!File: errout.h
#define	ERROUT		STDERR	/* file pointer for writing messages	*/
#define	MAXERR_LINE	100	/* maximum number of error messages given
					on the same input line.		*/

!File: idfsize.h
#define	IDFSIZE	128	/* maximum significant length of an identifier	*/

!File: numsize.h
#define	NUMSIZE	256	/* maximum length of a numeric constant		*/

!File: strsize.h
#define ISTRSIZE	32	/* minimum number of bytes allocated for
					storing a string		*/
#define RSTRSIZE	8	/* step size in enlarging the memory for
					the storage of a string		*/

!File: target_sizes.h
#define MAXSIZE		8	/* the maximum of the SZ_* constants	*/

/* target machine sizes	*/
#define	SZ_CHAR		(arith)1
#define	SZ_SHORT	(arith)2
#define SZ_WORD		(arith)4
#define	SZ_INT		(arith)4
#define	SZ_LONG		(arith)4
#define	SZ_FLOAT	(arith)4
#define	SZ_DOUBLE	(arith)8
#define	SZ_POINTER	(arith)4

/* target machine alignment requirements	*/
#define	AL_CHAR		1
#define	AL_SHORT	(int)SZ_SHORT
#define AL_WORD		(int)SZ_WORD
#define	AL_INT		(int)SZ_WORD
#define	AL_LONG		(int)SZ_WORD
#define	AL_FLOAT	(int)SZ_WORD
#define	AL_DOUBLE	(int)SZ_WORD
#define	AL_POINTER	(int)SZ_WORD
#define AL_STRUCT	1
#define AL_UNION	1

!File: debugcst.h
#define DEBUG		1	/* perform various self-tests		*/

!File: inputtype.h
#define INP_READ_IN_ONE	1	/* read input file in one	*/

!File: density.h
#define DENSITY		3	/* see casestat.C for an explanation */

!File: squeeze.h
#undef SQUEEZE		1	/* define on "small" machines */

!File: strict3rd.h
#undef STRICT_3RD_ED	1	/* define on "small" machines, and if you want
				   a compiler that only implements "3rd edition"

!File: nocross.h
#undef NOCROSS		1	/* define when cross-compiler not needed */

!File: nostrict.h
#undef NOSTRICT		1	/* define when STRICT warnings disabled
				   (yet another squeezing method)