/* S T A T E M E N T S */ { static char *RcsId = "$Header$"; #include #include "LLlex.h" #include "node.h" } statement { struct node *nd1, *nd2; } : [ /* * This part is not in the reference grammar. The reference grammar * states : assignment | ProcedureCall | ... * but this gives LL(1) conflicts */ designator(&nd1) [ ActualParameters(&nd2)? | BECOMES expression(&nd2) ] /* * end of changed part */ | IfStatement | CaseStatement | WhileStatement | RepeatStatement | LoopStatement | ForStatement | WithStatement | EXIT | RETURN [ expression(&nd1) ]? ]? ; /* * The next two rules in-line in "Statement", because of an LL(1) conflict assignment: designator BECOMES expression ; ProcedureCall: designator ActualParameters? ; */ StatementSequence: statement [ ';' statement ]* ; IfStatement { struct node *nd1; } : IF expression(&nd1) THEN StatementSequence [ ELSIF expression(&nd1) THEN StatementSequence ]* [ ELSE StatementSequence ]? END ; CaseStatement { struct node *nd; } : CASE expression(&nd) OF case [ '|' case ]* [ ELSE StatementSequence ]? END ; case: [ CaseLabelList ':' StatementSequence ]? /* This rule is changed in new modula-2 */ ; WhileStatement { struct node *nd; }: WHILE expression(&nd) DO StatementSequence END ; RepeatStatement { struct node *nd; }: REPEAT StatementSequence UNTIL expression(&nd) ; ForStatement { struct node *nd1, *nd2, *nd3; }: FOR IDENT BECOMES expression(&nd1) TO expression(&nd2) [ BY ConstExpression(&nd3) ]? DO StatementSequence END ; LoopStatement: LOOP StatementSequence END ; WithStatement { struct node *nd; }: WITH designator(&nd) DO StatementSequence END ;