-- $Source$
-- $State$

local d = ROOTDIR.."util/LLgen/"

tool_LLgen = cprogram {
	cfile (d.."src/main.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/gencode.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/compute.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/check.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/reach.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/global.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/name.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/sets.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/alloc.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/machdep.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/cclass.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/savegram.c"),

	-- These use pre-LLgen'd version of the files. If LLgen.g gets updated,
	-- they need rebuilding. Use the bootstrap script to do this.
	cfile (d.."src/LLgen.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/Lpars.c"),
	cfile (d.."src/tokens.c"),

	outputs = {"%U%/LLgen"},
	install = pm.install("%TOOLDIR%LLgen")
-- Revision history
-- $Log$
-- Revision 1.1  2006-11-11 22:58:30  dtrg
-- Added a pmfile to allow LLgen to be built as part of the ACK again.