/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* S T R E N G T H R E D U C T I O N */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "sr.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/files.h" #include "../share/get.h" #include "../share/put.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/go.h" #include "../share/aux.h" #include "sr_aux.h" #include "sr_iv.h" /* Strength reduction tries to change expensive operators occurring * in a loop into cheaper operators. The expensive operators considered * are multiplication, left-shift and array referencing. * The transformations can be expressed in C as: * * [1]: for (i = e1; i <= e2; i++) * print(118*i); * becomes: * for (i = e1, t = 118*e1; i <= e2; i++, t += 118) * print(t); * * [2]: for (i = e1; i <= e2; i++) * print(a[i]); * becomes: * for (i = e1, p = &a[i]; i <= e2; i++, p++) * print(*p); * The latter optimization is suppressed if array bound checking * is required. */ /* Machine and/or language dependent parameters: */ int ovfl_harmful; int arrbound_harmful; int sli_threshold; int Ssr; /* #optimizations found */ void sr_machinit(void *vp) { /* Read target machine dependent information */ FILE *f = vp; char s[100]; for (;;) { while(getc(f) != '\n'); fscanf(f,"%99s",s); if (strcmp(s,"%%SR") == 0)break; } fscanf(f,"%d",&ovfl_harmful); fscanf(f,"%d",&arrbound_harmful); fscanf(f,"%d",&sli_threshold); } STATIC del_ivs(ivs) lset ivs; { /* Delete the set of iv structs */ Lindex i; for (i = Lfirst(ivs); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,ivs)) { oldiv(Lelem(i)); } Ldeleteset(ivs); } STATIC do_loop(loop) loop_p loop; { lset ivs, vars; OUTTRACE("going to process loop %d",loop->lp_id); induc_vars(loop,&ivs, &vars); /* Build a set of iv_structs, one for every induction * variable of the loop, i.e. a variable i that * is changed only by i := i + c, where c is a loop constant. * Also detects variables that are changed (including induction * variables!). */ OUTTRACE("loop has %d induction variables",Lnrelems(ivs)); if (Lnrelems(ivs) > 0) { strength_reduction(loop,ivs,vars); /* Perform strength reduction. Reduce: * iv * c to addition * a[iv] to indirection (*p) * (unless array bound checking is required) */ } del_ivs(ivs); Ldeleteset(vars); } STATIC loopblocks(p) proc_p p; { /* Compute the LP_BLOCKS sets for all loops of p */ register bblock_p b; register Lindex i; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { for (i = Lfirst(b->b_loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_loops)) { Ladd(b,&(((loop_p) Lelem(i))->LP_BLOCKS)); } } } STATIC opt_proc(p) proc_p p; { /* Optimize all loops of one procedure. We first do all * outer loops at the lowest nesting level and proceed * in the inwards direction. */ Lindex i; loop_p lp,outermost; int min_level; for (;;) { min_level = 1000; outermost = 0; for (i = Lfirst(p->p_loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(i); if (!lp->LP_DONE && lp->lp_level < min_level) { min_level = lp->lp_level; outermost = lp; } } if (! outermost) break; do_loop(outermost); outermost->LP_DONE = TRUE; OUTTRACE("loop %d processed",outermost->lp_id); } } STATIC bblock_p header(lp) loop_p lp; { /* Try to determine the 'header' block of loop lp. * If 'e' is the entry block of loop L, then block 'b' is * called the header block of L, iff: * SUCC(b) = {e} & b dominates e. * If lp has no header block, 0 is returned. */ bblock_p x = lp->lp_entry->b_idom; if (x != (bblock_p) 0 && Lnrelems(x->b_succ) == 1 && (bblock_p) Lelem(Lfirst(x->b_succ)) == lp->lp_entry) { return x; } return (bblock_p) 0; } STATIC sr_extproc(p) proc_p p; { /* Allocate the extended data structures for procedure p */ register loop_p lp; register Lindex pi; for (pi = Lfirst(p->p_loops); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(pi); lp->lp_extend = newsrlpx(); lp->LP_HEADER = header(lp); if (lp->LP_HEADER) { lp->LP_INSTR = last_instr(lp->LP_HEADER); } } } STATIC sr_cleanproc(p) proc_p p; { /* Remove the extended data structures for procedure p */ register loop_p lp; register Lindex pi; for (pi = Lfirst(p->p_loops); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(pi); oldsrlpx(lp->lp_extend); } } void sr_optimize(void *vp) { proc_p p = vp; if (IS_ENTERED_WITH_GTO(p)) return; sr_extproc(p); loopblocks(p); opt_proc(p); sr_cleanproc(p); } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { go(argc,argv,no_action,sr_optimize,sr_machinit,no_action); report("strength reductions",Ssr); exit(0); }