It is not wise to mix files created by the previous version of the Kit
with files belonging to this version, although that might sometimes work.
Many problems with the previous distribution have been fixed.
The major additions are:

	- an ANSI C compiler
	- a LINT C program checker, both non-ansi and ansi
	- an Intel 80386 back-end
	- a SPARC code expander
	- a source level debugger for Pascal, Modula-2, C, and ANSI C
	- an Acorn Archimedes back-end
	- code-expanders for VAX, Intel 80386 and Motorola M68020 processors,
	  and very fast Pascal, Modula-2, ANSI C, and C compilers constructed
	  using these code expanders
	- a cc-compatible very fast C compiler for SUN-3 and VAX.

Also added, but not part of the Kit proper are
	- flex: a lexical analyzer generator
	- byacc: yacc-clone by UCB
	- f2c: a Fortran to C compiler by AT&T.

See the ACK installation manual for their copyright notices.

Ceriel Jacobs, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email:		Fax: +31 20 6427705