#include "mcg.h" /* Insert empty nodes at certain places in the basic block graph so that when * we convert out of SSA form, we have somewhere to insert copies. This is * necessary for correctness in certain circumstances. The best explanation of * why I've found is here, starting at the bottom of page 23. * * Briggs, Preston, et al. * "Practical improvements to the construction and destruction of static single assignment form." * Software-Practice and experience 28.8 (1998): 859-882. * * http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= */ struct rewrite_params { struct basicblock* find; struct basicblock* replace; }; static bool find_replace_cb(struct ir* ir, void* user) { struct rewrite_params* rwp = user; if ((ir->opcode == IR_BLOCK) && (ir->u.bvalue == rwp->find)) ir->u.bvalue = rwp->replace; return false; } static void split_edge(struct basicblock* source, struct basicblock* sink) { int i; struct rewrite_params rwp; struct basicblock* bb = bb_get(NULL); struct ir* jump = new_ir1( IR_JUMP, 0, new_bbir(sink) ); jump->root = jump->left->root = jump; array_append(&bb->irs, jump); rwp.find = sink; rwp.replace = bb; for (i=0; i<source->irs.count; i++) ir_walk(source->irs.item[i], find_replace_cb, &rwp); array_remove(&source->nexts, sink); array_append(&source->nexts, bb); array_append(&bb->prevs, source); array_append(&bb->nexts, sink); array_remove(&sink->prevs, source); array_append(&sink->prevs, bb); array_append(¤t_proc->blocks, bb); } static bool consider_edges_leading_from(struct basicblock* bb) { bool changed = false; if (bb->nexts.count > 1) { int i; for (i=0; i<bb->nexts.count; i++) { struct basicblock* next = bb->nexts.item[i]; if (next->prevs.count > 1) { split_edge(bb, next); changed = true; } } } return changed; } void pass_split_critical_edges(void) { int i; bool changed; do { changed = false; for (i=0; i<current_proc->blocks.count; i++) changed |= consider_edges_leading_from(current_proc->blocks.item[i]); } while (changed); } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */