/* $Header$ */ /* SEMANTIC ANALYSIS (CHAPTER 7RM) -- MONADIC OPERATORS */ #include "nobitfield.h" #include "botch_free.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "storage.h" #include "idf.h" #include "def.h" extern char options[]; char *symbol2str(); ch7mon(oper, expp) register struct expr **expp; { /* The monadic prefix operator oper is applied to *expp. */ register struct expr *expr; switch (oper) { case '*': /* RM 7.2 */ /* no FIELD type allowed */ if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == ARRAY) array2pointer(expp); if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund != POINTER) { if ((*expp)->ex_type != error_type) expr_error(*expp, "* applied to non-pointer (%s)", symbol2str((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund)); (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; } else { expr = *expp; if (expr->ex_lvalue == 0) /* dereference in administration only */ expr->ex_type = expr->ex_type->tp_up; else /* runtime code */ *expp = new_oper(expr->ex_type->tp_up, NILEXPR, '*', expr); (*expp)->ex_lvalue = ( (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund != ARRAY && (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund != FUNCTION); } break; case '&': if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == ARRAY) { array2pointer(expp); } else if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) { function2pointer(expp); } else #ifndef NOBITFIELD if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == FIELD) { expr_error(*expp, "& applied to field variable"); (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; } else #endif NOBITFIELD if (!(*expp)->ex_lvalue) { expr_error(*expp, "& applied to non-lvalue"); (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; } else { /* assume that enums are already filtered out */ if ((*expp)->ex_class == Value && (*expp)->VL_IDF) { register struct def *def = (*expp)->VL_IDF->id_def; /* & indicates that cannot be used as register anymore */ if (def->df_sc == REGISTER) { expr_error(*expp, "& on register variable not allowed"); (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; break; /* break case '&' */ } def->df_register = REG_NONE; } (*expp)->ex_type = pointer_to((*expp)->ex_type); (*expp)->ex_lvalue = 0; } break; case '~': { int fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; if (fund == FLOAT || fund == DOUBLE) { expr_error(*expp, "~ not allowed on %s operands", symbol2str(fund)); erroneous2int(expp); break; } } case '-': any2arith(expp, oper); if (is_cp_cst(*expp)) { arith o1 = (*expp)->VL_VALUE; if (oper == '-') o1 = -o1; else o1 = ~o1; (*expp)->VL_VALUE = o1; } else if (is_fp_cst(*expp)) switch_sign_fp(*expp); else *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type, NILEXPR, oper, *expp); break; case '!': if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) function2pointer(expp); if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund != POINTER) any2arith(expp, oper); opnd2test(expp, '!'); if (is_cp_cst(*expp)) { arith o1 = (*expp)->VL_VALUE; o1 = !o1; (*expp)->VL_VALUE = o1; (*expp)->ex_type = int_type; } else *expp = new_oper(int_type, NILEXPR, oper, *expp); (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_LOGICAL; break; case PLUSPLUS: case MINMIN: ch7incr(expp, oper); break; case SIZEOF: if ( (*expp)->ex_class == Value && (*expp)->VL_IDF && (*expp)->VL_IDF->id_def->df_formal_array ) warning("sizeof formal array %s is sizeof pointer!", (*expp)->VL_IDF->id_text); expr = intexpr(size_of_type((*expp)->ex_type, "object"), INT); free_expression(*expp); *expp = expr; (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_SIZEOF; break; } }