/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include "symtab.h" #include "expr.h" #include "sizes.h" int curr_level=0; /* Current local level */ int curr_offset=0; /* Current offset within this level */ int min_offset=0; /* Minimum of all offsets within current level */ static struct symtab *sym_table=nil; char *Malloc(); static struct symbol **search_sym(tree, name) struct symbol **tree; char *name; /* Returns a hook in the tree to the where the given name is or should be. */ { register struct symbol **aps=tree, *ps; register cmp; while ((ps= *aps)!=nil && (cmp=strcmp(name, ps->s_name))!=0) aps= cmp<0 ? &ps->s_left : &ps->s_right; return aps; } struct symbol *insert(name, type, arr_siz, info) char *name; int type, arr_siz; union type_info *info; /* Inserts an object with given name and other info into the current symbol * tree. A pointer is returned to the inserted symbol so that more info may * or changed. Nil is returned on redeclaration. */ { register struct symbol **aps, *ps; extern included; if (*(aps=search_sym(&sym_table->local, name))!=nil) { report("%s redeclared", name); return nil; } ps= (struct symbol *) Malloc(sizeof *ps); ps->s_name=name; if (included && curr_level==0) /* Top_level symbol in include file */ type|=T_USED; /* are always used */ ps->s_type=type; ps->s_arr_siz=arr_siz; ps->s_info= *info; ps->s_left=ps->s_right=nil; *aps=ps; return ps; } struct symbol *searchall(name) char *name; /* Searches for name in all symbol trees from the inner to the outermost. * If it can't be found then it is inserted as undefined. */ { register struct symtab *tab=sym_table; register struct symbol *ps; while (tab!=nil) { if ((ps= *search_sym(&tab->local, name))!=nil) return ps; tab=tab->global; } report("%s not declared", name); return insert(name, T_NOTDECL, 0, &none); } void check_recursion(proc) register struct expr *proc; { if (proc->kind==E_VAR && proc->u.var->s_type&T_RECURS) warning("recursion not allowed"); } void sym_down() { register struct symtab *ps; ps= (struct symtab *) Malloc(sizeof *ps); ps->local=nil; ps->global=sym_table; ps->old_offset=curr_offset; sym_table=ps; } static void sym_destroy(ps) register struct symbol *ps; { if (ps!=nil) { sym_destroy(ps->s_left); sym_destroy(ps->s_right); if ( !(ps->s_type&T_NOTDECL) ) { if ( !(ps->s_type&T_USED) ) warning("%s: never used", ps->s_name); else if ( !(ps->s_type&T_ASSIGNED) && (ps->s_type&T_TYPE)==T_VAR) warning("%s: never assigned", ps->s_name); } if ((ps->s_type&T_TYPE)==T_PROC) { register struct par_list *par, *junk; par=ps->s_info.proc.pars; while (par!=nil) { junk=par; par=par->pr_next; free((char *)junk); } } else if ((ps->s_type&T_TYPE)==T_CONST) destroy(ps->s_info.t_const); free((char *)(ps->s_name)); free((char *)ps); } } void sym_up() { register struct symtab *ps; ps=sym_table->global; curr_offset=sym_table->old_offset; sym_destroy(sym_table->local); free(sym_table); sym_table=ps; } void var_memory(info, type, n) register union type_info *info; int type, n; /* Reserves local memory for an object, and stores it in its info field. */ { info->vc.st.level=curr_level; curr_offset-= (type&T_BYTE) ? (n+wz-1) & (~(wz-1)) : n*vz; info->vc.offset=curr_offset; if (curr_offset<min_offset) min_offset=curr_offset; } void chan_memory(info, n) register union type_info *info; int n; { info->vc.st.level=curr_level; info->vc.offset= curr_offset-=n*(vz+wz); if (curr_offset<min_offset) min_offset=curr_offset; } int memory(z) int z; /* Reserves z memory bytes */ { curr_offset-=z; if (curr_offset<min_offset) min_offset=curr_offset; return curr_offset; } void pars_add(aapars, type, var) register struct par_list ***aapars; int type; struct symbol *var; /* Add a formal variable to a parameter list using a hook to a hook. */ { register struct par_list *pl; pl= (struct par_list *) Malloc(sizeof *pl); pl->pr_type=type; pl->pr_var=var; pl->pr_next= **aapars; **aapars=pl; *aapars= &pl->pr_next; } int form_offsets(pars) register struct par_list *pars; /* Recursively assign offsets to formal variables. */ { register struct symbol *var; if (pars==nil) return pz; if ((var=pars->pr_var)!=nil) { register offset=form_offsets(pars->pr_next); switch (var->s_type&T_TYPE) { case T_VAR: case T_CHAN: var->s_info.vc.st.level=curr_level; var->s_info.vc.offset=offset; return offset+pz; case T_VALUE: var->s_info.vc.st.level=curr_level; var->s_info.vc.offset=offset; return offset+ ((var->s_type&T_ARR) ? pz : vz); } } return pz; }