#include "parameters.h" #include "debug.h" #include <alloc.h> #include <assert.h> #include <em.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "def.h" #include "desig.h" #include "idf.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "node.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" #include "code.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "tmpvar.h" #include "typequiv.h" #include "error.h" void MarkDef(register struct node *nd, unsigned short flags, int on) { while (nd && nd->nd_class != Def) { if ((nd->nd_class == Arrsel) || (nd->nd_class == LinkDef)) nd = nd->nd_left; else if (nd->nd_class == Arrow) nd = nd->nd_right; else break; } if (nd && (nd->nd_class == Def)) { if ((flags & D_SET) && on && BlockScope != nd->nd_def->df_scope) nd->nd_def->df_flags |= D_SETINHIGH; if (on) { /* if( (flags & D_SET) && (nd->nd_def->df_flags & D_WITH) ) node_warning(nd, "variable \"%s\" already referenced in with", nd->nd_def->df_idf->id_text); */ nd->nd_def->df_flags |= flags; } else nd->nd_def->df_flags &= ~flags; } } void AssertStat(register struct node *expp, unsigned short line) { struct desig dsr; if (!ChkExpression(expp)) return; if (expp->nd_type != bool_type) { node_error(expp, "type of assertion should be boolean"); return; } if (!options['a'] && !err_occurred) { dsr = InitDesig; CodeExpr(expp, &dsr, NO_LABEL); C_loc((arith) line); C_cal("_ass"); } } void AssignStat(register struct node *left, register struct node *right) { register struct type *ltp, *rtp; int retval = 0; struct desig dsr; retval = ChkExpression(right); MarkUsed(right); retval &= ChkLhs(left); ltp = left->nd_type; rtp = right->nd_type; MarkDef(left, (unsigned short) D_SET, 1); if (!retval) return; if (ltp == int_type && rtp == long_type) { right = MkNode(IntReduc, NULLNODE, right, &dot); right->nd_type = int_type; } else if (ltp == long_type && rtp == int_type) { right = MkNode(IntCoerc, NULLNODE, right, &dot); right->nd_type = long_type; } if (!TstAssCompat(ltp, rtp)) { node_error(left, "type incompatibility in assignment"); return; } if (left->nd_class == Def && (left->nd_def->df_flags & D_INLOOP)) { node_error(left, "assignment to a control variable"); return; } if (rtp == emptyset_type) right->nd_type = ltp; if (!err_occurred) { dsr = InitDesig; CodeExpr(right, &dsr, NO_LABEL); if (rtp->tp_fund & (T_ARRAY | T_RECORD)) CodeAddress(&dsr); else { CodeValue(&dsr, rtp); if (ltp == real_type && BaseType(rtp) == int_type) Int2Real(rtp->tp_size); RangeCheck(ltp, rtp); } CodeMove(&dsr, left, rtp); } FreeNode(left); FreeNode(right); } void ProcStat(register struct node *nd) { if (!ChkCall(nd)) return; if (nd->nd_type) { node_error(nd, "procedure call expected"); return; } } void ChkForStat(register struct node *nd) { register struct def *df; int retvar = 0; retvar = ChkVariable(nd); retvar &= ChkExpression(nd->nd_left); MarkUsed(nd->nd_left); retvar &= ChkExpression(nd->nd_right); MarkUsed(nd->nd_right); if (!retvar) return; assert(nd->nd_class == Def); df = nd->nd_def; if (df->df_scope != BlockScope) { node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable must be local"); return; } assert(df->df_kind == D_VARIABLE); if (df->df_scope != GlobalScope && df->var_off >= 0) { node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable can't be a parameter"); MarkDef(nd, (unsigned short) (D_LOOPVAR | D_SET | D_USED), 1); return; } if (!