#include "bem.h" #ifndef NORSCID static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ; #endif List *forwardlabel=0; Linerecord *firstline, *currline, *lastline; /* Line management is handled here */ Linerecord *srchline(nr) int nr; { Linerecord *l; for(l=firstline;l && l->linenr<=nr;l= l->nextline) if( l->linenr== nr) return(l); return(0); } List *srchforward(nr) int nr; { List *l; for(l=forwardlabel;l ;l=l->nextlist) if( l->linenr== nr) return(l); return(0); } linewarnings() { List *l; extern int errorcnt; l= forwardlabel; while(l) { if( !srchline(l->linenr)) { printf("ERROR: line %d not defined\n",l->linenr); errorcnt++; } l=l->nextlist; } } newblock(nr) int nr; { Linerecord *l; List *frwrd; if( debug) printf("newblock at %d\n",nr); if( nr>0 && currline && currline->linenr>= nr) { if( debug) printf("old line:%d\n",currline->linenr); error("Lines out of sequence"); } frwrd=srchforward(nr); if( frwrd && debug) printf("forward found %d\n",frwrd->emlabel); l= srchline(nr); if( l) { error("Line redefined"); nr= -genlabel(); } /* make new EM block structure */ l= (Linerecord *) salloc(sizeof(*l)); l->emlabel= frwrd? frwrd->emlabel: genlabel(); l->linenr= nr; /* save offset into tmpfile too */ l->offset = (long) ftell(tmpfile); l->codelines= emlinecount; /* insert this record */ if( firstline) { currline->nextline=l; l->prevline= currline; lastline= currline=l; } else firstline = lastline =currline=l; } gotolabel(nr) int nr; { /* simulate a goto statement in the line record table */ Linerecord *l1; List *ll; if(debug) printf("goto label %d\n",nr); /* update currline */ ll= (List *) salloc( sizeof(*ll)); ll-> linenr=nr; ll-> nextlist= currline->gotos; currline->gotos= ll; /* try to generate code */ l1= srchline(nr); if( (ll=srchforward(nr))!=0) nr= ll->emlabel; else if( l1==0) { /* declare forward label */ if(debug) printf("declare forward %d\n",nr); ll= (List *) salloc( sizeof(*ll)); ll->emlabel= genlabel(); ll-> linenr=nr; ll->nextlist= forwardlabel; forwardlabel= ll; nr= ll->emlabel; } else nr= l1->emlabel; return(nr); } gotostmt(nr) int nr; { emcode("bra",instrlabel(gotolabel(nr))); } /* GOSUB-return, assume that proper entries are made to subroutines only. The return statement is triggered by a fake constant label */ List *gosubhead, *gotail; int gosubcnt=1; List *gosublabel() { List *l; int n; l= (List *) salloc(sizeof(List)); l->nextlist=0; l->emlabel=genlabel(); if( gotail){ gotail->nextlist=l; gotail=l; } else gotail= gosubhead=l; gosubcnt++; return(l); } gosubstmt(lab) int lab; { List *l; int nr,n; n=gosubcnt; l= gosublabel(); nr=gotolabel(lab); emcode("loc",itoa(n)); /*return index */ emcode("cal","$_gosub"); /* administer legal return */ emcode("asp",EMINTSIZE); emcode("bra",instrlabel(nr)); fprintf(tmpfile,"%d\n",l->emlabel); emlinecount++; } genreturns() { int nr; nr= genlabel(); fprintf(emfile,"returns\n"); fprintf(emfile," rom *%d,1,%d\n",nr,gosubcnt-1); while( gosubhead) { fprintf(emfile," rom *%d\n",gosubhead->emlabel); gosubhead= gosubhead->nextlist; } fprintf(emfile,"%d\n",nr); fprintf(emfile," loc 1\n"); fprintf(emfile," cal $error\n"); } returnstmt() { emcode("cal","$_retstmt"); /* ensure legal return*/ emcode("lfr",EMINTSIZE); fprintf(tmpfile," lae returns\n"); emlinecount++; emcode("csa",EMINTSIZE); } /* compound goto-gosub statements */ List *jumphead,*jumptail; int jumpcnt; jumpelm(nr) int nr; { List *l; l= (List *) salloc(sizeof(List)); l->emlabel= gotolabel(nr); l->nextlist=0; if( jumphead==0) jumphead= jumptail= l; else { jumptail->nextlist=l; jumptail=l; } jumpcnt++; } ongotostmt(type) int type; { /* generate the code itself, index in on top of the stack */ /* blurh, store the number of entries in the descriptor */ int firstlabel; int descr; List *l; /* create descriptor first */ descr= genlabel(); firstlabel=genlabel(); fprintf(tmpfile,"l%d\n",descr); emlinecount++; fprintf(tmpfile," rom *%d,1,%d\n",firstlabel,jumpcnt); emlinecount++; l= jumphead; while( l) { fprintf(tmpfile," rom *%d\n",l->emlabel); emlinecount++; l= l->nextlist; } jumphead= jumptail=0; jumpcnt=0; if(debug) printf("ongotst:%d labels\n", jumpcnt); conversion(type,INTTYPE); emcode("lae",datalabel(descr)); emcode("csa",EMINTSIZE); fprintf(tmpfile,"%d\n",firstlabel); emlinecount++; } ongosubstmt(type) int type; { List *l; int firstlabel; int descr; /* create descriptor first */ descr= genlabel(); firstlabel=genlabel(); fprintf(tmpfile,"l%d\n",descr); emlinecount++; fprintf(tmpfile," rom *%d,1,%d\n",firstlabel,jumpcnt); emlinecount++; l= jumphead; while( l) { fprintf(tmpfile," rom *%d\n",l->emlabel); emlinecount++; l= l->nextlist; } jumphead= jumptail=0; jumpcnt=0; l= (List *) salloc(sizeof(List)); l->nextlist=0; l->emlabel=firstlabel; if( gotail){ gotail->nextlist=l; gotail=l; } else gotail= gosubhead=l; /* save the return point of the gosub */ emcode("loc",itoa(gosubcnt)); emcode("cal","$_gosub"); emcode("asp",EMINTSIZE); gosubcnt++; /* generate gosub */ conversion(type,INTTYPE); emcode("lae",datalabel(descr)); emcode("csa",EMINTSIZE); fprintf(tmpfile,"%d\n",firstlabel); emlinecount++; } /* REGION ANALYSIS and FINAL VERSION GENERATION */ simpleprogram() { char buf[512]; int length; /* a small EM programs has been found */ prologcode(); prolog2(); fclose(tmpfile); tmpfile= fopen(tmpfname,"r"); if( tmpfile==NULL) fatal("tmp file disappeared"); while( (length=fread(buf,1,512,tmpfile)) != 0) fwrite(buf,1,length,emfile); epilogcode(); unlink(tmpfname); }