.define __begsig
.sect .text; .sect .rom; .sect .data
.extern __begsig
.extern __vectab, __M
mtype = 2			! M+mtype = &M.m_type
.sect .text
	push ax			! after interrupt, save all regs
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	push si
	push di
	push bp
	push ds
	push es
	mov bx,sp
	mov bx,18(bx)		! bx = signal number
	mov ax,bx		! ax = signal number
	dec bx			! vectab[0] is for sig 1
	add bx,bx		! pointers are two bytes on 8088
	mov bx,__vectab(bx)	! bx = address of routine to call
	push (__M+mtype)	! push status of last system call
	push ax			! func called with signal number as arg
	call (bx)
	pop ax			! get signal number off stack
	pop (__M+mtype)		! restore status of previous system call
	pop es			! signal handling finished
	pop ds
	pop bp
	pop di
	pop si
	pop dx
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax
	pop (dummy)		! remove signal number from stack

.sect .data 
dummy: .data2 0