/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* E X P R E S S I O N S */ /* $Header$ */ { #include "debug.h" #include <alloc.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <assert.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "idf.h" #include "def.h" #include "node.h" #include "const.h" #include "type.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "warning.h" extern char options[]; } /* inline, we need room for pdp/11 number(struct node **p;) : [ %default INTEGER | REAL ] { *p = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); (*p)->nd_type = toktype; } ; */ qualident(struct node **p;) { } : IDENT { *p = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ selector(p) ]* ; selector(struct node **pnd;): '.' { *pnd = MkNode(Link,*pnd,NULLNODE,&dot); } IDENT { (*pnd)->nd_IDF = dot.TOK_IDF; } ; ExpList(struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd; } : expression(pnd) { *pnd = nd = MkNode(Link,*pnd,NULLNODE,&dot); nd->nd_symb = ','; } [ ',' { nd->nd_right = MkLeaf(Link, &dot); nd = nd->nd_right; } expression(&(nd->nd_left)) ]* ; ConstExpression(struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd; }: expression(pnd) /* * Changed rule in new Modula-2. * Check that the expression is a constant expression and evaluate! */ { nd = *pnd; DO_DEBUG(options['C'], print("CONSTANT EXPRESSION\n")); DO_DEBUG(options['C'], PrNode(nd, 0)); if (ChkExpression(nd) && ((nd)->nd_class != Set && (nd)->nd_class != Value)) { error("constant expression expected"); } DO_DEBUG(options['C'], print("RESULTS IN\n")); DO_DEBUG(options['C'], PrNode(nd, 0)); } ; expression(struct node **pnd;) { } : SimpleExpression(pnd) [ /* relation */ [ '=' | '#' | '<' | LESSEQUAL | '>' | GREATEREQUAL | IN ] { *pnd = MkNode(Oper, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } SimpleExpression(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]? ; /* Inline in expression relation: '=' | '#' | '<' | LESSEQUAL | '>' | GREATEREQUAL | IN ; */ SimpleExpression(struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd = 0; } : [ [ '+' | '-' ] { nd = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); /* priority of unary operator ??? */ } ]? term(pnd) { if (nd) { nd->nd_right = *pnd; *pnd = nd; } nd = *pnd; } [ /* AddOperator */ [ '+' | '-' | OR ] { nd = MkNode(Oper, nd, NULLNODE, &dot); } term(&(nd->nd_right)) ]* { *pnd = nd; } ; /* Inline in "SimpleExpression" AddOperator: '+' | '-' | OR ; */ term(struct node **pnd;) { }: factor(pnd) [ /* MulOperator */ [ '*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | '&' ] { *pnd = MkNode(Oper, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } factor(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]* ; /* inline in "term" MulOperator: '*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | '&' ; */ factor(register struct node **p;) { struct node *nd; } : qualident(p) [ designator_tail(p)? [ { *p = MkNode(Call, *p, NULLNODE, &dot); } ActualParameters(&((*p)->nd_right)) ]? | bare_set(&nd) { nd->nd_left = *p; *p = nd; } ] | bare_set(p) | %default [ %default INTEGER | REAL | STRING ] { *p = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); (*p)->nd_type = toktype; } | '(' { nd = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); } expression(p) { /* In some cases we must leave the '(' as an unary operator, because otherwise we cannot see that the factor was not a designator */ register int class = (*p)->nd_class; if (class == Arrsel || class == Arrow || class == Name || class == Link) { nd->nd_right = *p; *p = nd; } else free_node(nd); } ')' | NOT { *p = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); } factor(&((*p)->nd_right)) ; bare_set(struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd; } : '{' { dot.tk_symb = SET; *pnd = nd = MkLeaf(Xset, &dot); nd->nd_type = bitset_type; } [ element(nd) [ { nd = nd->nd_right; } ',' element(nd) ]* ]? '}' ; ActualParameters(struct node **pnd;): '(' ExpList(pnd)? ')' ; element(register struct node *nd;) { struct node *nd1; } : expression(&nd1) [ UPTO { nd1 = MkNode(Link, nd1, NULLNODE, &dot);} expression(&(nd1->nd_right)) ]? { nd->nd_right = MkNode(Link, nd1, NULLNODE, &dot); nd->nd_right->nd_symb = ','; } ; designator(struct node **pnd;) : qualident(pnd) designator_tail(pnd)? ; designator_tail(struct node **pnd;): visible_designator_tail(pnd) [ %persistent %default selector(pnd) | visible_designator_tail(pnd) ]* ; visible_designator_tail(struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd = *pnd; }: [ '[' { nd = MkNode(Arrsel, nd, NULLNODE, &dot); } expression(&(nd->nd_right)) [ ',' { nd = MkNode(Arrsel, nd, NULLNODE, &dot); nd->nd_symb = '['; } expression(&(nd->nd_right)) ]* ']' | '^' { nd = MkNode(Arrow, NULLNODE, nd, &dot); } ] { *pnd = nd; } ;