 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
#include <stdio.h>

/* $Id$ */

/* BASIC file io definitions */

extern FILE *_chanrd;
extern FILE *_chanwr;
extern int   _chann;
/* BASIC file descriptor table */
/* Channel assignment:
   -1		terminal IO
    0		data file
    1-15	user files

#define 	IMODE	1
#define		OMODE	2
#define		RMODE	3

typedef struct {
	char	*fname;
	FILE	*fd;
	int	pos;
	int	mode;	
	int	reclength;
extern Filedesc	 _fdtable[16];