/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ rscid = "$Id$" /* * Back end tables for Intel 8086, 80286 * * Author : Ed Keizer * * Adapted to ncg format by BMT Mosseveld, EM v Mulligen, M de Rooy, E tulp, * and R Vendelmans (practical work course compiler construction). * * New format table much corrected: Ceriel Jacobs * Added register variables: Ceriel Jacobs * Adapted to use floating point library: Ceriel Jacobs * * wordsize = 2 bytes, pointersize = 2 bytes. * * Register bp is used as LB, sp is used for SP. * Some global variables are used: * - .reghp : the heap pointer * - .ignmask : trap ignore mask * - .trppc : address of user defined trap handler * */ SL = 4 SSL = "4" EM_WSIZE = 2 EM_PSIZE = 2 EM_BSIZE = 4 SIZEFACTOR = 5/1 #define EXACT exact #define REGVARS /*****************************************************************/ PROPERTIES /*****************************************************************/ REG1 ACC1 AREG SHIFT_CREG REG GENREG ACC BREG BXREG ADDREG CXREG DXREG IREG #ifdef REGVARS RADDREG #endif /*****************************************************************/ REGISTERS /*****************************************************************/ al : REG1 , ACC1 . ah,bl,bh,ch,dl,dh : REG1 . cl : REG1 , SHIFT_CREG . ax = al + ah : REG , GENREG , ACC . bx = bl + bh : REG , GENREG , BXREG , ADDREG , AREG . cx = cl + ch : REG , GENREG , CXREG , SHIFT_CREG. dx = dl + dh : REG , GENREG , DXREG . #ifndef REGVARS si : REG , IREG , AREG , ADDREG . di : REG , IREG , AREG , ADDREG . #else si : AREG , RADDREG , IREG regvar(reg_any) . di : AREG , RADDREG , IREG regvar(reg_any) . #endif bp : AREG . sp : BREG . /*****************************************************************/ TOKENS /*****************************************************************/ ANYCON = { INT val; } 2 cost(2,2) val . CONSTR = { ADDR off; } 2 cost(2,2) off . ADDR_EXTERN = { ADDR off; } 2 cost(2,2) off . EXTERN1 = { ADDR off; } 2 cost(2,12) "(" off ")" . EXTERN2 = { ADDR off; } 2 cost(2,12) "(" off ")" . ADDR_LOCAL = { INT ind; } 2 cost(1,9) ind "(bp)" . LOCAL = { INT ind; INT size; } 2 cost(1,15) ind "(bp)" . LOCAL1 = { INT ind; INT size; } 2 cost(1,15) ind "(bp)" . Rreg_off = { AREG reg; ADDR off;} 2 cost(1,9) off "(" reg ")" . Rbpreg_off = { AREG reg; INT ind;} 2 cost(1,11) ind "(bp)" "(" reg ")" . Xreg_off = { AREG reg; ADDR off;} 2 cost(1,9) off "(" reg ")" . ind_reg2 = { AREG reg;} 2 cost(0,11) "(" reg ")" . ind_regoff2 = { AREG reg; ADDR off;} 2 cost(1,15) off "(" reg ")" . ind_bpregoff2 = { AREG reg; INT ind;} 2 cost(1,18) ind "(bp)" "(" reg ")" . ind_reg1 = { AREG reg;} 2 cost(0,11) "(" reg ")" . ind_regoff1 = { AREG reg; ADDR off;} 2 cost(1,15) off "(" reg ")" . ind_bpregoff1 = { AREG reg; INT ind;} 2 cost(1,18) ind "(bp)" "(" reg ")" . label = { ADDR off;} 2 off . /*****************************************************************/ SETS /*****************************************************************/ /* Mode refering to a word in memory */ memory2 = EXTERN2 + ind_reg2 + ind_regoff2 + ind_bpregoff2 + LOCAL . memory1 = EXTERN1 + ind_reg1 + ind_regoff1 + ind_bpregoff1 + LOCAL1 . const = ANYCON + ADDR_EXTERN + CONSTR . register = REG + AREG #ifdef REGVARS + IREG #endif . addreg = ADDREG #ifdef REGVARS + RADDREG #endif . anyreg = register + BREG . rm = anyreg + memory2 . rmnoacc = IREG + BXREG + CXREG + memory2 . rmorconst = const + rm . regorconst = const + anyreg . #ifdef REGVARS /* Needed because there is a shortage of ADDREG-registers. This is the main penalty for having register variables. */ regorconstnoaddr = const + IREG + ACC + CXREG + DXREG . #else regorconstnoaddr = regorconst . #endif dest = register + memory2 . rm1 = REG1 + memory1 . rmorconst1 = const + rm1 . regorconst12 = REG1 + GENREG + const . dest1 = REG1 + memory1 . rm12 = rm1 + memory2 . /* Modes used to indicate tokens to be removed from the fakestack */ reg_indexed = ind_reg2 + ind_regoff2 + ind_reg1 + ind_regoff1 . lb_indexed = ind_bpregoff2 + ind_bpregoff1 . indexed = reg_indexed + lb_indexed . externals = EXTERN2 + EXTERN1 . locals = LOCAL + LOCAL1 . all_locals = locals + lb_indexed . indirects = externals + reg_indexed . referals = indirects + locals . /* Miscellaneous */ reg_off = Xreg_off + Rreg_off . bpreg_off = Rbpreg_off . halfindir = reg_off + bpreg_off + ADDR_LOCAL . some_off = halfindir + ADDR_EXTERN + addreg . a_word = rmorconst + rm1 + halfindir . no_reg_off = rmorconst + rm1 + ADDR_LOCAL . /*****************************************************************/ INSTRUCTIONS /*****************************************************************/ cost(1,3) adc rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. adc anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. #ifdef REGVARS add LOCAL:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. /* only for register variables; UNSAFE !!! */ #endif add anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. add rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. #ifdef REGVARS axx "syntax error" LOCAL:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. /* only for register variables; UNSAFE !!! */ #endif axx "syntax error" anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. axx "syntax error" rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. #ifdef REGVARS and LOCAL:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. /* only for register variables; UNSAFE !!! */ #endif and rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. and anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. cbw kills ah cost(1,2). cmp rm:ro, regorconst:ro kills :cc. cmp anyreg:ro, rmorconst:ro kills :cc. cmpb rm1:ro, REG1+const:ro kills :cc. cmpb REG1:ro, rm1:ro kills :cc. cwd kills dx cost(1,5). dec rm:rw:cc cost(1,2). div rm:ro kills:cc ax dx cost(1,150). idiv rm:ro kills:cc ax dx cost(1,170). inc rm:rw:cc cost(1,2). ja label cost(1,4). jae label cost(1,4). jb label cost(1,4). jbe label cost(1,4). jcxz label cost(1,5). je label cost(1,4). jg label cost(1,4). jge label cost(1,4). jl label cost(1,4). jle label cost(1,4). jne label cost(1,4). jmp label cost(1,7). joehoe "call" label+rm cost(1,8). jxx "syntax error" label. lea anyreg:wo, halfindir:ro cost(1,2). lea LOCAL:wo, halfindir:ro cost(1,2). /* only for register variables, UNSAFE!!! */ loop label kills cx cost(1,5). #ifdef REGVARS mov LOCAL:wo, memory2:ro cost(1,2). /* only for register variables, UNSAFE!!! */ #endif mov a_word:wo, regorconst:ro cost(1,2). mov anyreg:wo, rmorconst:ro cost(1,2). movb rm1:wo, regorconst12:ro cost(1,2). movb REG1:wo, rm1:ro cost(1,2). mul rmorconst:ro kills :cc ax dx cost(1,124). neg rmorconst:rw:cc. nop . not rmorconst:rw. ORB "orb" REG1:ro, REG1:ro:cc. /* use ORB for tests */ OR "or" anyreg:ro, anyreg:ro:cc. /* Use OR for tests */ #ifdef REGVARS or LOCAL:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. /* only for register variables; UNSAFE !!! */ #endif or rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. or anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. pop rmorconst:wo cost(1,8). push rmorconst:ro cost(1,10). rcl rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. rcr rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. ret cost(1,8). rol rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. ror rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. sal rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. sar rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. sbb rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. sbb anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. shl rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. shr rm:rw, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro kills:cc. sxx rm:rw:cc, ANYCON+SHIFT_CREG:ro. #ifdef REGVARS sub LOCAL:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. /* only for register variables; UNSAFE !!! */ #endif sub rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. sub anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst+halfindir:ro. check "test" rm:ro, regorconst:ro kills :cc. check "test" anyreg:ro, rmorconst:ro kills :cc. testb "testb" rm12:ro, regorconst:ro kills :cc. testb "testb" REG1:ro, rmorconst:ro kills :cc. testb "testb" ACC1:ro, const:ro kills :cc. uxx "syntax error" rm:rw:cc cost(1,2). xchg rm:rw, anyreg:rw. xchg anyreg:rw, rm:rw. xor rm:rw:cc, regorconst:ro. xor anyreg:rw:cc, rmorconst:ro. xorb rm1:rw:cc, regorconst12:ro. xorb anyreg:rw:cc, rm1:ro. killreg "! kill" anyreg:wo cost(0,0). data ".sect .data". word ".data2" const:ro. text ".sect .text". /*****************************************************************/ MOVES /*****************************************************************/ #ifdef REGVARS from memory2 to LOCAL /* unsafe !!! */ gen mov %2,%1 from halfindir to LOCAL /* unsafe !!! */ gen lea %2,%1 #endif from rm to register gen mov %2,%1 from anyreg to dest gen mov %2,%1 from halfindir to register+AREG gen lea %2,%1 from rm1 to REG1 gen movb %2,%1 from GENREG to rm1 gen movb %2,%1.1 from ANYCON %val==0 to register gen xor %2,%2 from ANYCON %val==0 to REG1 gen xorb %2,%2 from const to dest gen mov %2,%1 from const+REG1 to rm1 gen movb %2,%1 /*****************************************************************/ TESTS /*****************************************************************/ to test anyreg gen OR %1,%1 to test memory2 gen cmp %1, {ANYCON,0} to test REG1 gen ORB %1,%1 to test memory1 gen cmpb %1, {ANYCON,0} /*****************************************************************/ STACKINGRULES /*****************************************************************/ from anyreg to STACK gen push %1 from memory2 to STACK gen push %1 from const to STACK uses REG gen move %1,%a push %a from const to STACK gen data. 1: word %1 text. push {EXTERN2,"1b"} from rm1 to STACK uses GENREG gen move {ANYCON,0},%a move %1,%a.1 push %a from rm1 to STACK gen push ax push bx move %1,al xorb ah,ah mov bx,sp xchg {ind_regoff2,bx,2},ax pop bx from Xreg_off to STACK gen add %1.reg,{CONSTR,%1.off} push %1.reg from ADDR_LOCAL %ind==0 to STACK gen push bp from halfindir to STACK uses REG gen move %1,%a push %a from halfindir to STACK gen push ax push bx lea ax,%1 mov bx,sp xchg {ind_regoff2,bx,2},ax pop bx /*****************************************************************/ COERCIONS /*****************************************************************/ /*************************** * From source to register * ***************************/ from rmorconst uses reusing %1,REG=%1 yields %a from Xreg_off gen add %1.reg,{CONSTR,%1.off} yields %1.reg from halfindir uses reusing %1,ADDREG gen move %1,%a yields %a from halfindir uses reusing %1,REG gen move %1,%a yields %a /************************ * From source to token * ************************/ from ANYCON yields {ADDR_EXTERN,%1.val} /**************** * From source1 * ****************/ from rm1 uses reusing %1,REG1=%1 yields %a from rm1 uses reusing %1,GENREG gen move %1,%a.1 xorb %a.2,%a.2 yields %a from ACC1 uses reusing %1,ACC gen xorb %a.2,%a.2 yields %a /************************ * From STACK coercions * ************************/ from STACK uses REG gen pop %a yields %a /*****************************************************************/ PATTERNS /*****************************************************************/ /****************************************************************** * Group 1 : Load Instructions * ******************************************************************/ pat loc yields {ANYCON,$1} pat ldc loww($1)==0 && highw($1)==0 uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} yields %a %a pat ldc yields {ANYCON,highw($1)} {ANYCON,loww($1)} pat lol yields {LOCAL,$1,2} pat stl lol $1==$2 #ifdef REGVARS && inreg($1) <= 0 #endif leaving dup 2 stl $1 pat stl lol lof $1==$2 #ifdef REGVARS && inreg($1) <= 0 #endif with AREG yields %1 %1 leaving stl $1 lof $3 pat stl lol loi $1==$2 #ifdef REGVARS && inreg($1) <= 0 #endif with AREG yields %1 %1 leaving stl $1 loi $3 pat sdl ldl $1==$2 leaving dup 4 sdl $1 #ifdef REGVARS pat lol dup stl $2==2 && inreg($1) <= 0 && inreg($3) > 0 kills regvar($3) gen move {LOCAL,$1,2}, {LOCAL,$3,2} yields {LOCAL,$3,2} #endif pat loe yields {EXTERN2,$1} pat ste loe $1==$2 leaving dup 2 ste $1 pat ste loe lof $1==$2 with AREG yields %1 %1 leaving ste $1 lof $3 pat ste loe loi $1==$2 with AREG yields %1 %1 leaving ste $1 loi $3 pat sde lde $1==$2 leaving dup 4 sde $1 #ifdef REGVARS pat loe dup stl $2==2 && inreg($3) > 0 kills regvar($3) gen move {EXTERN2,$1}, {LOCAL,$3,2} yields {LOCAL,$3,2} #endif #ifdef REGVARS pat lil inreg($1) > 0 yields {ind_reg2, regvar($1)} #endif pat lil uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} yields {ind_reg2,%a} pat lil dup stl $2==2 leaving lil $1 stl $3 lol $3 pat sil lil $1==$2 leaving dup 2 sil $1 pat lof with exact reg_off yields {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact bpreg_off yields {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {LOCAL,%1.ind + $1,2} with addreg yields {ind_regoff2,%1,$1} pat lal yields {ADDR_LOCAL,$1} pat lae yields {ADDR_EXTERN,$1} pat lpb leaving adp SL pat lxl $1==0 yields {ADDR_LOCAL,0} pat lxl $1==1 yields {LOCAL,SL,2} pat lxl $1==2 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,SL,2} yields {ind_regoff2,%a,SSL} pat lxl $1>2 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,SL,2}, CXREG={ANYCON,$1-1} gen 1: mov %a,{ind_regoff2,%a,4} loop {label,1b} yields %a pat lxa $1==0 yields {ADDR_LOCAL,SL} pat lxa $1==1 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,SL,2} yields {Xreg_off,%a,SSL} pat lxa $1==2 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,SL,2} gen move {ind_regoff2,%a,SSL},%a yields {Xreg_off,%a,SSL} pat lxa $1>2 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,SL,2}, CXREG={ANYCON,$1-1} gen 1: mov %a,{ind_regoff2,%a,4} loop {label,1b} yields {Xreg_off,%a,SSL} pat dch leaving loi 2 pat loi $1==2 with addreg yields {ind_reg2,%1} with exact reg_off yields {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off} with exact bpreg_off yields {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {EXTERN2,%1.off} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {LOCAL,%1.ind,2} pat loi $1==1 with addreg yields {ind_reg1,%1} with exact reg_off yields {ind_regoff1,%1.reg,%1.off} with exact bpreg_off yields {ind_bpregoff1,%1.reg,%1.ind} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {EXTERN1,%1.off} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {LOCAL1,%1.ind,1} pat loi $1==4 with addreg yields {ind_regoff2,%1,2} {ind_reg2,%1} with exact reg_off yields {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off+2} {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off} with exact bpreg_off yields {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+2} {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {LOCAL,%1.ind+2,2} {LOCAL,%1.ind,2} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {EXTERN2,%1.off + 2} {EXTERN2,%1.off} pat loi $1>4 with BXREG kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label,".loi"} pat los $1==2 with CXREG BXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".los"} pat ldl yields {LOCAL,$1+2,2} {LOCAL,$1,2} pat lde yields {EXTERN2,$1 + 2} {EXTERN2,$1} pat ldf with exact reg_off yields {ind_regoff2,%1.reg, %1.off + 2 + $1} {ind_regoff2,%1.reg, %1.off + $1} with addreg yields {ind_regoff2,%1,$1+2} {ind_regoff2,%1,$1} with exact bpreg_off yields {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+2+$1} {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {EXTERN2,%1.off+2+$1} {EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {LOCAL,%1.ind + $1 + 2,2} {LOCAL,%1.ind + $1,2} pat lpi yields {ADDR_EXTERN,$1} /* this code sequence is generated by the C-compiler to tackle char parameters, on the 8086 it reduces to nil */ pat lol lal sti $1==$2 && $3<=2 /******************************************************************* * Group 2 : Store Instructions * *******************************************************************/ #ifdef REGVARS pat stl inreg($1)==reg_any with rmorconst kills regvar($1) gen move %1, {LOCAL,$1,2} with halfindir kills regvar($1) gen move %1, {LOCAL,$1,2} with exact STACK kills regvar($1) gen pop {LOCAL, $1, 2} #endif pat stl with regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen move %1,{LOCAL,$1,2} with exact STACK kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen pop {LOCAL,$1,2} pat ste with regorconst kills indirects gen move %1,{EXTERN2,$1} with exact STACK kills indirects gen pop {EXTERN2,$1} #ifdef REGVARS pat sil inreg($1)==reg_any with regorconst kills referals gen move %1,{ind_reg2,regvar($1)} with exact STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_reg2,regvar($1)} #endif pat sil with regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen move %1,{ind_reg2,%a} killreg %a with exact STACK kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen pop {ind_reg2,%a} killreg %a pat stf with addreg regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff2,%1,$1} with exact addreg STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_regoff2, %1,$1} with reg_off regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact reg_off STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,$1+%1.off} with exact bpreg_off STACK kills all_locals, indexed gen pop {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,$1+%1.ind} with ADDR_LOCAL regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind+$1 && %ind < %1.ind+$1+2 gen move %2,{LOCAL,%1.ind+$1,2} with exact ADDR_LOCAL STACK kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind+$1 && %ind < %1.ind+$1+2 gen pop {LOCAL,%1.ind+$1,2} with bpreg_off regorconst kills all_locals,indexed gen move %2,{ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with ADDR_EXTERN regorconst kills indirects gen move %2,{EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN STACK kills indirects gen pop {EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} pat sti $1==2 with addreg regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_reg2,%1} with exact addreg STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_reg2,%1} with reg_off regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off} with exact reg_off STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off} with bpreg_off regorconst kills all_locals,indexed gen move %2,{ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind} with exact bpreg_off STACK kills all_locals,indexed gen pop {ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind} with ADDR_EXTERN regorconst kills indirects gen move %2,{EXTERN2,%1.off} with exact ADDR_EXTERN STACK kills indirects gen pop {EXTERN2,%1.off} with ADDR_LOCAL regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind && %ind < %1.ind+2 gen move %2,{LOCAL,%1.ind,2} with exact ADDR_LOCAL STACK kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind && %ind < %1.ind+2 gen pop {LOCAL,%1.ind,2} pat sti $1==1 with addreg regorconst12 kills referals gen move %2,{ind_reg1,%1} with reg_off regorconst12 kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff1,%1.reg,%1.off} with bpreg_off regorconst12 kills all_locals,indexed gen move %2,{ind_bpregoff1,%1.reg,%1.ind} with ADDR_EXTERN regorconst12 kills indirects gen move %2,{EXTERN1,%1.off} with ADDR_LOCAL regorconst12 kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind && %ind <= %1.ind gen move %2,{LOCAL1,%1.ind,1} pat sti $1==4 leaving sdf 0 pat sti $1>4 with BXREG kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".sti"} /* this sort of construction gives problems in the codegenerator because of the potential very large lookahead with addreg kills ALL gen pop (%1) add %1,{ANYCON,2} yields %1 leaving sti $1-2 */ pat sts $1==2 with CXREG BXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sts"} pat sdl with regorconst regorconst yields %2 %1 leaving stl $1 stl $1+2 with exact STACK leaving stl $1 stl $1+2 pat sde with regorconst regorconst yields %2 %1 leaving ste $1 ste $1+2 with exact STACK leaving ste $1 ste $1+2 pat sdf with addreg regorconst regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff2,%1,$1} move %3,{ind_regoff2,%1,$1+2} with exact addreg STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_regoff2,%1,$1} pop {ind_regoff2,%1,$1+2} with exact halfindir STACK kills referals uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen pop {ind_regoff2,%a,$1} pop {ind_regoff2,%a,$1+2} with exact memory2 STACK kills referals uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen pop {ind_regoff2,%a,$1} pop {ind_regoff2,%a,$1+2} with reg_off regorconst regorconst kills referals gen move %2,{ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} move %3,{ind_regoff2,%1.reg,%1.off+$1+2} with exact reg_off STACK kills referals gen pop {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,$1+%1.off} pop {ind_regoff2,%1.reg,$1+2+%1.off} with exact bpreg_off STACK kills all_locals,indexed gen pop {ind_bpregoff2, %1.reg,$1+%1.ind} pop {ind_bpregoff2, %1.reg,$1+2+%1.ind} with ADDR_LOCAL regorconst regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind+$1 && %ind < %1.ind+$1+4 gen move %2,{LOCAL,%1.ind+$1,2} move %3,{LOCAL,%1.ind+$1+2,2} with exact ADDR_LOCAL STACK kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > %1.ind+$1 && %ind < %1.ind+$1+4 gen pop {LOCAL,%1.ind+$1,2} pop {LOCAL,%1.ind+$1+2,2} with ADDR_EXTERN regorconst regorconst kills indirects gen move %2,{EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} move %3,{EXTERN2,%1.off+$1+2} with exact ADDR_EXTERN STACK kills indirects gen pop {EXTERN2,%1.off+$1} pop {EXTERN2,%1.off+$1+2} with bpreg_off regorconst regorconst kills all_locals,indexed gen move %2,{ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} move %3,{ind_bpregoff2,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1+2} /**************************************************************** * Group 3 : Integer Arithmetic. * * * * Implemented (sometimes with the use of subroutines) : * * all 2 and 4 byte arithmetic. * ****************************************************************/ pat adi $1==2 #ifdef REGVARS with exact ANYCON IREG yields {Rreg_off,%2,%1.val} with exact IREG ANYCON yields {Rreg_off,%1,%2.val} #endif with REG rmorconst gen add %1,%2 yields %1 with rmorconst REG gen add %2,%1 yields %2 with EXACT rmorconst const uses reusing %1,REG=%1 gen add %a,%2 yields %a pat adi $1==4 with EXACT REG REG rmorconst rmorconst gen add %1,%3 adc %2,%4 yields %2 %1 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen add %3,%1 adc %4,%2 yields %4 %3 pat adi !defined($1) with CXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".adi"} yields ax pat sbi $1==2 with rmorconst REG gen sub %2,%1 yields %2 with EXACT REG rmorconst gen sub %1,%2 neg %1 yields %1 pat sbi $1==4 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen sub %3,%1 sbb %4,%2 yields %4 %3 pat sbi !defined($1) with CXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sbi"} yields ax pat mli $1==2 with ACC rm uses reusing %2,DXREG gen mul %2 yields %1 /* mul and imul have same low order result but mul is faster */ with rmnoacc rmorconst uses reusing %2,DXREG,ACC=%2 gen mul %1 yields %b pat mli $1==4 with ACC DXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".mli4"} yields dx ax /* pat mli !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".mli"} */ pat dvi $1==2 with rmnoacc rmorconst uses reusing %2,DXREG,ACC=%2 gen cwd. idiv %1 yields ax pat dvi $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".dvi4"} yields dx ax /* pat dvi !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".dvi"} */ pat rmi $1==2 with rmnoacc rmorconst uses reusing %2, ACC=%2, DXREG gen cwd. idiv %1 yields dx pat rmi $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".rmi4"} yields dx ax /* pat rmi !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".rmi"} */ pat ngi $1==2 with REG gen neg %1 yields %1 pat ngi $1==4 with REG REG gen neg %2 neg %1 sbb %2,{ANYCON,0} yields %2 %1 /* pat ngi !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".ngi"} */ pat loc sli $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 pat loc sli $1==1 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat loc sli $1==2 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat loc sli $1==3 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} rcl %2,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat loc sli $1==16 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields %1 {ANYCON,0} pat sli $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen sal %2,cl yields %2 pat sli $1==4 with CXREG REG REG gen jcxz {label,1f} 2: sal %2,{ANYCON,1} rcl %3,{ANYCON,1} loop {label,2b} 1: yields %3 %2 /* pat sli !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sli"} */ pat loc sri $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen sar %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 pat loc sri $1==1 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat loc sri $1==2 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat loc sri $1==3 && $2==4 with REG REG gen sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} sar %2,{ANYCON,1} rcr %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %2 %1 pat sri $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen sar %2,cl yields %2 pat sri $1==4 with CXREG REG REG gen jcxz {label,1f} 2: sar %3,{ANYCON,1} rcr %2,{ANYCON,1} loop {label,2b} 1: yields %3 %2 /* pat sri !defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sri"} */ /******************************************************************* * Group 4: Unsigned Arithmetic * *******************************************************************/ pat adu leaving adi $1 pat loc lol adu stl $1==1 && $3==2 && $2==$4 leaving inl $2 pat loc loe adu ste $1==1 && $3==2 && $2==$4 leaving ine $2 pat loc lol adu $1==1 && $3==2 leaving lol $2 inc pat loc loe adu $1==1 && $3==2 leaving loe $2 inc pat loc lil adu $1==1 && $3==2 leaving lil $2 inc pat loc lol adu stl $1==0-1 && $3==2 && $2==$4 leaving del $2 pat loc loe adu ste $1==0-1 && $3==2 && $2==$4 leaving dee $2 pat loc lol adu $1==0-1 && $3==2 leaving lol $2 dec pat loc loe adu $1==0-1 && $3==2 leaving loe $2 dec pat loc lil adu $1==0-1 && $3==2 leaving lil $2 dec pat sbu leaving sbi $1 pat lol loc sbu stl $1==$4 && $2==1 && $3==2 leaving del $1 pat loe loc sbu ste $1==$4 && $2==1 && $3==2 leaving dee $1 pat lol loc sbu $2==1 && $3==2 leaving lol $1 dec pat loe loc sbu $2==1 && $3==2 leaving loe $1 dec pat lil loc sbu $2==1 && $3==2 leaving lil $1 dec pat lol loc sbu stl $1==$4 && $2==0-1 && $3==2 leaving inl $1 pat loe loc sbu ste $1==$4 && $2==0-1 && $3==2 leaving ine $1 pat lol loc sbu $2==0-1 && $3==2 leaving lol $1 inc pat loe loc sbu $2==0-1 && $3==2 leaving loe $1 inc pat lil loc sbu $2==0-1 && $3==2 leaving lil $1 inc pat mlu leaving mli $1 pat loe loc loe adu ste $1==$3 && $1==$5 && $4==2 uses REG = {EXTERN2, $1} yields %a leaving loc $2 loe $3 adu 2 ste $3 pat lol loc lol adu stl $1==$3 && $1==$5 && $4==2 uses REG = {LOCAL, $1, 2} yields %a leaving loc $2 lol $3 adu 2 stl $3 pat loe loc loe adi ste $1==$3 && $1==$5 && $4==2 uses REG = {EXTERN2, $1} yields %a leaving loc $2 loe $3 adi 2 ste $3 pat lol loc lol adi stl $1==$3 && $1==$5 && $4==2 uses REG = {LOCAL, $1, 2} yields %a leaving loc $2 lol $3 adi 2 stl $3 pat dvu $1==2 with rmnoacc rmorconst uses reusing %2, ACC=%2, DXREG={ANYCON,0} gen div %1 yields ax pat dvu $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".dvu4"} yields dx ax /* pat dvu !defined($1) with ACC STACK kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".dvu"} */ pat rmu $1==2 with rmnoacc rmorconst uses reusing %2, ACC=%2, DXREG={ANYCON,0} gen div %1 yields dx pat rmu $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".rmu4"} yields dx ax /* pat rmu !defined($1) with ACC STACK kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".rmu"} */ pat slu leaving sli $1 pat loc slu leaving loc $1 sli $2 pat loc sru $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen shr %1,{ANYCON, 1} yields %1 pat loc sru $1==16 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields {ANYCON,0} %2 pat sru $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen shr %2,cl yields %2 pat sru $1==4 with CXREG REG REG gen jcxz {label,1f} 2: shr %3,{ANYCON, 1} rcr %2,{ANYCON, 1} loop {label,2b} 1: yields %3 %2 /* pat sru !defined($1) with ACC STACK kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sru"} */ /******************************************************************* * Group 5: Floating Point Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat adf $1==4 leaving cal ".adf4" asp 4 pat adf $1==8 leaving cal ".adf8" asp 8 pat sbf $1==4 leaving cal ".sbf4" asp 4 pat sbf $1==8 leaving cal ".sbf8" asp 8 pat mlf $1==4 leaving cal ".mlf4" asp 4 pat mlf $1==8 leaving cal ".mlf8" asp 8 pat dvf $1==4 leaving cal ".dvf4" asp 4 pat dvf $1==8 leaving cal ".dvf8" asp 8 pat ngf $1==4 leaving cal ".ngf4" pat ngf $1==8 leaving cal ".ngf8" pat fif $1==4 leaving lor 1 cal ".fif4" asp 2 pat fif $1==8 leaving lor 1 cal ".fif8" asp 2 pat fef $1==4 leaving lor 1 adp 0-2 cal ".fef4" pat fef $1==8 leaving lor 1 adp 0-2 cal ".fef8" /****************************************************************** * Group 6: Pointer Arithmetic * ******************************************************************/ pat adp $1==1 with exact Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {ADDR_EXTERN,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {ADDR_LOCAL,%1.ind+$1} with exact Rbpreg_off yields {Rbpreg_off,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with REG gen inc %1 yields %1 with ADDREG gen killreg %1 yields {Xreg_off, %1, $1} with exact RADDREG yields {Rreg_off, %1, $1} pat adp $1==0-1 with exact Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {ADDR_EXTERN,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {ADDR_LOCAL,%1.ind+$1} with exact Rbpreg_off yields {Rbpreg_off,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with REG gen dec %1 yields %1 with ADDREG gen killreg %1 yields {Xreg_off, %1, $1} with exact RADDREG yields {Rreg_off, %1, $1} pat adp with exact Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_EXTERN yields {ADDR_EXTERN,%1.off+$1} with exact ADDR_LOCAL yields {ADDR_LOCAL,%1.ind+$1} with exact Rbpreg_off yields {Rbpreg_off,%1.reg,%1.ind+$1} with ADDREG gen killreg %1 yields {Xreg_off,%1,$1} with exact RADDREG yields {Rreg_off, %1, $1} with REG gen add %1,{ANYCON,$1} yields %1 pat ads stl $1==2 leaving adi 2 stl $2 pat ads ste $1==2 leaving adi 2 ste $2 pat ads sil $1==2 leaving adi 2 sil $2 pat ads lol stf $1==2 leaving adi 2 lol $2 stf $3 pat ads loe stf $1==2 leaving adi 2 loe $2 stf $3 pat ads $1==2 with exact ANYCON Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+%1.val} with exact ANYCON Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+%1.val} with exact ADDR_EXTERN Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+%1.off} with exact ADDR_EXTERN Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+%1.off} with rmorconst Xreg_off gen add %2.reg,%1 yields %2 with exact ANYCON Rbpreg_off yields {Rbpreg_off,%2.reg,%2.ind+%1.val} with Xreg_off rmorconst gen add %1.reg,%2 yields %1 with exact Xreg_off ANYCON yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+%2.val} with exact Rreg_off ANYCON yields {Rreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+%2.val} with exact Xreg_off ADDR_EXTERN yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+%2.off} with exact Rreg_off ADDR_EXTERN yields {Rreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+%2.off} with exact Xreg_off reg_off gen add %1.reg,%2.reg yields {Xreg_off,%1.reg,%1.off+%2.off} with exact IREG ADDR_LOCAL yields {Rbpreg_off, %1, %2.ind} with exact IREG ADDR_EXTERN yields {Rreg_off, %1, %2.off} with exact ADDR_EXTERN IREG yields {Rreg_off,%2,%1.off} with exact ADDR_LOCAL IREG yields {Rbpreg_off,%2,%1.ind} with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} with exact ADDR_EXTERN rmorconst uses reusing %2,ADDREG=%2 yields {Xreg_off,%a,%1.off} with rmorconst ADDREG gen add %2,%1 yields %2 with ADDREG rmorconst gen add %1,%2 yields %1 pat sbs $1==2 with exact ANYCON Xreg_off yields {Xreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+"-"+%1.val} with exact ANYCON Rreg_off yields {Rreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off+"-"+%1.val} with exact ANYCON ADDR_LOCAL yields {ADDR_LOCAL,%2.ind-%1.val} with rm Xreg_off gen sub %2.reg,%1 yields {Xreg_off,%2.reg,%2.off} /* Should not occur with exact reg_off ANYCON yields {reg_off,%1.reg,%1.off-%2.val} with ANYCON ADDR_EXTERN yields {ADDR_EXTERN,%2.off+%1.val} with exact ANYCON ADDR_LOCAL yields {ADDR_LOCAL,%1.val+%2.ind} */ with rm REG gen sub %2,%1 yields %2 with const ACC gen sub %2,%1 yields %2 /******************************************************************* * Group 7 : Increment/Decrement Zero * *******************************************************************/ pat inc with REG gen inc %1 yields %1 #ifdef REGVARS pat inl inreg($1)==reg_any kills regvar($1) gen inc {LOCAL,$1,2} #endif pat inl kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen inc {LOCAL, $1, 2} pat ine kills indirects gen inc {EXTERN2, $1} pat dec with REG gen dec %1 yields %1 #ifdef REGVARS pat del inreg($1)==reg_any kills regvar($1) gen dec {LOCAL,$1,2} #endif pat del kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen dec {LOCAL, $1, 2} pat dee kills indirects gen dec {EXTERN2, $1} pat zrl yields {ANYCON, 0} leaving stl $1 pat zre yields {ANYCON, 0} leaving ste $1 pat zrf leaving zer $1 pat zer $1==2 yields {ANYCON, 0} pat zer $1==4 yields {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} pat zer $1==6 yields {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} pat zer $1==8 yields {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} {ANYCON, 0} pat zer defined($1) with STACK gen move {ANYCON, $1/2}, cx move {ANYCON, 0}, bx 1: push bx loop {label,1b} pat zer !defined($1) with CXREG STACK gen move {ANYCON, 0}, bx sar cx,{ANYCON, 1} 1: push bx loop {label,1b} #ifdef REGVARS proc lolrxxxstl example lol adi stl with rmorconst kills regvar($1) gen axx* {LOCAL, $1, 2}, %1 proc lilrxxxsil example lil adi sil with regorconst kills referals gen axx* {ind_reg2, regvar($1)}, %1 pat lol adi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("add") pat lol adu stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("add") pat lol ads stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("add") pat lol and stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("and") pat lol ior stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("or") pat lol xor stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrxxxstl("xor") pat lil adi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("add") pat lil adu sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("add") pat lil ads sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("add") pat lil and sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("and") pat lil ior sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("or") pat lil xor sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilrxxxsil("xor") #endif proc lolxxxstl example lol adi stl with regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen axx* {LOCAL, $1, 2}, %1 pat lol adi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("add") pat lol adu stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("add") pat lol ads stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("add") pat lol and stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("and") pat lol ior stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("or") pat lol xor stl $1==$3 && $2==2 call lolxxxstl("xor") proc lilxxxsil example lil adi sil with regorconst kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL, $1, 2} gen axx* {ind_reg2, %a}, %1 killreg %a pat lil adi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("add") pat lil adu sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("add") pat lil ads sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("add") pat lil and sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("and") pat lil ior sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("or") pat lil xor sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call lilxxxsil("xor") #ifdef REGVARS proc lilruxxsil example lil ngi sil kills referals gen uxx* {ind_reg2, regvar($1)} pat lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilruxxsil("neg") pat lil com sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilruxxsil("not") pat lil dec sil $1==$3 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilruxxsil("dec") pat lil inc sil $1==$3 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lilruxxsil("inc") #endif proc liluxxsil example lil ngi sil kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL, $1, 2} gen uxx* {ind_reg2, %a} killreg %a pat lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call liluxxsil("neg") pat lil com sil $1==$3 && $2==2 call liluxxsil("not") pat lil dec sil $1==$3 call liluxxsil("dec") pat lil inc sil $1==$3 call liluxxsil("inc") proc loexxxste example loe adi ste with regorconst kills indirects gen axx* {EXTERN2, $1}, %1 pat loe adi ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("add") pat loe adu ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("add") pat loe ads ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("add") pat loe and ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("and") pat loe ior ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("or") pat loe xor ste $1==$3 && $2==2 call loexxxste("xor") proc ldlxxxsdl example ldl adi sdl with regorconst regorconst kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+4 gen axx[1] {LOCAL,$1,2},%1 axx[2] {LOCAL,$1+2,2},%2 pat ldl adi sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldlxxxsdl("add", "adc") pat ldl adu sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldlxxxsdl("add", "adc") pat ldl and sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldlxxxsdl("and", "and") pat ldl ior sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldlxxxsdl("or", "or") pat ldl xor sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldlxxxsdl("xor", "xor") proc ldlcxxsdl example ldl ldc sbi sdl kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+4 gen axx[1] {LOCAL,$1,2},{ANYCON,loww($2)} axx[2] {LOCAL,$1+2,2},{ANYCON,highw($2)} pat ldl ldc sbi sdl $1==$4 && $3==4 call ldlcxxsdl("sub", "sbb") pat ldl ldc sbu sdl $1==$4 && $3==4 call ldlcxxsdl("sub", "sbb") proc ldexxxsde example lde adi sde with regorconst regorconst kills indirects gen axx[1] {EXTERN2,$1},%1 axx[2] {EXTERN2,$1+2},%2 pat lde adi sde $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldexxxsde("add", "adc") pat lde adu sde $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldexxxsde("add", "adc") pat lde and sde $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldexxxsde("and", "and") pat lde ior sde $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldexxxsde("or", "or") pat lde xor sde $1==$3 && $2==4 call ldexxxsde("xor", "xor") #ifdef REGVARS proc lofrxxxsof example lol lof adi lol stf with regorconst kills referals gen axx* {ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2}, %1 pat lol lof adi lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("add") pat lol lof adu lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("add") pat lol lof ads lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("add") pat lol lof and lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("and") pat lol lof ior lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("or") pat lol lof xor lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofrxxxsof("xor") proc ldfrxxxsdf example lol ldf adi lol sdf with regorconst regorconst kills referals gen axx[1] {ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2}, %1 axx[2] {ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2+2}, %2 pat lol ldf adi lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldfrxxxsdf("add", "adc") pat lol ldf adu lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldfrxxxsdf("add", "adc") pat lol ldf and lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldfrxxxsdf("and", "and") pat lol ldf ior lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldfrxxxsdf("or", "or") pat lol ldf xor lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldfrxxxsdf("xor", "xor") proc ldirxxxsdi example lol loi adi lol sti with regorconst regorconst kills referals gen axx[1] {ind_reg2, regvar($1)}, %1 axx[2] {ind_regoff2, regvar($1), 2}, %2 pat lol loi adi lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldirxxxsdi("add", "adc") pat lol loi adu lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldirxxxsdi("add", "adc") pat lol loi and lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldirxxxsdi("and", "and") pat lol loi ior lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldirxxxsdi("or", "or") pat lol loi xor lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 && inreg($1)==reg_any call ldirxxxsdi("xor", "xor") proc lofruxxsof example lol lof inc lol stf kills referals gen uxx* {ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} pat lol lof inc lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofruxxsof("inc") pat lol lof dec lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofruxxsof("dec") pat lol lof ngi lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofruxxsof("neg") pat lol lof com lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lofruxxsof("not") #endif proc lofuxxsof example lol lof inc lol stf kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen uxx* {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} killreg %a pat lol lof ngi lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofuxxsof("neg") pat lol lof com lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofuxxsof("not") pat lol lof dec lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 call lofuxxsof("dec") pat lol lof inc lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 call lofuxxsof("inc") proc lofxxxsof example lol lof adi lol stf with regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen axx* {ind_regoff2, %a, $2}, %1 killreg %a pat lol lof adi lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("add") pat lol lof adu lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("add") pat lol lof ads lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("add") pat lol lof and lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("and") pat lol lof ior lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("or") pat lol lof xor lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lofxxxsof("xor") proc ldfxxxsdf example lol ldf adi lol sdf with regorconstnoaddr regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen axx[1] {ind_regoff2, %a, $2}, %1 axx[2] {ind_regoff2, %a, $2+2}, %2 killreg %a pat lol ldf adi lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 call ldfxxxsdf("add", "adc") pat lol ldf adu lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 call ldfxxxsdf("add", "adc") pat lol ldf and lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 call ldfxxxsdf("and", "and") pat lol ldf ior lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 call ldfxxxsdf("or", "or") pat lol ldf xor lol sdf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==4 call ldfxxxsdf("xor", "xor") proc ldixxxsdi example lol loi adi lol sti with regorconstnoaddr regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} gen axx[1] {ind_reg2, %a}, %1 axx[2] {ind_regoff2, %a, 2}, %2 killreg %a pat lol loi adi lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 call ldixxxsdi("add", "adc") pat lol loi adu lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 call ldixxxsdi("add", "adc") pat lol loi and lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 call ldixxxsdi("and", "and") pat lol loi ior lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 call ldixxxsdi("or", "or") pat lol loi xor lol sti $1==$4 && $2==4 && $5==4 && $3==4 call ldixxxsdi("xor", "xor") proc lefuxxsef example loe lof inc loe stf kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1} gen uxx* {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} killreg %a pat loe lof ngi loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefuxxsef("neg") pat loe lof com loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefuxxsef("not") pat loe lof dec loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 call lefuxxsef("dec") pat loe lof inc loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 call lefuxxsef("inc") proc lefxxxsef example loe lof adi loe stf with regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1} gen axx* {ind_regoff2, %a, $2}, %1 killreg %a pat loe lof adi loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("add") pat loe lof adu loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("add") pat loe lof ads loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("add") pat loe lof and loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("and") pat loe lof ior loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("or") pat loe lof xor loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==2 call lefxxxsef("xor") proc leiuxxsei example loe loi inc loe sti kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1} gen uxx* {ind_reg2, %a} killreg %a pat loe loi ngi loe sti $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==2 && $3==2 call leiuxxsei("neg") pat loe loi com loe sti $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==2 && $3==2 call leiuxxsei("not") pat loe loi dec loe sti $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==2 call leiuxxsei("dec") pat loe loi inc loe sti $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==2 call leiuxxsei("inc") proc leixxxsei example loe loi adi loe sti with regorconstnoaddr kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1} gen axx* {ind_reg2, %a}, %1 killreg %a pat loe loi adi loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("add") pat loe loi adu loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("add") pat loe loi ads loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("add") pat loe loi and loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("and") pat loe loi ior loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("or") pat loe loi xor loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 && $3==2 call leixxxsei("xor") #ifdef REGVARS proc lolcrxxstl example lol loc sbi stl kills regvar($1) gen axx* {LOCAL,$1,2},{ANYCON,$2} pat lol loc sbi stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("sub") pat lol loc sbu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("sub") pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("sal") pat lol loc slu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("sal") pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("sar") pat lol loc sru stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolcrxxstl("shr") proc lolr2shstl example lol loc sli stl kills regvar($1) gen axx* {LOCAL,$1,2},{ANYCON,1} axx* {LOCAL,$1,2},{ANYCON,1} pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolr2shstl("sal") pat lol loc slu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolr2shstl("sal") pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolr2shstl("sar") pat lol loc sru stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolr2shstl("shr") proc lolrcshstl example lol loc sli stl kills regvar($1) uses CXREG = {ANYCON,$2} gen sxx* {LOCAL,$1,2},cl pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrcshstl("sal") pat lol loc slu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrcshstl("sal") pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrcshstl("sar") pat lol loc sru stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any call lolrcshstl("shr") #endif proc lolcxxstl example lol loc sbi stl kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen axx* {LOCAL,$1,2},{ANYCON,$2} pat lol loc sbi stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcxxstl("sub") pat lol loc sbu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcxxstl("sub") pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call lolcxxstl("sal") pat lol loc slu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call lolcxxstl("sal") pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call lolcxxstl("sar") pat lol loc sru stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call lolcxxstl("shr") proc lolcshstl example lol loc sli stl kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 uses CXREG = {ANYCON,$2} gen sxx* {LOCAL,$1,2},cl pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcshstl("sal") pat lol loc slu stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcshstl("sal") pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcshstl("sar") pat lol loc sru stl $1==$4 && $3==2 call lolcshstl("shr") proc loecxxste example loe loc sbi ste kills indirects gen axx* {EXTERN2,$1},{ANYCON,$2} pat loe loc sbi ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecxxste("sub") pat loe loc sbu ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecxxste("sub") pat loe loc adu ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecxxste("add") pat loe loc adi ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecxxste("add") pat loe loc sli ste $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call loecxxste("sal") pat loe loc slu ste $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call loecxxste("sal") pat loe loc sri ste $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call loecxxste("sar") pat loe loc sru ste $1==$4 && $3==2 && $2==1 call loecxxste("shr") proc loecshste example loe loc sli ste kills indirects uses CXREG = {ANYCON,$2} gen sxx* {EXTERN2,$1},cl pat loe loc sli ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecshste("sal") pat loe loc slu ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecshste("sal") pat loe loc sri ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecshste("sar") pat loe loc sru ste $1==$4 && $3==2 call loecshste("shr") #ifdef REGVARS pat lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any kills regvar($1) gen neg {LOCAL, $1, 2} #endif pat lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen neg {LOCAL, $1, 2} pat ldl ngi sdl $1==$3 && $2==4 kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+4 gen neg {LOCAL, $1+2, 2} neg {LOCAL, $1, 2} sbb {LOCAL, $1+2, 2}, {ANYCON, 0} pat lol dup adp stl loi stl $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5<=2 leaving lol $1 loi $5 stl $6 lol $4 adp $3 stl $4 #ifdef REGVARS pat lol dup adp stl loi $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==1 && inreg($1) > 0 uses REG1 = {ind_reg1, regvar($1)} yields %a leaving lol $4 adp $3 stl $4 pat lol dup adp stl loi $1==$4 && $2==2 && $5==2 && inreg($1) > 0 uses REG = {ind_reg2, regvar($1)} yields %a leaving lol $4 adp $3 stl $4 pat adp stl inreg($2) > 0 leaving stl $2 lol $2 adp $1 stl $2 #endif pat lol dup adp stl $1==$4 && $2==2 uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2} yields %a leaving lol $4 adp $3 stl $4 pat lol inl $1==$2 uses REG={LOCAL,$1,2} yields %a leaving inl $1 pat lol del $1==$2 uses REG={LOCAL,$1,2} yields %a leaving del $1 pat lol adp stl $1==$3 && $2==1 leaving inl $1 pat lol adp stl $1==$3 && $2==0-1 leaving del $1 pat lol adp stl $1==$3 leaving loc $2 lol $1 adi 2 stl $3 #ifdef REGVARS pat lol com stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any kills regvar($1) gen not {LOCAL,$1,2} #endif pat lol com stl $1==$3 && $2==2 kills indexed,locals %ind+%size > $1 && %ind < $1+2 gen not {LOCAL, $1, 2} pat lil adp dup sil lof $1==$4 && $3==2 && $5==(0-$2) leaving lil $4 dup 2 adp $2 sil $4 loi 2 #ifdef REGVARS pat lil dup adp sil $1==$4 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses ADDREG={ind_reg2, regvar($1)} yields %a leaving lil $4 adp $3 sil $4 pat lil adp dup sil $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any leaving lil $4 adp $2 sil $4 lil $4 pat lil dup inc sil $1==$4 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_reg2, regvar($1)} yields %a leaving lil $4 inc sil $4 pat lil dup dec sil $1==$4 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_reg2, regvar($1)} yields %a