/* D E C L A R A T I O N S */ { /* next line DEBUG */ #include "debug.h" #include <alloc.h> #include <assert.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <pc_file.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "def.h" #include "idf.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "node.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" #define offsetof(type, field) (int) &(((type *)0)->field) #define PC_BUFSIZ (sizeof(struct file) - (int)((struct file *)0)->bufadr) int proclevel = 0; /* nesting level of procedures */ int parlevel = 0; /* nesting level of parametersections */ int expect_label = 0; /* so the parser knows that we expect a label */ static int in_type_defs; /* in type definition part or not */ } /* ISO section 6.2.1, p. 93 */ Block(struct def *df;) { arith i; } : { text_label = (label) 0; } LabelDeclarationPart Module(df, &i) CompoundStatement { if( !err_occurred ) CodeEndBlock(df, i); if( df ) EndBlock(df); FreeNode(BlockScope->sc_lablist); } ; LabelDeclarationPart { struct node *nd; } : [ LABEL Label(&nd) { if( nd ) { DeclLabel(nd); nd->nd_next = CurrentScope->sc_lablist; CurrentScope->sc_lablist = nd; } } [ %persistent ',' Label(&nd) { if( nd ) { DeclLabel(nd); nd->nd_next = CurrentScope->sc_lablist; CurrentScope->sc_lablist = nd; } } ]* ';' ]? ; Module(struct def *df; arith *i;) { label save_label; } : ConstantDefinitionPart { in_type_defs = 1; } TypeDefinitionPart { in_type_defs = 0; /* resolve forward references */ chk_forw_types(); } VariableDeclarationPart { if( !proclevel ) { chk_prog_params(); BssVar(); } proclevel++; save_label = text_label; } ProcedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart { text_label = save_label; proclevel--; chk_directives(); /* needed with labeldefinitions and for-statement */ BlockScope = CurrentScope; if( !err_occurred ) *i = CodeBeginBlock( df ); } ; ConstantDefinitionPart: [ CONST [ %persistent ConstantDefinition ';' ]+ ]? ; TypeDefinitionPart: [ TYPE [ %persistent TypeDefinition ';' ]+ ]? ; VariableDeclarationPart: [ VAR [ %persistent VariableDeclaration ';' ]+ ]? ; ProcedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart: [ [ ProcedureDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration ] ';' ]* ; /* ISO section 6.1.6, p. 92 */ Label(struct node **pnd;) { char lab[5]; extern char *sprint(); } : { expect_label = 1; } INTEGER /* not really an integer, in [0..9999] */ { if( dot.TOK_INT < 0 || dot.TOK_INT > 9999 ) { if( dot.TOK_INT != -1 ) /* This means insertion */ error("label must lie in closed interval [0..9999]"); *pnd = NULLNODE; } else { sprint(lab, "%d", dot.TOK_INT); *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); (*pnd)->nd_IDF = str2idf(lab, 1); } expect_label = 0; } ; /* ISO section 6.3, p. 95 */ ConstantDefinition { register struct idf *id; register struct def *df; struct node *nd; } : IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; } '=' Constant(&nd) { if( df = define(id,CurrentScope,D_CONST) ) { df->con_const = nd; df->df_type = nd->nd_type; df->df_flags |= D_SET; } } ; /* ISO section 6.4.1, p. 96 */ TypeDefinition { register struct idf *id; register struct def *df; struct type *tp; } : IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; } '=' TypeDenoter(&tp) { if( df = define(id, CurrentScope, D_TYPE) ) { df->df_type = tp; df->df_flags |= D_SET; } } ; TypeDenoter(register struct type **ptp;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. */ TypeIdentifierOrSubrangeType(ptp) | PointerType(ptp) | StructuredType(ptp) | EnumeratedType(ptp) ; TypeIdentifierOrSubrangeType(register struct type **ptp;) { struct node *nd1, *nd2; } : /* This is a new rule because the grammar specified by the standard * is not exactly LL(1) (see TypeDenoter). */ [ %prefer IDENT { nd1 = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ /* empty */ /* at this point IDENT must be a TypeIdentifier !! */ { chk_type_id(ptp, nd1); FreeNode(nd1); } | /* at this point IDENT must be a Constant !! */ { (void) ChkConstant(nd1); } UPTO Constant(&nd2) { *ptp = subr_type(nd1, nd2); FreeNode(nd1); FreeNode(nd2); } ] | Constant(&nd1) UPTO Constant(&nd2) { *ptp = subr_type(nd1, nd2); FreeNode(nd1); FreeNode(nd2); } ] ; TypeIdentifier(register struct type **ptp;): IDENT { register struct node *nd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); chk_type_id(ptp, nd); FreeNode(nd); } ; /* ISO section 6.5.1, p. 105 */ VariableDeclaration { struct node *VarList; struct type *tp; } : IdentifierList(&VarList) ':' TypeDenoter(&tp) { EnterVarList(VarList, tp, proclevel > 0); } ; /* ISO section 6.6.1, p. 108 */ ProcedureDeclaration { struct node *nd; struct type *tp; register struct scopelist *scl; register struct def *df; } : /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. * * ProcedureHeading without a FormalParameterList can be a * ProcedureIdentification, i.e. the IDENT used in the Heading is * also used in a "forward" declaration. */ { open_scope(); } ProcedureHeading(&nd, &tp) ';' { scl = CurrVis; close_scope(); } [ Directive { DoDirective(dot.TOK_IDF, nd, tp, scl, 0); } | { df = DeclProc(nd, tp, scl); } Block(df) { /* open_scope() is simulated in DeclProc() */ close_scope(); } ] ; ProcedureHeading(register struct node **pnd; register struct type **ptp;) { struct node *fpl; } : PROCEDURE IDENT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ FormalParameterList(&fpl) { arith nb_pars = 0; struct paramlist *pr = 0; if( !parlevel ) /* procedure declaration */ nb_pars = EnterParamList(fpl, &pr); else /* procedure parameter */ nb_pars = EnterParTypes(fpl, &pr); *ptp = proc_type(pr, nb_pars); FreeNode(fpl); } | /* empty */ { *ptp = proc_type((struct paramlist *)0, (proclevel > 1) ? pointer_size : (arith) 0); } ] ; Directive: /* see also Functiondeclaration (6.6.2, p. 110) * Not actually an identifier but 'letter {letter | digit}' */ IDENT ; /* ISO section 6.6.1, p. 108 */ FunctionDeclaration { struct node *nd; struct type *tp; register struct scopelist *scl; register struct def *df; } : /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. */ { open_scope(); } FunctionHeading(&nd, &tp) ';' { scl = CurrVis; close_scope(); } [ Directive { if( !tp ) { node_error(nd, "function \"%s\": illegal declaration", nd->nd_IDF->id_text); } else DoDirective(dot.TOK_IDF, nd, tp, scl, 1); } | { if( df = DeclFunc(nd, tp, scl) ) { df->prc_res = - ResultType(df->df_type)->tp_size; df->prc_bool = CurrentScope->sc_off = df->prc_res - int_size; } } Block(df) { if( df ) { EndFunc(df); } /* open_scope() is simulated in DeclFunc() */ close_scope(); } ] ; FunctionHeading(register struct node **pnd; register struct type **ptp;) { /* This is the Function AND FunctionIdentification part. If it is a identification, *ptp is set to NULLTYPE. */ struct node *fpl = NULLNODE; struct type *tp; struct paramlist *pr = 0; arith nb_pars = (proclevel > 1) ? pointer_size : 0; } : FUNCTION IDENT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); *ptp = NULLTYPE; } [ [ FormalParameterList(&fpl) { if( !parlevel ) /* function declaration */ nb_pars = EnterParamList(fpl, &pr); else /* function parameter */ nb_pars = EnterParTypes(fpl, &pr); } | /* empty */ ] ':' TypeIdentifier(&tp) { if( IsConstructed(tp) ) { node_error(*pnd, "function has an illegal result type"); tp = error_type; } *ptp = func_type(pr, nb_pars, tp); FreeNode(fpl); } ]? ; /* ISO section, p. 96 */ OrdinalType(register struct type **ptp;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference states that a SubrangeType can start with an IDENT and * so can an OrdinalTypeIdentifier, and this is not LL(1). */ TypeIdentifierOrSubrangeType(ptp) | EnumeratedType(ptp) ; /* ISO section, p. 97 */ EnumeratedType(register struct type **ptp;) { struct node *EnumList; arith i = (arith) 1; } : '(' IdentifierList(&EnumList) ')' { register struct type *tp = standard_type(T_ENUMERATION, word_align, word_size); *ptp = tp; EnterEnumList(EnumList, tp); if( tp->enm_ncst == 0 ) *ptp = error_type; else do { if( ufit(tp->enm_ncst-1, i) ) { tp->tp_psize = i; tp->tp_palign = i; break; } i <<= 1; } while( i < word_size ); } ; IdentifierList(register struct node **nd;) { register struct node *tnd; } : IDENT { *nd = tnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ %persistent ',' IDENT { tnd->nd_next = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); tnd = tnd->nd_next; } ]* ; /* ISO section, p. 98 */ StructuredType(register struct type **ptp;) { unsigned short packed = 0; } : [ PACKED { packed = T_PACKED; } ]? UnpackedStructuredType(ptp, packed) ; UnpackedStructuredType(register struct type **ptp; unsigned short packed;): ArrayType(ptp, packed) | RecordType(ptp, packed) | SetType(ptp, packed) | FileType(ptp) ; /* ISO section, p. 98 */ ArrayType(register struct type **ptp; unsigned short packed;) { struct type *tp; register struct type *tp2; } : ARRAY '[' Indextype(&tp) { *ptp = tp2 = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); tp2->tp_flags |= packed; } [ %persistent ',' Indextype(&tp) { tp2->arr_elem = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); tp2 = tp2->arr_elem; tp2->tp_flags |= packed; } ]* ']' OF ComponentType(&tp) { tp2->arr_elem = tp; ArraySizes(*ptp); if( tp->tp_flags & T_HASFILE ) (*ptp)->tp_flags |= T_HASFILE; } ; Indextype(register struct type **ptp;): OrdinalType(ptp) ; ComponentType(register struct type **ptp;): TypeDenoter(ptp) ; /* ISO section, p. 99 */ RecordType(register struct type **ptp; unsigned short packed;) { register struct scope *scope; register struct def *df; struct selector *sel = 0; arith size = 0; int xalign = struct_align; } : RECORD { open_scope(); /* scope for fields of record */ scope = CurrentScope; close_scope(); } FieldList(scope, &size, &xalign, packed, &sel) { if( size == 0 ) { warning("empty record declaration"); size = 1; } *ptp = standard_type(T_RECORD, xalign, size); (*ptp)->rec_scope = scope; (*ptp)->rec_sel = sel; (*ptp)->tp_flags |= packed; /* copy the file component flag */ df = scope->sc_def; while( df && !(df->df_type->tp_flags & T_HASFILE) ) df = df->df_nextinscope; if( df ) (*ptp)->tp_flags |= T_HASFILE; } END ; FieldList(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector **sel;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. * Those irritating, annoying (Siklossy !!) semicolons. */ /* empty */ | FixedPart(scope, cnt, palign, packed, sel) | VariantPart(scope, cnt, palign, packed, sel) ; FixedPart(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector **sel;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. * Again those frustrating semicolons !! */ RecordSection(scope, cnt, palign, packed) FixedPartTail(scope, cnt, palign, packed, sel) ; FixedPartTail(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector **sel;): /* This is a new rule because the grammar specified by the standard * is not exactly LL(1). * We see the light at the end of the tunnel ! */ /* empty */ | %default ';' [ /* empty */ | VariantPart(scope, cnt, palign, packed, sel) | RecordSection(scope, cnt, palign, packed) FixedPartTail(scope, cnt, palign, packed, sel) ] ; RecordSection(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed;) { struct node *FldList; struct type *tp; } : IdentifierList(&FldList) ':' TypeDenoter(&tp) { *palign = lcm(*palign, packed ? tp->tp_palign : word_align); EnterFieldList(FldList, tp, scope, cnt, packed); } ; VariantPart(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector **sel;) { struct