(df->df_type->tp_fund & T_ORDINAL)) { node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable must be ordinal"); MarkDef(nd, (unsigned short) (D_LOOPVAR | D_SET | D_USED), 1); return; } if (!TstCompat(df->df_type, nd->nd_left->nd_type)) node_error(nd, "for loop: initial value incompatible with control variable"); if (!TstCompat(df->df_type, nd->nd_right->nd_type)) node_error(nd, "for loop: final value incompatible with control variable"); if (df->df_type == long_type) node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable can not be a long"); if (df->df_flags & D_INLOOP) node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable already used"); if (df->df_flags & D_SETINHIGH) node_error(nd, "for loop: control variable already set in block"); MarkDef(nd, (unsigned short) (D_LOOPVAR | D_INLOOP | D_SET | D_USED), 1); return; } void EndForStat(register struct node *nd) { register struct def *df; df = nd->nd_def; if ((df->df_scope != BlockScope) || (df->df_scope != GlobalScope && df->var_off >= 0) || !(df->df_type->tp_fund & T_ORDINAL)) return; MarkDef(nd, (unsigned short) (D_INLOOP | D_SET), 0); } arith CodeInitFor(register struct node *nd, int priority) { /* Push final-value, the value may only be evaluated once, so generate a temporary for it, when not a constant. */ arith tmp; CodePExpr(nd); if (nd->nd_class != Value) { tmp = NewInt(priority); C_dup(int_size); C_stl(tmp); return tmp; } return (arith) 0; } void CodeFor(struct node *nd, int stepsize, label l1, label l2) { /* Test if loop has to be done */ if (stepsize == 1) /* TO */ C_bgt(l2); else /* DOWNTO */ C_blt(l2); /* Label at begin of the body */ C_df_ilb(l1); RangeCheck(nd->nd_type, nd->nd_left->nd_type); CodeDStore(nd); } void CodeEndFor(struct node *nd, int stepsize, label l1, label l2, arith tmp2) { /* Test if loop has to be done once more */ CodePExpr(nd); C_dup(int_size); if (tmp2) C_lol(tmp2); else CodePExpr(nd->nd_right); C_beq(l2); /* Increment/decrement the control-variable */ if (stepsize == 1) /* TO */ C_inc(); else /* DOWNTO */ C_dec(); C_bra(l1); /* Exit label */ C_df_ilb(l2); C_asp(int_size); } void WithStat(struct node *nd) { struct withdesig *wds; struct desig ds; struct scopelist *scl; if (nd->nd_type->tp_fund != T_RECORD) { node_error(nd, "record variable expected"); return; } MarkDef(nd, (unsigned short) (D_USED | D_SET | D_WITH), 1); /* if( (nd->nd_class == Arrow) && (nd->nd_right->nd_type->tp_fund & T_FILE) ) { nd->nd_right->nd_def->df_flags |= D_WITH; } */ scl = new_scopelist(); scl->sc_scope = nd->nd_type->rec_scope; scl->next = CurrVis; CurrVis = scl; if (err_occurred) return; /* Generate code */ CodeDAddress(nd); wds = new_withdesig(); wds->w_next = WithDesigs; WithDesigs = wds; wds->w_scope = scl->sc_scope; /* create a desig structure for the temporary */ ds.dsg_kind = DSG_FIXED; ds.dsg_offset = NewPtr(1); ds.dsg_name = 0; /* need some pointertype to store pointer */ CodeStore(&ds, nil_type); /* record is indirectly available */ ds.dsg_kind = DSG_PFIXED; wds->w_desig = ds; } void EndWith(struct scopelist *saved_scl, struct node *nd) { /* restore scope, and release structures */ struct scopelist *scl; struct withdesig *wds; struct node *nd1; while (CurrVis != saved_scl) { /* release scopelist */ scl = CurrVis; CurrVis = CurrVis->next; free_scopelist(scl); if (WithDesigs == 0) continue; /* we didn't generate any code */ /* release temporary */ FreePtr(WithDesigs->w_desig.dsg_offset); /* release withdesig */ wds = WithDesigs; WithDesigs = WithDesigs->w_next; free_withdesig(wds); } for (nd1 = nd; nd1 != NULLNODE; nd1 = nd1->nd_right) { MarkDef(nd1->nd_left, (unsigned short) (D_WITH), 0); } FreeNode(nd); }