leaving lil $4 dec sil $4 #endif pat lil adp sil $1==$3 && $2==1 leaving lil $1 inc sil $1 pat lil adp sil $1==$3 && $2==0-1 leaving lil $1 dec sil $1 pat lil adp sil $1==$3 leaving loc $2 lil $1 adi 2 sil $3 pat lol lof adp lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==1 leaving lol $1 lof $2 inc lol $4 stf $5 pat lol lof adp lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==(0-1) leaving lol $1 lof $2 dec lol $4 stf $5 pat lol lof adp lol stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 leaving loc $3 lol $1 lof $2 adi 2 lol $4 stf $5 #ifdef REGVARS pat lol lof lol lof adp lol stf $1==$3 && $1==$6 && $2==$4 && $2==$7 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses ADDREG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 adp $5 lol $6 stf $7 pat lol lof lol lof inc lol stf $1==$3 && $1==$6 && $2==$4 && $2==$7 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 inc lol $6 stf $7 pat lol lof lol lof dec lol stf $1==$3 && $1==$6 && $2==$4 && $2==$7 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 dec lol $6 stf $7 pat lol lof dup adp lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses ADDREG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 adp $4 lol $1 stf $2 pat lol lof dup inc lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 inc lol $1 stf $2 pat lol lof dup dec lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==reg_any uses REG={ind_regoff2, regvar($1), $2} yields %a leaving lol $1 lof $2 dec lol $1 stf $2 #endif pat lol lof dup adp lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $4==1 kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b inc {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} yields %b pat loe lof dup adp loe stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $4==1 kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b inc {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} yields %b pat loe loi dup adp loe sti $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $2==2 && $4==1 kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_reg2, %a},%b inc {ind_reg2, %a} yields %b pat lol lof dup adp lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $4==(0-1) kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b dec {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} yields %b pat loe lof dup adp loe stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $4==(0-1) kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b dec {ind_regoff2, %a, $2} yields %b pat loe loi dup adp loe sti $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $2==2 && $4==(0-1) kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_reg2, %a},%b dec {ind_reg2, %a} yields %b pat lol lof dup adp lol stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 kills referals uses ADDREG={LOCAL,$1,2}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b add {ind_regoff2, %a, $2}, {ANYCON, $4} yields %b pat loe lof dup adp loe stf $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_regoff2, %a, $2},%b add {ind_regoff2, %a, $2}, {ANYCON, $4} yields %b pat loe loi dup adp loe sti $1==$5 && $2==$6 && $3==2 && $2==2 kills referals uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1}, REG gen move {ind_reg2, %a},%b add {ind_reg2, %a}, {ANYCON, $4} yields %b pat loe ngi ste $1==$3 && $2==2 kills indirects gen neg {EXTERN2, $1} pat lde ngi sde $1==$3 && $2==4 kills indirects gen neg {EXTERN2, $1+2} neg {EXTERN2, $1} sbb {EXTERN2, $1+2}, {ANYCON, 0} pat loe dup adp ste $1==$4 && $2==2 uses ADDREG={EXTERN2,$1} yields %a leaving loe $1 adp $3 ste $1 pat loe ine $1==$2 uses REG={EXTERN2,$1} yields %a leaving ine $1 pat loe dee $1==$2 uses REG={EXTERN2,$1} yields %a leaving dee $1 pat loe adp ste $1==$3 && $2==1 leaving ine $1 pat loe adp ste $1==$3 && $2==0-1 leaving dee $1 pat loe adp ste $1==$3 leaving loc $2 loe $1 adi 2 ste $3 pat loe com ste $1==$3 && $2==2 kills indirects gen not {EXTERN2, $1} pat loe lof adp loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==1 leaving loe $1 lof $2 inc loe $1 stf $2 pat loe lof adp loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==0-1 leaving loe $1 lof $2 dec loe $1 stf $2 pat loe lof adp loe stf $1==$4 && $2==$5 leaving loc $3 loe $1 lof $2 adi 2 loe $1 stf $2 pat loe loi adp loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==1 && $2==2 leaving loe $1 loi $2 inc loe $1 sti $2 pat loe loi adp loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $3==0-1 && $2==2 leaving loe $1 loi $2 dec loe $1 sti $2 pat loe loi adp loe sti $1==$4 && $2==$5 && $2==2 leaving loc $3 loe $1 loi $2 adi 2 loe $1 sti $2 /******************************************************************* * Group 8: Convert Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat cii with CXREG DXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cii"} yields %3 pat ciu leaving cuu pat cui leaving cuu pat cuu with CXREG DXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cuu"} yields %3 pat loc loc cii zeq $1==1 && $2==2 with GENREG STACK gen test %1.1 je {label, $4} pat loc loc cii zne $1==1 && $2==2 with GENREG STACK gen test %1.1 jne {label, $4} pat loc loc cii loc and zeq $4<256 && $4>=0 && $5==2 && $1==1 && $2==2 leaving loc $4 and $5 zeq $6 pat loc loc cii loc and zne $4<256 && $4>=0 && $5==2 && $1==1 && $2==2 leaving loc $4 and $5 zne $6 pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==2 with ACC gen cbw. yields ax with exact rmorconst1 ACC uses REG gen move %2,%a move %1,%2.1 cbw. yields %a ax with exact rmorconst1 uses reusing %1, ACC1=%1 gen cbw. yields ax pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==4 with ACC uses DXREG gen cbw. cwd. yields dx ax with exact rmorconst1 uses reusing %1, ACC1=%1, DXREG gen cbw. cwd. yields dx ax pat loc loc cii $1==2 && $2==4 with ACC uses DXREG gen cwd. yields dx ax pat loc loc cii $1==4 && $2==2 with a_word a_word yields %1 pat loc loc ciu leaving loc $1 loc $2 cuu pat loc loc cui leaving loc $1 loc $2 cuu pat loc loc cuu $1==$2 pat loc loc cuu $1==2 && $2==4 with a_word yields {ANYCON,0} %1 pat loc loc cuu $1==4 && $2==2 with a_word a_word yields %1 pat loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 cal ".cif4" pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 cal ".cif4" asp 2 pat loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==8 with REG kills ALL gen push %1 push %1 push %1 leaving loc $1 cal ".cif8" pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==8 with REG REG kills ALL gen push %1 push %2 push %1 leaving loc $1 cal ".cif8" pat loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf4" pat loc loc cuf $1==4 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf4" asp 2 pat loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==8 with REG kills ALL gen push %1 push %1 push %1 leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf8" pat loc loc cuf $1==4 && $2==8 with REG REG kills ALL gen push %1 push %2 push %1 leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf8" pat loc loc cfi $1==4 && $2==2 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfi" asp 8 lfr 2 pat loc loc cfi $2==4 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfi" asp $1 pat loc loc cfi $1==8 && $2==2 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfi" asp 12 lfr 2 pat loc loc cfu $1==4 && $2==2 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfu" asp 8 lfr 2 pat loc loc cfu $2==4 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfu" asp $1 pat loc loc cfu $1==8 && $2==2 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfu" asp 12 lfr 2 pat loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==4 leaving cal ".cff4" asp 4 pat loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==8 with REG REG kills ALL uses REG={ANYCON,0} gen push %a push %a push %2 push %1 leaving cal ".cff8" /******************************************************************** * Group 9 : Logical Instructions * ********************************************************************/ pat and $1==2 with REG rmorconst gen and %1,%2 yields %1 with rmorconst REG gen and %2,%1 yields %2 pat loc and $1==65535 && $2==2 pat loc and $1==255 && $2==2 with GENREG yields %1.1 pat loc and $1==0 && $2==2 leaving asp 2 loc 0 pat and $1==4 with EXACT REG REG rmorconst rmorconst gen and %1,%3 and %2,%4 yields %2 %1 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen and %3,%1 and %4,%2 yields %4 %3 pat ldc and highw($1)==(0-1) && $2==4 leaving loc loww($1) and 2 pat ldc and loww($1)==0 && $2==4 leaving asp 2 loc highw($1) and 2 loc 0 pat ldc and loww($1)==65535 && $2==4 with rmorconst REG gen and %2,{ANYCON, highw($1)} yields %2 %1 pat ldc and highw($1)==0 && $2==4 with REG rmorconst gen and %1,{ANYCON, loww($1)} yields {ANYCON,0} %1 pat and defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".and"} pat and !defined($1) with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".and"} pat ior $1==2 with REG rmorconst gen or %1,%2 yields %1 with rmorconst REG gen or %2,%1 yields %2 pat loc ior $1==0 && $2==2 pat loc ior $1==65535 && $2==2 leaving asp 2 loc $1 pat ior $1==4 with EXACT REG REG rmorconst rmorconst gen or %1,%3 or %2,%4 yields %2 %1 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen or %3,%1 or %4,%2 yields %4 %3 pat ldc ior highw($1)==(0-1) && $2==4 with REG rmorconst gen or %1,{ANYCON, loww($1)} yields {ANYCON,0-1} %1 pat ldc ior highw($1)==0 && $2==4 leaving loc loww($1) ior 2 pat ldc ior loww($1)==65535 && $2==4 leaving asp 2 loc highw($1) ior 2 loc 0-1 pat ldc ior loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst REG gen or %2,{ANYCON, highw($1)} yields %2 %1 pat ior defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".ior"} pat ior !defined($1) with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".ior"} pat xor $1==2 with REG rmorconst gen xor %1,%2 yields %1 with rmorconst REG gen xor %2,%1 yields %2 pat xor $1==4 with EXACT REG REG rmorconst rmorconst gen xor %1,%3 xor %2,%4 yields %2 %1 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen xor %3,%1 xor %4,%2 yields %4 %3 pat xor defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".xor"} pat xor !defined($1) with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".xor"} pat com $1==2 with REG gen not %1 yields %1 pat com $1==4 with REG REG gen not %2 not %1 yields %2 %1 pat com defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".com"} pat com !defined($1) with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".com"} pat loc rol $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen rol %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 pat rol $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen rol %2,cl yields %2 pat rol $1==4 with CXREG REG REG gen jcxz {label, 1f} 2: sal %2,{ANYCON,1} rcl %3,{ANYCON,1} adc %2,{ANYCON,0} loop {label, 2b} 1: pat loc ror $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen ror %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 pat ror $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen ror %2,cl yields %2 pat ror $1==4 with CXREG REG REG gen jcxz {label, 1f} neg cx add cx,{ANYCON,32} 2: sal %2,{ANYCON,1} rcl %3,{ANYCON,1} adc %2,{ANYCON,0} loop {label, 2b} 1: /******************************************************************* * Group 10 : Set Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat inn $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG REG gen shr %2,cl and %2,{ANYCON, 1} yields %2 pat loc inn $1==1 && $2==2 with REG gen shr %1,{ANYCON, 1} and %1,{ANYCON, 1} yields %1 pat loc inn $1==0 && $2==2 with REG gen and %1,{ANYCON, 1} yields %1 pat inn defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON, $1} joehoe {label,".inn"} yields ax pat inn !defined($1) with CXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".inn"} yields ax pat loc inn zeq $2==2 with rm STACK gen check %1,{ANYCON,1<<$1} je {label,$3} pat loc inn zne $2==2 with rm STACK gen check %1,{ANYCON,1<<$1} jne {label,$3} pat set $1==2 with SHIFT_CREG uses REG={ANYCON, 1} gen shl %a,cl yields %a pat set defined($1) with ACC kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON, $1} joehoe {label,".set"} pat set !defined($1) with CXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".set"} /******************************************************************** * Group 11 : Array Instructions * ********************************************************************/ pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)!=0 leaving adp 0-rom($1,1) ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)==0 with ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 leaving ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)!=0 with ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 leaving adp 0-2*rom($1,1) ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 leaving ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} yields %1 leaving adp 0-4*rom($1,1) ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,1)==0 with ACC uses DXREG,REG={ANYCON,rom($1,3)} gen mul %b yields %1 leaving ads 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && defined(rom($1,1)) with ACC uses DXREG,REG={ANYCON,rom($1,3)} gen mul %b yields %1 leaving adp 0-rom($1,1)*rom($1,3) ads 2 pat loc sli ads sti $1==1 && $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen sal %a,{ANYCON,1} yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} leaving sti $4 with ADDREG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 leaving sti $4 with REG ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %2,%1 yields %2 leaving sti $4 pat loc sli ads $1==1 && $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen sal %a,{ANYCON,1} yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} with ADDREG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 with REG ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %2,%1 yields %2 with REG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 pat loc sli ads sti $1==2 && $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen sal %a,{ANYCON,1} sal %a,{ANYCON,1} yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} leaving sti $4 with ADDREG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 leaving sti $4 with REG ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %2,%1 yields %2 leaving sti $4 pat loc sli ads $1==2 && $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1 gen sal %a,{ANYCON,1} sal %a,{ANYCON,1} yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} with ADDREG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 with REG ADDREG gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %2,%1 yields %2 with REG rmorconst gen sal %1,{ANYCON,1} sal %1,{ANYCON,1} add %1,%2 yields %1 pat loc sli ads sti $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1,CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %a,cl yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} leaving sti $4 with ADDREG rmorconst uses CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %1,cl add %1,%2 yields %1 leaving sti $4 with REG ADDREG uses CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %1,cl add %2,%1 yields %2 leaving sti $4 pat loc sli ads $2==2 && $3==2 with exact rmorconst ADDR_EXTERN uses reusing %1,ADDREG=%1,CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %a,cl yields {Xreg_off,%a,%2.off} with ADDREG rmorconst uses CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %1,cl add %1,%2 yields %1 with REG ADDREG uses CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %1,cl add %2,%1 yields %2 with REG rmorconst uses CXREG={ANYCON,$1} gen sal %1,cl add %1,%2 yields %1 pat aar $1==2 with AREG ACC uses DXREG gen sub %2,{ind_reg2,%1} mul {ind_regoff2,%1,4} yields %2 leaving ads 2 with reg_off ACC uses DXREG gen sub %2,{ind_regoff2, %1.reg, %1.off} mul {ind_regoff2, %1.reg, 4+%1.off} yields %2 leaving ads 2 with bpreg_off ACC uses DXREG gen sub %2,{ind_bpregoff2, %1.reg, %1.ind} mul {ind_bpregoff2, %1.reg, 4+%1.ind} yields %2 leaving ads 2 with ADDR_LOCAL ACC uses DXREG gen sub %2,{LOCAL,%1.ind,2} mul {LOCAL, 4+%1.ind,2} yields %2 leaving ads 2 with ADDR_EXTERN ACC uses DXREG gen sub %2,{EXTERN2,%1.off} mul {EXTERN2,4+%1.off} yields %2 leaving ads 2 pat lae lar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 loi rom($1,3) pat lae sar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 sti rom($1,3) pat aar !defined($1) kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".iaar"} yields bx pat sar $1==2 with BXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".sar2"} pat sar !defined($1) kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".isar"} pat lar $1==2 with BXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".lar2"} pat lar !defined($1) kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".ilar"} /******************************************************************* * Group 12 : Compare Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat cmi $1==2 with EXACT register rmorconst uses REG={ANYCON,0} gen cmp %1,%2 je {label,2f} jl {label,1f} inc %a jmp {label,2f} 1: dec %a 2: yields %a with rmorconst register uses REG={ANYCON,0} gen cmp %2,%1 je {label,2f} jg {label,1f} inc %a jmp {label,2f} 1: dec %a 2: yields %a pat cmi $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cmi4"} yields ax pat cmu $1==2 leaving cmp pat cmu $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cmu4"} yields ax pat cms $1==2 with EXACT REG rmorconst gen sub %1,%2 yields %1 with rmorconst REG gen sub %2,%1 yields %2 pat cms $1==4 with rmorconst rmorconst REG REG gen sub %3,%1 sbb %4,%2 or %4,%3 yields %4 with EXACT REG REG rmorconst rmorconst gen sub %1,%3 sbb %2,%4 or %2,%1 yields %2 pat cms defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label,".cms"} yields cx pat cms !defined($1) with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cms"} yields cx pat cmf $1==4 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cmf4"} leaving asp 8 lfr 2 pat cmf $1==8 kills ALL gen joehoe {label,".cmf8"} leaving asp 16 lfr 2 pat cmp with EXACT register rmorconst uses REG = {ANYCON,0} gen cmp %1,%2 je {label,2f} jb {label,1f} inc %a jmp {label,2f} 1: dec %a 2: yields %a with rmorconst register uses REG = {ANYCON,0} gen cmp %2,%1 je {label,2f} ja {label,1f} inc %a jmp {label,2f} 1: dec %a 2: yields %a proc txx with rm uses REG = {ANYCON,0} gen test %1 jxx* {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a pat tlt call txx("jge") pat tle call txx("jg") pat teq call txx("jne") pat tne call txx("je") pat tge call txx("jl") pat tgt call txx("jle") proc txxior with rm REG gen test %1 jxx* {label,1f} or %2,{ANYCON,1} 1: yields %2 pat tlt ior $2==2 call txxior("jge") pat tle ior $2==2 call txxior("jg") pat teq ior $2==2 call txxior("jne") pat tne ior $2==2 call txxior("je") pat tge ior $2==2 call txxior("jl") pat tgt ior $2==2 call txxior("jle") proc cmixxior with regorconst rm REG gen cmp %2,%1 jxx* {label,1f} or %3,{ANYCON,1} 1: yields %3 pat cmi tlt ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("jge") pat cmi tle ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("jg") pat cmi teq ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("jne") pat cmi tne ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("je") pat cmi tge ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("jl") pat cmi tgt ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmixxior("jle") proc cmxtxx with regorconst rm uses REG = {ANYCON,0} gen cmp %2,%1 jxx[1] {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a with rm regorconst uses REG = {ANYCON,0} gen cmp %1,%2 jxx[2] {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a pat cmi tlt $1==2 call cmxtxx("jge","jle") pat cmi tle $1==2 call cmxtxx("jg","jl") pat cmi teq $1==2 call cmxtxx("jne","jne") pat cmi tne $1==2 call cmxtxx("je","je") pat cmi tge $1==2 call cmxtxx("jl","jg") pat cmi tgt $1==2 call cmxtxx("jle","jge") pat cmp tlt call cmxtxx("jae","jbe") pat cmp tle call cmxtxx("ja","jb") pat cmp teq call cmxtxx("jne","jne") pat cmp tne call cmxtxx("je","je") pat cmp tge call cmxtxx("jb","ja") pat cmp tgt call cmxtxx("jbe","jae") pat cms teq $1==2 call cmxtxx("jne","jne") pat cms tne $1==2 call cmxtxx("je","je") proc cmxzxx example cmp zlt with regorconst rm STACK gen cmp %2,%1 jxx[1] {label,$2} with rm regorconst STACK gen cmp %1,%2 jxx[2] {label,$2} pat cmp zlt call cmxzxx("jb","ja") pat cmp zle call cmxzxx("jbe","jae") pat cmp zeq call cmxzxx("je","je") pat cmp zne call cmxzxx("jne","jne") pat cmp zge call cmxzxx("jae","jbe") pat cmp zgt call cmxzxx("ja","jb") pat cms zeq $1==2 call cmxzxx("je","je") pat cms zne $1==2 call cmxzxx("jne","jne") proc cmx4zxx example cmi zlt with regorconst regorconst rm rm STACK gen cmp %4,%2 jxx[1] {label,$2} jne {label,1f} cmp %3,%1 jxx[2] {label,$2} 1: with rm rm regorconst regorconst STACK gen cmp %2,%4 jxx[3] {label,$2} jne {label,1f} cmp %1,%3 jxx[4] {label,$2} 1: pat cmi zlt $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jl", "jb", "jg", "ja") pat