type *tp; struct def *df = 0; struct idf *id = 0; arith tcnt, max; register arith ncst = 0;/* the number of values of the tagtype */ register struct selector **sp; extern char *Malloc(); } : /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. * We're almost there !! */ { *sel = (struct selector *) Malloc(sizeof(struct selector)); (*sel)->sel_ptrs = 0; } CASE VariantSelector(&tp, &id) { if (id) df = define(id, scope, D_FIELD); /* ISO (p. 100) * The standard permits the integertype as tagtype, but demands that the set * of values denoted by the case-constants is equal to the set of values * specified by the tagtype. So we've decided not to allow integer as tagtype, * because it's not practical to enumerate ALL integers as case-constants. * Though it wouldn't make a great difference to allow it as tagtype. */ if( !(tp->tp_fund & T_INDEX) ) { error("illegal type in variant"); tp = error_type; } else { arith lb, ub; getbounds(tp, &lb, &ub); ncst = ub - lb + 1; /* initialize selector */ (*sel)->sel_ptrs = (struct selector **) Malloc((unsigned)ncst * sizeof(struct selector *)); (*sel)->sel_ncst = ncst; (*sel)->sel_lb = lb; /* initialize tagvalue-table */ sp = (*sel)->sel_ptrs; while( ncst-- ) *sp++ = *sel; } (*sel)->sel_type = tp; if( df ) { df->df_type = tp; df->fld_flags |= packed ? (F_PACKED | F_SELECTOR) : F_SELECTOR; df->fld_off = align(*cnt, packed ? tp->tp_palign : tp->tp_align); *cnt = df->fld_off + (packed ? tp->tp_psize : tp->tp_size); } tcnt = *cnt; } OF Variant(scope, &tcnt, palign, packed, *sel) { max = tcnt; } VariantTail(scope, &tcnt, &max, cnt, palign, packed, *sel) { *cnt = max; if( sp = (*sel)->sel_ptrs ) { int errflag = 0; ncst = (*sel)->sel_ncst; while( ncst-- ) if( *sp == *sel ) { *sp++ = 0; errflag = 1; } else *sp++; if( errflag ) error("record variant part: each tagvalue must have a variant"); } } ; VariantTail(register struct scope *scope; arith *tcnt, *max, *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector *sel;): /* This is a new rule because the grammar specified by the standard * is not exactly LL(1). * At last, the garden of Eden !! */ /* empty */ | %default ';' [ /* empty */ | { *tcnt = *cnt; } Variant(scope, tcnt, palign, packed, sel) { if( *tcnt > *max ) *max = *tcnt; } VariantTail(scope, tcnt, max, cnt, palign, packed, sel) ] ; VariantSelector(register struct type **ptp; register struct idf **pid;) { register struct node *nd; } : /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. */ IDENT { nd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ /* Old fashioned ! at this point the IDENT represents * the TagType */ { warning("old-fashioned syntax ':' missing"); chk_type_id(ptp, nd); FreeNode(nd); } | /* IDENT is now the TagField */ ':' TypeIdentifier(ptp) { *pid = nd->nd_IDF; FreeNode(nd); } ] ; Variant(struct scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign; unsigned short packed; struct selector *sel;) { struct node *nd; struct selector *sel1 = 0; } : CaseConstantList(&nd) ':' '(' FieldList(scope, cnt, palign, packed, &sel1) ')' { TstCaseConstants(nd, sel, sel1); FreeNode(nd); } ; CaseConstantList(struct node **nd;) { struct node *nd1; } : Constant(&nd1) { *nd = nd1; } [ %persistent ',' Constant(&(nd1->nd_next)) { nd1 = nd1->nd_next; } ]* ; /* ISO section, p. 101 */ SetType(register struct type **ptp; unsigned short packed;): SET OF OrdinalType(ptp) { *ptp = set_type(*ptp, packed); } ; /* ISO section, p. 101 */ FileType(register struct type **ptp;): FILE OF { *ptp = construct_type(T_FILE, NULLTYPE); (*ptp)->tp_flags |= T_HASFILE; } ComponentType(&(*ptp)->next) { if( (*ptp)->next->tp_flags & T_HASFILE ) { error("file type has an illegal component type"); (*ptp)->next = error_type; } else { if( (*ptp)->next->tp_size > PC_BUFSIZ ) (*ptp)->tp_size = (*ptp)->tp_psize = (*ptp)->next->tp_size + sizeof(struct file) - PC_BUFSIZ; } } ; /* ISO section 6.4.4, p. 103 */ PointerType(register struct type **ptp;) { register struct node *nd; register struct def *df; } : '^' { *ptp = construct_type(T_POINTER, NULLTYPE); } IDENT { nd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); df = lookup(nd->nd_IDF, CurrentScope, D_INUSE); /* if( !df && CurrentScope == GlobalScope) df = lookup(nd->nd_IDF, PervasiveScope, D_INUSE); */ if( in_type_defs && (!df || (df->df_kind & (D_ERROR | D_FORWTYPE))) ) /* forward declarations only in typedefintion part */ Forward(nd, *ptp); else { chk_type_id(&(*ptp)->next, nd); FreeNode(nd); } } ; /* ISO section, p. 112 */ FormalParameterList(struct node **pnd;) { struct node *nd; } : '(' { *pnd = nd = MkLeaf(Link, &dot); } FormalParameterSection(nd) [ %persistent { nd->nd_right = MkLeaf(Link, &dot); nd = nd->nd_right; } ';' FormalParameterSection(nd) ]* ')' ; FormalParameterSection(struct node *nd;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified * in the reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. */ { /* kind of parameter */ nd->nd_INT = 0; } [ [ /* ValueParameterSpecification */ /* empty */ { nd->nd_INT = (D_VALPAR | D_SET); } | /* VariableParameterSpecification */ VAR { nd->nd_INT = (D_VARPAR | D_USED); } ] IdentifierList(&(nd->nd_left)) ':' [ /* ISO section, p. 115 */ /* ConformantArrayParameterSpecification */ ConformantArraySchema(&(nd->nd_type)) | TypeIdentifier(&(nd->nd_type)) ] { if( nd->nd_type->tp_flags & T_HASFILE && (nd->nd_INT & D_VALPAR) ) { error("value parameter can't have a filecomponent"); nd->nd_type = error_type; } } | ProceduralParameterSpecification(&(nd->nd_left), &(nd->nd_type)) { nd->nd_INT = (D_VALPAR | D_SET); } | FunctionalParameterSpecification(&(nd->nd_left), &(nd->nd_type)) { nd->nd_INT = (D_VALPAR | D_SET); } ] ; ProceduralParameterSpecification(register struct node **pnd; register struct type **ptp;): { parlevel++; } ProcedureHeading(pnd, ptp) { parlevel--; } ; FunctionalParameterSpecification(register struct node **pnd; register struct type **ptp;): { parlevel++; } FunctionHeading(pnd, ptp) { parlevel--; if( !*ptp ) { node_error(*pnd, "illegal function parameter declaration"); *ptp = error_type; } } ; ConformantArraySchema(register struct type **ptp;): PackedConformantArraySchema(ptp) | %default UnpackedConformantArraySchema(ptp) ; PackedConformantArraySchema(register struct type **ptp;) { struct type *tp; } : PACKED ARRAY { tp = construct_type(T_ARRAY, NULLTYPE); tp->tp_flags |= T_PACKED; } '[' Index_TypeSpecification(ptp, tp) { tp->next = *ptp; } ']' OF TypeIdentifier(ptp) { if( (*ptp)->tp_flags & T_HASFILE ) tp->tp_flags |= T_HASFILE; tp->arr_elem = *ptp; *ptp = tp; } ; UnpackedConformantArraySchema(register struct type **ptp;) { struct type *tp, *tp2; } : ARRAY { *ptp = tp = construct_type(T_ARRAY,NULLTYPE);} '[' Index_TypeSpecification(&tp2, tp) { tp->next = tp2; } [ { tp->arr_elem = construct_type(T_ARRAY, NULLTYPE); tp = tp->arr_elem; } ';' Index_TypeSpecification(&tp2, tp) { tp->next = tp2; } ]* ']' OF [ TypeIdentifier(&tp2) | ConformantArraySchema(&tp2) ] { if( tp2->tp_flags & T_HASFILE ) (*ptp)->tp_flags |= T_HASFILE; tp->arr_elem = tp2; } ; Index_TypeSpecification(register struct type **ptp, *tp;) { register struct def *df1, *df2; } : IDENT { if( df1 = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, D_LBOUND)) { df1->bnd_type = tp; /* type conf. array */ df1->df_flags |= D_SET; } } UPTO IDENT { if( df2 = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, D_UBOUND)) { df2->bnd_type = tp; /* type conf. array */ df2->df_flags |= D_SET; } } ':' TypeIdentifier(ptp) { if( !bounded(*ptp) && (*ptp)->tp_fund != T_INTEGER ) { error("Indextypespecification: illegal type"); *ptp = error_type; } df1->df_type = df2->df_type = *ptp; } ;