/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #endif #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <object.h> #include "out.h" #include "object.h" #include "const.h" #include "memory.h" #include "sym.h" #include "error.h" #include "write.h" extern struct outhead outhead; extern struct outsect outsect[]; extern int flagword; extern bool incore; static long off_char; void wr_fatal(void) { fatal("write error"); } /* * Open the output file according to the chosen strategy. * Write away the header and section table: they will not change anymore. */ void begin_write(void) { register struct outhead *hd = &outhead; assert(! incore); wr_ohead(hd); wr_sect(outsect, hd->oh_nsect); off_char = OFF_CHAR(*hd); } static struct outname *sectname(int sectindex) { static struct outname namebuf; namebuf.on_foff = (long)0; /* No string name. */ namebuf.on_type = (S_MIN + sectindex) | S_SCT; namebuf.on_desc = 0; namebuf.on_valu = outsect[sectindex].os_base; return &namebuf; } /* * Write out the symbol table and the section names. */ void end_write(void) { register struct outname *name; register int sectindex; extern long NGChars; assert(!incore); assert(!(flagword & SFLAG)); name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOGLOB, (ind_t)0); namecpy(name, NGlobals, off_char); wr_name(name, NGlobals); wr_string(mems[ALLOGCHR].mem_base+1, NGChars); off_char += NGChars; for (sectindex = 0; sectindex < outhead.oh_nsect; sectindex++) wrt_name(sectname(sectindex), 1); } void wrt_emit(char *emit, int sectindex, long cnt) { wr_outsect(sectindex); wr_emit(emit, cnt); } void wrt_nulls(int sectindex, register long cnt) { static char nullbuf[BUFSIZ]; wr_outsect(sectindex); while (cnt) { register int n = cnt >= BUFSIZ ? BUFSIZ : cnt; wr_emit(nullbuf, (long)n); cnt -= n; } } void wrt_name(register struct outname *name, int writename) { assert(!incore); assert(!(flagword & SFLAG)); if (name->on_mptr != (char *)0) { register long len = strlen(name->on_mptr) + 1; wr_string(name->on_mptr, len); name->on_foff = off_char; off_char += len; } else { name->on_foff = (long)0; } if (writename) wr_name(name, 1); }