cmi zle $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jl", "jbe", "jg", "jae") pat cmi zgt $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jg", "ja", "jl", "jb") pat cmi zge $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jg", "jae", "jl", "jbe") pat cmu zlt $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jb", "jb", "ja", "ja") pat cmu zle $1==4 call cmx4zxx("jb", "jbe", "ja", "jae") pat cmu zgt $1==4 call cmx4zxx("ja", "ja", "jb", "jb") pat cmu zge $1==4 call cmx4zxx("ja", "jae", "jb", "jbe") pat ldc cmi zlt highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields %2 leaving zlt $3 pat ldc cmi tlt highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields %2 leaving tlt pat ldc cmi zge highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields %2 leaving zge $3 pat ldc cmi tge highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst yields %2 leaving tge $3 pat ldc cmi tle highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} gen cmp %a,%2 jg {label,2f} jl {label,1f} cmp %a,%1 jne {label,1f} 2: inc %a 1: yields %a pat ldc cmi tgt highw($1)==0 && loww($1)==0 && $2==4 with rmorconst rmorconst uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} gen cmp %a,%2 jl {label,2f} jg {label,1f} cmp %a,%1 je {label,1f} 2: inc %a 1: yields %a pat loc ldc cms zeq $3==4 && $1==0 && loww($2)==0 && highw($2)==0 with REG STACK gen test %1 je {label,$4} pat loc ldc cms zne $3==4 && $1==0 && loww($2)==0 && highw($2)==0 with REG STACK gen test %1 jne {label,$4} pat loc ldc cms teq $3==4 && $1==0 && loww($2)==0 && highw($2)==0 with REG uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} gen test %1 jne {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a pat loc ldc cms tne $3==4 && $1==0 && loww($2)==0 && highw($2)==0 with REG gen test %1 je {label,1f} mov %1,{ANYCON,1} 1: yields %1 pat ldc cms zeq $2==4 && loww($1)==0 && highw($1)==0 with rmorconst REG STACK gen or %2,%1 je {label,$3} with REG rmorconst STACK gen or %1,%2 je {label,$3} pat ldc cms zne $2==4 && loww($1)==0 && highw($1)==0 with rmorconst REG STACK gen or %2,%1 jne {label,$3} with REG rmorconst STACK gen or %1,%2 jne {label,$3} pat ldc cms teq $2==4 && loww($1)==0 && highw($1)==0 with rmorconst REG uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} gen or %2,%1 jne {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a with REG rmorconst uses REG = {ANYCON, 0} gen or %1,%2 jne {label,1f} inc %a 1: yields %a pat ldc cms tne $2==4 && loww($1)==0 && highw($1)==0 with rmorconst REG gen or %2,%1 je {label,1f} mov %2,{ANYCON,1} 1: yields %2 with REG rmorconst gen or %1,%2 je {label,1f} mov %1,{ANYCON,1} 1: yields %1 pat ldc cms zeq $2==4 && loww($1)==65535 && highw($1)==(0-1) with rmorconst REG STACK gen and %2,%1 cmp %2,{ANYCON,0-1} je {label,$3} with REG rmorconst STACK gen and %1,%2 cmp %1,{ANYCON,0-1} je {label,$3} pat ldc cms zne $2==4 && loww($1)==65535 && highw($1)==(0-1) with rmorconst REG STACK gen and %2,%1 cmp %2,{ANYCON,0-1} jne {label,$3} with REG rmorconst STACK gen and %1,%2 cmp %1,{ANYCON,0-1} jne {label,$3} pat cms zne $1==4 with regorconst regorconst rm rm STACK gen cmp %3,%1 jne {label,$2} cmp %4,%2 jne {label,$2} with rm rm regorconst regorconst STACK gen cmp %1,%3 jne {label,$2} cmp %2,%4 jne {label,$2} pat cms zeq $1==4 with regorconst regorconst rm rm STACK gen cmp %3,%1 jne {label, 1f} cmp %4,%2 je {label,$2} 1: with rm rm regorconst regorconst STACK gen cmp %1,%3 jne {label,1f} cmp %2,%4 je {label,$2} 1: proc andzxx example and zeq with regorconst rm STACK gen check %2,%1 jxx* {label,$2} with exact rm regorconst kills ALL gen check %1,%2 jxx* {label,$2} pat and zeq $1==2 call andzxx("je") pat and zne $1==2 call andzxx("jne") proc locandzxx example loc and zeq with rm12 STACK gen testb %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$3} with GENREG STACK gen testb %1.1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$3} with exact IREG kills ALL gen check %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$3} pat loc and zeq $1<256 && $1>=0 && $2==2 call locandzxx("je") pat loc and zne $1<256 && $1>=0 && $2==2 call locandzxx("jne") proc locbxx example loc beq with rm1 STACK gen cmpb %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$2} with rm STACK gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$2} pat loc beq $1<256 && $1>=0 call locbxx("je") pat loc bne $1<256 && $1>=0 call locbxx("jne") proc loccmuzxx example loc cmu zeq with rm1 STACK gen cmpb %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$3} with rm STACK gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,$1} jxx* {label,$3} pat loc cmu zeq $1<256 && $1>=0 && $2==2 call loccmuzxx("je") pat loc cmu zne $1<256 && $1>=0 && $2==2 call loccmuzxx("jne") /******************************************************************* * Group 13 : Branch Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat lab topeltsize($1)==2 && !fallthrough($1) with STACK kills ALL gen labeldef $1 yields ax pat lab topeltsize($1)==2 && fallthrough($1) with ACC STACK kills ALL gen labeldef $1 yields ax pat lab topeltsize($1)!=2 with STACK kills ALL gen labeldef $1 pat bra topeltsize($1)==2 with ACC STACK gen jmp {label,$1} pat bra topeltsize($1)!=2 with STACK gen jmp {label,$1} proc bxx example blt with regorconst rm STACK gen cmp %2,%1 jxx[1] {label,$1} with rm regorconst STACK gen cmp %1,%2 jxx[2] {label,$1} pat blt call bxx("jl","jg") pat ble call bxx("jle","jge") pat bge call bxx("jge","jle") pat bgt call bxx("jg","jl") proc bex example beq with regorconst rm STACK gen cmp %2,%1 jxx[1] {label,$1} with rm regorconst STACK gen cmp %1,%2 jxx[2] {label,$1} with exact rm1 REG1 kills ALL gen cmpb %1,%2 jxx[2] {label,$1} with exact REG1 rm1 kills ALL gen cmpb %2,%1 jxx[1] {label,$1} pat beq call bex("je","je") pat bne call bex("jne","jne") proc zxx example zlt with rm STACK gen test %1 jxx* {label,$1} pat zlt call zxx("jl") pat zle call zxx("jle") pat zge call zxx("jge") pat zgt call zxx("jg") pat zne with rm+rm1 STACK gen test %1 jne {label,$1} pat zeq with rm+rm1 STACK gen test %1 je {label,$1} /******************************************************************* * Group 14 : Procedure-call Instructions * *******************************************************************/ pat cal kills ALL gen joehoe {label,$1} pat cai with rm kills ALL gen joehoe %1 #ifdef REGVARS pat lfr adi stl $1==2 && $2==2 && inreg($3) > 0 kills ALL gen pop {LOCAL,$3,2} add {LOCAL,$3,2}, ax #endif pat lfr $1==2 yields ax pat lfr $1==4 yields dx ax pat lfr $1==6 kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".lfr6"} pat lfr $1==8 kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".lfr8"} pat ret $1==0 kills ALL gen #ifdef REGVARS return #else mov sp,bp pop bp ret. #endif pat ret $1==2 with ACC kills ALL gen #ifdef REGVARS return #else mov sp,bp pop bp ret. #endif pat ret $1==4 with ACC DXREG kills ALL gen #ifdef REGVARS return #else mov sp,bp pop bp ret. #endif pat ret $1==6 with STACK gen joehoe {label, ".ret6"} #ifdef REGVARS return #else mov sp,bp pop bp ret. #endif pat ret $1==8 with STACK gen joehoe {label, ".ret8"} #ifdef REGVARS return #else mov sp,bp pop bp ret. #endif /******************************************************************** * Group 15 : Miscellaneous Instructions * ********************************************************************/ pat asp $1==2 with exact a_word with STACK uses BXREG /* GENREG may contain lfr area */ gen pop %a pat asp $1==4 with exact a_word a_word with STACK uses BXREG /* GENREG may contain lfr area */ gen pop %a pop %a pat asp $1==0-2 with STACK yields bp pat asp with STACK gen add sp,{ANYCON,$1} pat ass $1==2 with rmorconst STACK gen add sp,%1 pat ass !defined($1) with rm rmorconst STACK gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} add sp,%2 pat blm $1==0 leaving asp 4 pat blm $1>0 kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1/2} joehoe {label, ".blm"} pat bls $1==2 with CXREG kills ALL gen sar cx,{ANYCON,1} joehoe {label, ".blm"} pat bls !defined($1) with rm-CXREG CXREG kills ALL gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} sar cx,{ANYCON,1} joehoe {label, ".blm"} pat csa $1==2 with BXREG ACC kills ALL gen jmp {label, ".csa2"} pat csa $1==4 with BXREG ACC DXREG kills ALL gen jmp {label, ".csa4"} /* pat csa !defined($1) with rm-BXREG-ACC ACC kills ALL gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} jmp {label, ".csa2"} */ pat csb $1==2 with BXREG ACC kills ALL gen jmp {label, ".csb2"} pat csb $1==4 with BXREG ACC DXREG kills ALL gen jmp {label, ".csb4"} /* pat csb !defined($1) with rm-BXREG-ACC BXREG ACC gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} jmp {label, ".csb2"} */ pat dup $1==2 with anyreg yields %1 %1 with ACC1 yields %1 %1 pat dup $1==4 with regorconst regorconst yields %2 %1 %2 %1 pat dup kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".dup"} pat dus $1==2 with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".dup"} pat dus !defined($1) with rm-CXREG CXREG kills ALL gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} joehoe {label, ".dup"} pat exg $1==2 with a_word a_word yields %1 %2 pat exg $1==4 with a_word a_word a_word a_word yields %2 %1 %4 %3 pat exg defined($1) kills ALL gen mov cx,{ANYCON,$1} joehoe {label, ".exg"} pat exg with CXREG kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".exg"} pat gto kills ALL gen mov bx,{ADDR_EXTERN,$1} jmp {label, ".gto"} pat fil gen mov {EXTERN2,"hol0+4"},{ADDR_EXTERN,$1} pat lim uses REG gen mov %a,{EXTERN2,".ignmask"} yields %a pat lin gen mov {EXTERN2,"hol0"},{ANYCON,$1} pat lni gen inc {EXTERN2,"hol0"} pat lor $1==0 yields bp pat lor $1==1 with STACK uses REG gen mov %a,sp yields %a pat lor $1==2 uses REG gen mov %a,{EXTERN2,".reghp"} yields %a pat mon with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".mon"} pat nop kills ALL #if DEBUG gen joehoe {label, ".nop"} #endif pat rck $1==2 with BXREG ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".rck"} yields ax pat rck !defined($1) with rm-BXREG-ACC BXREG ACC kills ALL gen cmp %1,{ANYCON,2} jne {label, ".unknown"} joehoe {label, ".rck"} yields ax pat rtt leaving ret 0 pat sig with REG gen xchg {EXTERN2,".trppc"},%1 yields %1 pat sim with regorconst gen mov {EXTERN2,".ignmask"},%1 pat str $1==0 with rmorconst gen mov bp,%1 pat str $1==1 with rmorconst STACK gen mov sp,%1 pat str $1==2 kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".strhp"} pat trp with ACC kills ALL gen joehoe {label, ".Xtrp"}