_fline->instr_num = sp_fpseu; pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra = 0; pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_ln.ln_first = line_num; } } static void inpseudo(int instr_no) { cons_t cst; register proc_t *prptr; cons_t objsize; cons_t par1, par2; register char *pars; /* * get operands of pseudo (if needed) and process it. */ switch (ctrunc(instr_no)) { case ps_bss: chkstart(); typealign(HOLBSS); cst = getint(); /* number of bytes */ extbss(cst); break; case ps_hol: chkstart(); typealign(HOLBSS); holsize = getint(); holbase = databytes; extbss(holsize); break; case ps_rom: case ps_con: chkstart(); typealign( ctrunc(instr_no) == ps_rom ? ROM : CON); while ((objsize = valsize()) != 0) { if (valtype != sp_scon) sizealign(objsize); putval(); databytes += objsize; } break; case ps_end: prptr = pstate.s_curpro; if (prptr == prp_cast 0) fatal("unexpected END"); proctab[prptr->p_num].pr_off = textbytes; if (procflag) { printf("%6lu\t%6lo\t%5d\t%-12s\t%s", textbytes, textbytes, prptr->p_num, prptr->p_name, curfile); if (archmode) printf("(%.14s)", archhdr.ar_name); printf("\n"); } par2 = proctab[prptr->p_num].pr_loc; if (getarg(cst_ptyp | ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend) { if (par2 == -1) { fatal("size of local area unspecified"); } } else { if (par2 != -1 && argval != par2) { fatal("inconsistent local area size"); } proctab[prptr->p_num].pr_loc = argval; } setline(); do_proc(); break; case ps_mes: switch ( int_cast getint()) { case ms_err: error("module with error"); ertrap(); /* NOTREACHED */ case ms_emx: if (oksizes) { if (wordsize != getint()) { fatal("Inconsistent word size"); } if (ptrsize != getint()) { fatal("Inconsistent pointer size"); } } else { oksizes++; wordsize = getint(); ptrsize = getint(); if (wordsize != 2 && wordsize != 4) { fatal("Illegal word size"); } if (ptrsize != 2 && ptrsize != 4) { fatal("Illegal pointer size"); } setsizes(); } ++mod_sizes; break; case ms_src: break; case ms_flt: intflags |= 020; break; /*floats used*/ case ms_ext: if (!needed()) { eof_seen++; } if (line_num > 2) { werror("mes ms_ext must be first or second pseudo"); } return; } while (table2() != sp_cend) ; break; case ps_exc: par1 = getint(); par2 = getint(); if (par1 == 0 || par2 == 0) break; exchange((int) par2, (int) par1); break; case ps_exa: getlab(EXTERNING); break; case ps_ina: getlab(INTERNING); break; case ps_pro: chkstart(); initproc(); pars = inproname(); if (getarg(cst_ptyp | ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend) { par2 = -1; } else { par2 = argval; } prptr = prolookup(pars, PRO_DEF); proctab[prptr->p_num].pr_loc = par2; pstate.s_curpro = prptr; break; case ps_inp: prptr = prolookup(inproname(), PRO_INT); break; case ps_exp: prptr = prolookup(inproname(), PRO_EXT); break; default: fatal("unknown pseudo"); } if (!mod_sizes) fatal("Missing size specification"); if (databytes > maxadr) error("Maximum data area size exceeded"); } /* * read one "line" of compact code. */ static void compact_line(void) { register int instr_no; curglosym = 0; switch (table1()) { default: fatal("unknown byte at start of \"line\""); /* NOTREACHED */ case EOF: eof_seen++; while (pstate.s_prevstat != pst_cast 0) { error("missing end"); do_proc(); } return; case sp_fmnem: if (pstate.s_curpro == prp_cast 0) { error("instruction outside procedure"); } instr_no = tabval; if ((em_flag[instr_no] & EM_PAR) == PAR_NO) { newline(MISSING); pstate.s_fline->instr_num = instr_no; return; } /* * This instruction should have an opcode, so read it after * this switch. */ break; case sp_dnam: chkstart(); align(wordsize); curglosym = glo2lookup(string, DEFINING); curglosym->g_val.g_addr = databytes; lastglosym = curglosym; setline(); line_num++; if (table1() != sp_fpseu) fatal("no pseudo after data label"); case sp_fpseu: inpseudo(tabval); setline(); return; case sp_ilb1: newline(LOCSYM); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_lp = loclookup(tabval, DEFINING); pstate.s_fline->instr_num = sp_ilb1; return; } /* * Now process argument */ switch (table2()) { default: fatal("unknown byte at start of argument"); /*NOTREACHED*/ case sp_cst2: if ((em_flag[instr_no] & EM_PAR) == PAR_B) { /* value indicates a label */ newline(LOCSYM); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_lp = loclookup((int) argval, OCCURRING); } else { if (argval >= VAL1(VALLOW) && argval <= VAL1(VALHIGH)) { newline(VALLOW); pstate.s_fline->type1 = argval + VALMID; } else { newline(CONST); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_i = argval; pstate.s_fline->type1 = CONST; } } break; case sp_ilb1: newline(LOCSYM); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_lp = loclookup(tabval, OCCURRING); break; case sp_dnam: newline(GLOSYM); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_gp = glo2lookup(string, OCCURRING); break; case sp_pnam: newline(PROCNAME); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_pp = prolookup(string, PRO_OCC); break; case sp_cend: if ((em_flag[instr_no] & EM_PAR) != PAR_W) { fatal("missing operand"); } newline(MISSING); break; case sp_doff: newline(GLOOFF); pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_df.df_i = argval; pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_df.df_gp = glo2lookup(string, OCCURRING); break; } pstate.s_fline->instr_num = instr_no; return; } void read_compact(void) { init_module(); pass = 1; eof_seen = 0; do { compact_line(); line_num++; } while (!eof_seen); endproc(); /* Throw away unwanted garbage */ if (mod_sizes) end_module(); /* mod_sizes is only false for rejected library modules */ } static cons_t maxval(int bits) { /* find the maximum positive value, * fitting in 'bits' bits AND * fitting in a 'cons_t' . */ cons_t val; val = 1; while (bits--) { val <<= 1; if (val < 0) return ~val; } return val - 1; } static void setsizes(void) { maxadr = maxval(8 * ptrsize); maxint = maxval(8 * wordsize - 1); maxunsig = maxval(8 * wordsize); maxdint = maxval(2 * 8 * wordsize - 1); maxdunsig = maxval(2 * 8 * wordsize); } static void exchange(int p1, int p2) { int size, line; register line_t *t_lnp, *a_lnp, *b_lnp; /* Since the lines are linked backwards it is easy * to count the number of lines backwards. * Each instr counts for 1, each pseudo for ln_extra + 1. * The line numbers in error messages etc. are INCORRECT * If exc's are used. */ line = line_num; size = 0; newline(LINES); a_lnp = pstate.s_fline; a_lnp->instr_num = sp_fpseu; a_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_first = line; a_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra = -1; for (; a_lnp; a_lnp = a_lnp->l_next) { line--; switch (ctrunc(a_lnp->instr_num)) { case sp_fpseu: line = a_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_first; size += a_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra; break; case sp_ilb1: a_lnp->ad.ad_lp->l_min -= p2; break; } size++; if (size >= p1) break; } if ((size -= p1) > 0) { if ( ctrunc(a_lnp->instr_num) != sp_fpseu) { fatal("EXC inconsistency"); } doinsert(a_lnp, line, size - 1); a_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra -= size; size = 0; } else { if (a_lnp) doinsert(a_lnp, line, -1); } b_lnp = a_lnp; while (b_lnp) { b_lnp = b_lnp->l_next; line--; switch (ctrunc(b_lnp->instr_num)) { case sp_fpseu: size += b_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra; line = b_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_first; break; case sp_ilb1: b_lnp->ad.ad_lp->l_min += p1; break; } size++; if (size >= p2) break; } if (!b_lnp) { /* if a_lnp==0, so is b_lnp */ fatal("Cannot perform exchange"); } if ((size -= p2) > 0) { if ( ctrunc(b_lnp->instr_num) != sp_fpseu) { fatal("EXC inconsistency"); } doinsert(b_lnp, line, size - 1); b_lnp->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra -= size; } else { doinsert(b_lnp, line, -1); } t_lnp = b_lnp->l_next; b_lnp->l_next = pstate.s_fline; pstate.s_fline = a_lnp->l_next; a_lnp->l_next = t_lnp; } static void doinsert(line_t *lnp, int first, int extra) { /* Beware : s_fline will be clobbered and restored */ register line_t *t_lnp; t_lnp = pstate.s_fline; pstate.s_fline = lnp->l_next; newline(LINES); pstate.s_fline->instr_num = sp_fpseu; pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_ln.ln_first = first; pstate.s_fline->ad.ad_ln.ln_extra = extra; lnp->l_next = pstate.s_fline; pstate.s_fline = t_lnp; /* restore */ } static void putval(void) { switch (valtype) { case sp_cst2: extconst(argval); return; case sp_ilb1: extloc(loclookup(tabval, OCCURRING)); return; case sp_dnam: extglob(glo2lookup(string, OCCURRING), (cons_t) 0); return; case sp_doff: extglob(glo2lookup(string, OCCURRING), argval); return; case sp_pnam: extpro(prolookup(string, PRO_OCC)); return; case sp_scon: extstring(); return; case sp_fcon: extxcon(DATA_FCON); return; case sp_icon: extvcon(DATA_ICON); return; case sp_ucon: extvcon(DATA_UCON); return; default: fatal("putval notreached"); /* NOTREACHED */ } } static void chkstart(void) { static int absout = 0; if (absout) return; if (!oksizes) fatal("missing size specification"); set_mode(DATA_CONST); extconst((cons_t) 0); databytes = wordsize; set_mode(DATA_REP); if (wordsize < ABSSIZE) { register int factor = ABSSIZE / wordsize - 1; extadr((cons_t) factor); databytes += factor * wordsize; } absout++; memtype = HOLBSS; } static void typealign(enum m_type new) { if (memtype == new) return; align(wordsize); memtype = new; } static void sizealign(cons_t size) { align(size > wordsize ? wordsize : (int) size); } void align(int size) { while (databytes % size) { set_mode(DATA_BYTES); ext8(0); databytes++; } } static void extconst(cons_t n) { set_mode(DATA_CONST); extword(n); } static void extbss(cons_t n) { cons_t objsize, amount; cons_t sv_argval; int sv_tabval; if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0) werror("negative bss/hol size"); if (table2() == sp_cend || table2() == sp_cend) { werror("Unexpected end-of-line"); } return; } set_mode(DATA_NUL); /* flush descriptor */ objsize = valsize(); if (objsize == 0) { werror("Unexpected end-of-line"); return; } if (n % objsize != 0) error("BSS/HOL incompatible sizes"); sv_tabval = tabval; sv_argval = argval; getarg(sp_cst2); if (argval < 0 || argval > 1) error("illegal last argument"); databytes += n; if (argval == 1) { tabval = sv_tabval; argval = sv_argval; putval(); amount = n / objsize; if (amount > 1) { set_mode(DATA_REP); extadr(amount - 1); } } else { n = (n + wordsize - 1) / wordsize; while (n > MAXBYTE) { set_mode(DATA_BSS); ext8(MAXBYTE); n -= MAXBYTE; } set_mode(DATA_BSS); ext8((int) n); } } static void extloc(register locl_t *lbp) { /* * assemble a pointer constant from a local label. * For example con *1 */ set_mode(DATA_IPTR); data_reloc( chp_cast lbp, dataoff, RELLOC); extadr((cons_t) 0); } static void extglob(glob_t *agbp, cons_t off) { register glob_t *gbp; /* * generate a word of data that is defined by a global symbol. * Various relocation has to be prepared here in some cases */ gbp = agbp; set_mode(DATA_DPTR); if (gbp->g_status & DEF) { extadr(gbp->g_val.g_addr + off); } else { data_reloc( chp_cast gbp, dataoff, RELGLO); extadr(off); } } static void extpro(proc_t *aprp) { /* * generate a address that is defined by a procedure descriptor. */ consiz = ptrsize; set_mode(DATA_UCON); extarb((int) ptrsize, (long) (aprp->p_num)); } static void extstring(void ) { register char *s; register int n; /* * generate data for a string. */ for (n = strlngth, s = string; n--;) { set_mode(DATA_BYTES); ext8(*s++); } return; } static void extxcon(int header) { register char *s; register int n; /* * generate data for a floating constant initialized by a string. */ set_mode(header); s = string; for (n = strlngth; n--;) { if (*s == 0) error("Zero byte in initializer"); ext8(*s++); } ext8(0); return; } /* Added atol() that ignores overflow. --Ceriel */ static long myatol(register char *s) { register long total = 0; register unsigned digit; int minus = 0; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; if (*s == '+') s++; else if (*s == '-') { s++; minus = 1; } while ((digit = *s++ - '0') < 10) { total *= 10; total += digit; } return (minus ? -total : total); } static void extvcon(int header) { /* * generate data for a constant initialized by a string. */ set_mode(header); if (consiz > 4) { error("Size of initializer exceeds loader capability"); } extarb((int) consiz, myatol(string)); return; }