/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* B R A N C H O P T I M I Z A T I O N * * B O . C */ #include <stdio.h> #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_spec.h> #include <em_flag.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/files.h" #include "../share/get.h" #include "../share/put.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/aux.h" #include "../share/def.h" #include "../share/go.h" extern char em_flag[]; #define LP_BLOCKS lp_extend->lpx_ra.lpx_blocks #define newbolpx() (lpext_p) newstruct(lpext_ra) #define oldbolpx(x) oldstruct(lpext_ra,x) STATIC int Sbo; /* #optimizations found */ #define DLINK(l1,l2) l1->l_next=l2; l2->l_prev=l1 /* This module performs some very simple branch optimizations. * * I) Look for pairs of basic blocks (B1,B2), such that * SUCC(b1) = {B2} and * PRED(B2) = {B1}. * In this case B1 and B2 can be combined into one block. * This optimization is mainly succesful: * 1) for switch statements in C, as the C compiler generates a branch * over the entire switch. * 2) for return statements, if the only way to return from a procedure * is via a return statement somewhere in the middle of the procedure. * II) Optimize while statements. Transformations like: * 1: jmp 2 * tst cond 1: * beq 2f S * S 2: * jmp 1 tst cond * 2: bneq 1 * are done by this optimization. */ STATIC line_p last_code(lines,skip_pseu) line_p lines; bool skip_pseu; { /* Determine the last line of a list */ register line_p l; for (l = lines; l->l_next != (line_p) 0; l = l->l_next); if (skip_pseu) { while (l && (INSTR(l) < sp_fmnem || INSTR(l) > sp_lmnem)) l = PREV(l); } return l; } STATIC short cc_tab[12] = {op_blt,op_zlt,op_ble,op_zle,op_beq,op_zeq, op_zne,op_bne,op_zgt,op_bgt,op_zge,op_bge}; STATIC short rev_cond(cond) short cond; { register i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (cond == cc_tab[i]) return cc_tab[11-i]; } return op_nop; } STATIC bool is_bcc(l) line_p l; { return rev_cond(INSTR(l)) != op_nop; } STATIC bo_optloop(p,b,x,bra,bcc) proc_p p; bblock_p b,x; line_p bra,bcc; { bblock_p prevb,n; line_p l; if (b->b_start == bra) { b->b_start = (line_p) 0; } else { PREV(bra)->l_next = (line_p) 0; } PREV(bra) = (line_p) 0; bcc->l_instr = rev_cond(INSTR(bcc)); n = x->b_next; l = n->b_start; if (l == (line_p) 0 || INSTR(l) != op_lab) { l = newline(OPINSTRLAB); l->l_instr = op_lab; INSTRLAB(l) = freshlabel(); if (n->b_start != (line_p) 0) { DLINK(l,n->b_start); } n->b_start = l; } INSTRLAB(bcc) = INSTRLAB(l); for (prevb = p->p_start; prevb != (bblock_p) 0 && prevb->b_next != x; prevb = prevb->b_next); if (prevb == (bblock_p) 0) { p->p_start = x->b_next; } else { prevb->b_next = x->b_next; l = last_instr(prevb); if (l == (line_p) 0) { prevb->b_start = bra; } else { if (INSTR(l) == op_bra && INSTRLAB(l) == INSTRLAB(bra)) { oldline(bra); } else { appnd_line(bra,l); } } } x->b_next = b->b_next; b->b_next = x; } STATIC bo_tryloop(p,loop) proc_p p; lset loop; { Lindex i,j; bblock_p b,x; line_p bra,bcc; for (i = Lfirst(loop); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,loop)) { b = (bblock_p) Lelem(i); if (b->b_next != (bblock_p) 0 && !Lis_elem(b->b_next,loop)) { j = Lfirst(b->b_succ); if (j != (Lindex) 0 && (bra = last_instr(b)) != (line_p) 0 && INSTR(bra) == op_bra) { x = (bblock_p) Lelem(j); /* single successor */ if (Lis_elem(b->b_next,x->b_succ) && is_bcc((bcc = last_instr(x)))) { OUTVERBOSE("branch optimization proc %d block %d\n", curproc->p_id,x->b_id); Sbo++; bo_optloop(p,b,x,bra,bcc); return; } } } } } STATIC bo_loops(p) proc_p p; { Lindex i; loop_p lp; for (i = Lfirst(p->p_loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) (Lelem(i)); bo_tryloop(p,lp->LP_BLOCKS); } } STATIC mv_code(b1,b2) bblock_p b1,b2; { line_p l,x; l = last_code(b2->b_start,TRUE); assert(INSTR(l) == op_bra); DLINK(l,b1->b_start); x = l->l_next; rm_line(l,b2); if (INSTR(x) == op_lab) { rm_line(x,b2); } } bo_switch(b) bblock_p b; { bblock_p s,x; Lindex i; line_p l,bra; if (Lnrelems(b->b_succ) == 1) { s = (bblock_p) Lelem(Lfirst(b->b_succ)); if (b->b_start != (line_p) 0 && s->b_start != (line_p) 0 && Lnrelems(s->b_pred) == 1 && (bra = last_code(b->b_start,TRUE)) != (line_p) 0 && INSTR(bra) == op_bra && (s->b_next == (bblock_p) 0 || !Lis_elem(s->b_next,s->b_succ) || ((bra = last_code(s->b_start, TRUE)) != (line_p) 0 && (em_flag[INSTR(bra)-sp_fmnem]&EM_FLO) == FLO_T))) { l = last_code(s->b_start,FALSE); if (INSTR(l) == ps_end) { if (PREV(l) == (line_p) 0) return; PREV(l)->l_next = (line_p) 0; PREV(l) = (line_p) 0; } else { l = (line_p) 0; } OUTVERBOSE("branch optimization in proc %d, block %d",curproc->p_id,b->b_id); Sbo++; Ldeleteset(b->b_succ); b->b_succ = s->b_succ; Ldeleteset(s->b_pred); s->b_succ = Lempty_set(); s->b_pred = Lempty_set(); for (i = Lfirst(b->b_succ); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_succ)) { x = (bblock_p) Lelem(i); Lremove(s,&x->b_pred); Ladd(b,&x->b_pred); if (x->b_idom == s) { x->b_idom = b; } } mv_code(s,b); s->b_start = l; } } } STATIC bo_extproc(p) proc_p p; { /* Allocate the extended data structures for procedure p */ register loop_p lp; register Lindex pi; for (pi = Lfirst(p->p_loops); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(pi); lp->lp_extend = newbolpx(); } } STATIC loop_blocks(p) proc_p p; { /* Compute the LP_BLOCKS sets for all loops of p */ register bblock_p b; register Lindex i; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { for (i = Lfirst(b->b_loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_loops)) { Ladd(b,&(((loop_p) Lelem(i))->LP_BLOCKS)); } } } STATIC bo_cleanproc(p) proc_p p; { /* Allocate the extended data structures for procedure p */ register loop_p lp; register Lindex pi; register bblock_p b; for (pi = Lfirst(p->p_loops); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(pi); oldbolpx(lp->lp_extend); } } bo_optimize(p) proc_p p; { bblock_p b; if (IS_ENTERED_WITH_GTO(p)) return; bo_extproc(p); loop_blocks(p); bo_loops(p); for (b = p->p_start; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { bo_switch(b); } bo_cleanproc(p); } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { go(argc,argv,no_action,bo_optimize,no_action,no_action); report("branch optimizations", Sbo); exit(0); }