#include "mcg.h" struct graph_data cfg; struct dominance_data dominance; static ARRAYOF(struct basicblock) pending; static bool collect_outputs_cb(struct ir* ir, void* user) { struct basicblock* caller = user; if (ir->opcode == IR_BLOCK) { array_appendu(&caller->nexts, ir->u.bvalue); array_appendu(&ir->u.bvalue->prevs, caller); pmap_add(&cfg.graph, caller, ir->u.bvalue); } return false; } static void update_block_pointers_from_ir(struct procedure* proc) { int i, j; for (i=0; iblocks.count; i++) { struct basicblock* bb = proc->blocks.item[i]; bb->prevs.count = bb->nexts.count = 0; } for (i=0; iblocks.count; i++) { struct basicblock* bb = proc->blocks.item[i]; for (j=0; jirs.count; j++) ir_walk(bb->irs.item[j], collect_outputs_cb, bb); } for (i=0; iblocks.count; i++) { struct basicblock* bb = proc->blocks.item[i]; for (j=0; jnexts.count; j++) { tracef('D', "D: cfg graph %s -> %s\n", bb->name, bb->nexts.item[j]->name); } } } static void recursively_walk_cfg_graph(struct basicblock* bb) { int i; if (array_contains(&cfg.postorder, bb) || array_contains(&pending, bb)) return; array_appendu(&cfg.preorder, bb); array_appendu(&pending, bb); for (i=0; inexts.count; i++) recursively_walk_cfg_graph(bb->nexts.item[i]); array_remove(&pending, bb); bb->order = cfg.postorder.count; array_appendu(&cfg.postorder, bb); } static void walk_cfg_graph(void) { int i; cfg.preorder.count = 0; cfg.postorder.count = 0; pending.count = 0; recursively_walk_cfg_graph(cfg.entry); for (i=0; iname); } } static struct basicblock* intersect(struct basicblock* p1, struct basicblock* p2) { while (p1 != p2) { while (p1->order < p2->order) p1 = pmap_get(&dominance.graph, p1); while (p2->order < p1->order) p2 = pmap_get(&dominance.graph, p2); } return p1; } static void calculate_dominance_graph(void) { /* This is the algorithm described here: * * Cooper, Keith D., Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy. * "A simple, fast dominance algorithm." * Software Practice & Experience 4.1-10 (2001): 1-8. * * https://www.cs.rice.edu/~keith/EMBED/dom.pdf */ int i, j; bool changed; dominance.graph.count = 0; /* The entry block dominates itself. */ pmap_put(&dominance.graph, cfg.entry, cfg.entry); do { changed = false; for (i = cfg.postorder.count-2; i >= 0; i--) { struct basicblock* b = cfg.postorder.item[i]; struct basicblock* new_idom = NULL; for (j=0; jprevs.count; j++) { struct basicblock* p = b->prevs.item[j]; /* Skip unprocessed blocks. */ if (!pmap_get(&dominance.graph, p)) continue; if (!new_idom) new_idom = p; else if (pmap_get(&dominance.graph, p)) new_idom = intersect(p, new_idom); } if (pmap_get(&dominance.graph, b) != new_idom) { pmap_put(&dominance.graph, b, new_idom); changed = true; } } } while (changed); for (i=0; i %s\n", dominance.graph.item[i].right->name, dominance.graph.item[i].left->name); } } static void recursively_walk_dominance_graph(struct basicblock* bb) { int i; if (array_contains(&dominance.postorder, bb) || array_contains(&pending, bb)) return; array_appendu(&dominance.preorder, bb); array_appendu(&pending, bb); for (i=0; iname); } } void update_graph_data(struct procedure* proc) { cfg.entry = proc->blocks.item[0]; cfg.graph.count = 0; update_block_pointers_from_ir(proc); walk_cfg_graph(); assert(cfg.postorder.count == proc->blocks.count); assert(cfg.preorder.count == proc->blocks.count); calculate_dominance_graph(); walk_dominance_graph(); assert(dominance.postorder.count == dominance.graph.count); assert(dominance.preorder.count == dominance.graph.count); } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */