/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* U S E R O P T I O N - H A N D L I N G */ /* $Header$ */ #include "idfsize.h" #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <alloc.h> #include "strict3rd.h" #include "type.h" #include "main.h" #include "warning.h" #include "nostrict.h" #include "nocross.h" #include "class.h" #include "squeeze.h" #define MINIDFSIZE 14 #if MINIDFSIZE < 14 You fouled up! MINIDFSIZE has to be at least 14 or the compiler will not recognize some keywords! #endif extern int idfsize; static int ndirs = 1; int warning_classes = W_INITIAL; DoOption(text) register char *text; { switch(*text++) { case '-': options[*text]++; /* debug options etc. */ break; case 'U': /* allow underscores in identifiers */ inidf['_'] = 1; break; case 'L': /* no fil/lin */ case 'R': /* no range checks */ case 'A': /* extra array bound checks, for machines that do not implement it in AAR/LAR/SAR */ case 'n': /* no register messages */ case 'x': /* every name global */ case 's': /* symmetric: MIN(INTEGER) = -MAX(INTEGER) */ case '3': /* strict 3rd edition Modula-2 */ case 'l': /* local additions enabled */ options[text[-1]]++; break; case 'w': if (*text) { while (*text) { switch(*text++) { #ifndef STRICT_3RD_ED case 'O': warning_classes &= ~W_OLDFASHIONED; break; #endif #ifndef NOSTRICT case 'R': warning_classes &= ~W_STRICT; break; #endif case 'W': warning_classes &= ~W_ORDINARY; break; } } } else warning_classes = W_ALWAYS; break; case 'W': if (*text) { while (*text) { switch(*text++) { #ifndef STRICT_3RD_ED case 'O': warning_classes |= W_OLDFASHIONED; break; #endif #ifndef NOSTRICT case 'R': warning_classes |= W_STRICT; break; #endif case 'W': warning_classes |= W_ORDINARY; break; } } } else warning_classes = W_ALL; break; case 'M': { /* maximum identifier length */ #ifndef SQUEEZE char *t = text; /* because &text is illegal */ idfsize = txt2int(&t); if (*t || idfsize <= 0) fatal("malformed -M option"); if (idfsize > IDFSIZE) { idfsize = IDFSIZE; warning(W_ORDINARY,"maximum identifier length is %d", IDFSIZE); } if (idfsize < MINIDFSIZE) { warning(W_ORDINARY, "minimum identifier length is %d", MINIDFSIZE); idfsize = MINIDFSIZE; } #endif } break; case 'I' : if (*text) { register int i; register char *new = text; if (++nDEF > mDEF) { char **n = (char **) Malloc((unsigned)((10+mDEF)*sizeof(char *))); for (i = 0; i < mDEF; i++) { n[i] = DEFPATH[i]; } free((char *) DEFPATH); DEFPATH = n; mDEF += 10; } i = ndirs++; while (new) { register char *tmp = DEFPATH[i]; DEFPATH[i++] = new; new = tmp; } } else DEFPATH[ndirs] = 0; break; case 'V' : /* set object sizes and alignment requirements */ #ifndef NOCROSS { register int size; register int algn; char c; char *t; while (c = *text++) { char *strindex(); t = text; size = txt2int(&t); algn = 0; if (*(text = t) == '.') { t = text + 1; algn = txt2int(&t); text = t; } if (! strindex("wislfdpS", c)) { error("-V: bad type indicator %c\n", c); } if (size != 0) switch (c) { case 'w': /* word */ word_size = size; dword_size = 2 * size; break; case 'i': /* int */ int_size = size; break; case 's': /* short (subranges) */ short_size = size; break; case 'l': /* longint */ long_size = size; break; case 'f': /* real */ float_size = size; break; case 'd': /* longreal */ double_size = size; break; case 'p': /* pointer */ pointer_size = size; break; } if (algn != 0) switch (c) { case 'w': /* word */ word_align = algn; break; case 'i': /* int */ int_align = algn; break; case 's': /* short (subranges) */ short_align = algn; break; case 'l': /* longint */ long_align = algn; break; case 'f': /* real */ float_align = algn; break; case 'd': /* longreal */ double_align = algn; break; case 'p': /* pointer */ pointer_align = algn; break; case 'S': /* initial record alignment */ struct_align = algn; break; } } } #endif NOCROSS break; } } #if (!SQUEEZE) | (!NOCROSS) int txt2int(tp) register char **tp; { /* the integer pointed to by *tp is read, while increasing *tp; the resulting value is yielded. */ register int val = 0; register int ch; while (ch = **tp, ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { val = val * 10 + ch - '0'; (*tp)++; } return val; } #endif