/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" #include "tokdefs.h" #include "p1defs.h" #define BLANK ' ' #define MYQUOTE (2) #define SEOF 0 /* card types */ #define STEOF 1 #define STINITIAL 2 #define STCONTINUE 3 /* lex states */ #define NEWSTMT 1 #define FIRSTTOKEN 2 #define OTHERTOKEN 3 #define RETEOS 4 LOCAL int stkey; /* Type of the current statement (DO, END, IF, etc) */ extern char token[]; /* holds the actual token text */ static int needwkey; ftnint yystno; flag intonly; extern int new_dcl; LOCAL long int stno; LOCAL long int nxtstno; /* Statement label */ LOCAL int parlev; /* Parentheses level */ LOCAL int parseen; LOCAL int expcom; LOCAL int expeql; LOCAL char *nextch; LOCAL char *lastch; LOCAL char *nextcd = NULL; LOCAL char *endcd; LOCAL long prevlin; LOCAL long thislin; LOCAL int code; /* Card type; INITIAL, CONTINUE or EOF */ LOCAL int lexstate = NEWSTMT; LOCAL char sbuf[1390]; /* Main buffer for Fortran source input. The number comes from lines of at most 66 characters, with at most 20 continuation cards (or something); this is part of the defn of the standard */ LOCAL char *send = sbuf+20*66; LOCAL int nincl = 0; /* Current number of include files */ LOCAL long firstline; LOCAL char *laststb, *stb0; extern int addftnsrc; #define CONTMAX 100 /* max continuation lines for ! processing */ char *linestart[CONTMAX]; LOCAL int ncont; LOCAL char comstart[Table_size]; #define USC (unsigned char *) static char anum_buf[Table_size]; #define isalnum_(x) anum_buf[x] #define isalpha_(x) (anum_buf[x] == 1) #define COMMENT_BUF_STORE 4088 typedef struct comment_buf { struct comment_buf *next; char *last; char buf[COMMENT_BUF_STORE]; } comment_buf; static comment_buf *cbfirst, *cbcur; static char *cbinit, *cbnext, *cblast; static void flush_comments(); extern flag use_bs; /* Comment buffering data Comments are kept in a list until the statement before them has been parsed. This list is implemented with the above comment_buf structure and the pointers cbnext and cblast. The comments are stored with terminating NULL, and no other intervening space. The last few bytes of each block are likely to remain unused. */ /* struct Inclfile holds the state information for each include file */ struct Inclfile { struct Inclfile *inclnext; FILEP inclfp; char *inclname; int incllno; char *incllinp; int incllen; int inclcode; ftnint inclstno; }; LOCAL struct Inclfile *inclp = NULL; struct Keylist { char *keyname; int keyval; char notinf66; }; struct Punctlist { char punchar; int punval; }; struct Fmtlist { char fmtchar; int fmtval; }; struct Dotlist { char *dotname; int dotval; }; LOCAL struct Keylist *keystart[26], *keyend[26]; /* KEYWORD AND SPECIAL CHARACTER TABLES */ static struct Punctlist puncts[ ] = { '(', SLPAR, ')', SRPAR, '=', SEQUALS, ',', SCOMMA, '+', SPLUS, '-', SMINUS, '*', SSTAR, '/', SSLASH, '$', SCURRENCY, ':', SCOLON, '<', SLT, '>', SGT, 0, 0 }; LOCAL struct Dotlist dots[ ] = { "and.", SAND, "or.", SOR, "not.", SNOT, "true.", STRUE, "false.", SFALSE, "eq.", SEQ, "ne.", SNE, "lt.", SLT, "le.", SLE, "gt.", SGT, "ge.", SGE, "neqv.", SNEQV, "eqv.", SEQV, 0, 0 }; LOCAL struct Keylist keys[ ] = { { "assign", SASSIGN }, { "automatic", SAUTOMATIC, YES }, { "backspace", SBACKSPACE }, { "blockdata", SBLOCK }, { "call", SCALL }, { "character", SCHARACTER, YES }, { "close", SCLOSE, YES }, { "common", SCOMMON }, { "complex", SCOMPLEX }, { "continue", SCONTINUE }, { "data", SDATA }, { "dimension", SDIMENSION }, { "doubleprecision", SDOUBLE }, { "doublecomplex", SDCOMPLEX, YES }, { "elseif", SELSEIF, YES }, { "else", SELSE, YES }, { "endfile", SENDFILE }, { "endif", SENDIF, YES }, { "enddo", SENDDO, YES }, { "end", SEND }, { "entry", SENTRY, YES }, { "equivalence", SEQUIV }, { "external", SEXTERNAL }, { "format", SFORMAT }, { "function", SFUNCTION }, { "goto", SGOTO }, { "implicit", SIMPLICIT, YES }, { "include", SINCLUDE, YES }, { "inquire", SINQUIRE, YES }, { "intrinsic", SINTRINSIC, YES }, { "integer", SINTEGER }, { "logical", SLOGICAL }, { "namelist", SNAMELIST, YES }, { "none", SUNDEFINED, YES }, { "open", SOPEN, YES }, { "parameter", SPARAM, YES }, { "pause", SPAUSE }, { "print", SPRINT }, { "program", SPROGRAM, YES }, { "punch", SPUNCH, YES }, { "read", SREAD }, { "real", SREAL }, { "return", SRETURN }, { "rewind", SREWIND }, { "save", SSAVE, YES }, { "static", SSTATIC, YES }, { "stop", SSTOP }, { "subroutine", SSUBROUTINE }, { "then", STHEN, YES }, { "undefined", SUNDEFINED, YES }, { "while", SWHILE, YES }, { "write", SWRITE }, { 0, 0 } }; LOCAL void analyz(), crunch(), store_comment(); LOCAL int getcd(), getcds(), getkwd(), gettok(); LOCAL char *stbuf[3]; inilex(name) char *name; { stbuf[0] = Alloc(3*P1_STMTBUFSIZE); stbuf[1] = stbuf[0] + P1_STMTBUFSIZE; stbuf[2] = stbuf[1] + P1_STMTBUFSIZE; nincl = 0; inclp = NULL; doinclude(name); lexstate = NEWSTMT; return(NO); } /* throw away the rest of the current line */ flline() { lexstate = RETEOS; } char *lexline(n) int *n; { *n = (lastch - nextch) + 1; return(nextch); } doinclude(name) char *name; { FILEP fp; struct Inclfile *t; if(inclp) { inclp->incllno = thislin; inclp->inclcode = code; inclp->inclstno = nxtstno; if(nextcd) inclp->incllinp = copyn(inclp->incllen = endcd-nextcd , nextcd); else inclp->incllinp = 0; } nextcd = NULL; if(++nincl >= MAXINCLUDES) Fatal("includes nested too deep"); if(name[0] == '\0') fp = stdin; else fp = fopen(name, textread); if (fp) { t = inclp; inclp = ALLOC(Inclfile); inclp->inclnext = t; prevlin = thislin = 0; infname = inclp->inclname = name; infile = inclp->inclfp = fp; } else { fprintf(diagfile, "Cannot open file %s\n", name); done(1); } } LOCAL popinclude() { struct Inclfile *t; register char *p; register int k; if(infile != stdin) clf(&infile, infname, 1); /* Close the input file */ free(infname); --nincl; t = inclp->inclnext; free( (charptr) inclp); inclp = t; if(inclp == NULL) { infname = 0; return(NO); } infile = inclp->inclfp; infname = inclp->inclname; prevlin = thislin = inclp->incllno; code = inclp->inclcode; stno = nxtstno = inclp->inclstno; if(inclp->incllinp) { endcd = nextcd = sbuf; k = inclp->incllen; p = inclp->incllinp; while(--k >= 0) *endcd++ = *p++; free( (charptr) (inclp->incllinp) ); } else nextcd = NULL; return(YES); } static void putlineno() { static long lastline; static char *lastfile = "??", *lastfile0 = "?"; static char fbuf[P1_FILENAME_MAX]; extern int gflag; register char *s0, *s1; if (gflag) { if (lastline) { if (lastfile != lastfile0) { p1puts(P1_FILENAME, fbuf); lastfile0 = lastfile; } p1_line_number(lastline); } lastline = firstline; if (lastfile != infname) if (lastfile = infname) { strncpy(fbuf, lastfile, sizeof(fbuf)); fbuf[sizeof(fbuf)-1] = 0; } else fbuf[0] = 0; } if (addftnsrc) { if (laststb && *laststb) { for(s1 = laststb; *s1; s1++) { for(s0 = s1; *s1 != '\n'; s1++) if (*s1 == '*' && s1[1] == '/') *s1 = '+'; *s1 = 0; p1puts(P1_FORTRAN, s0); } *laststb = 0; /* prevent trouble after EOF */ } laststb = stb0; } } yylex() { static int tokno; int retval; switch(lexstate) { case NEWSTMT : /* need a new statement */ retval = getcds(); putlineno(); if(retval == STEOF) { retval = SEOF; break; } /* if getcds() == STEOF */ crunch(); tokno = 0; lexstate = FIRSTTOKEN; yystno = stno; stno = nxtstno; toklen = 0; retval = SLABEL; break; first: case FIRSTTOKEN : /* first step on a statement */ analyz(); lexstate = OTHERTOKEN; tokno = 1; retval = stkey; break; case OTHERTOKEN : /* return next token */ if(nextch > lastch) goto reteos; ++tokno; if( (stkey==SLOGIF || stkey==SELSEIF) && parlev==0 && tokno>3) goto first; if(stkey==SASSIGN && tokno==3 && nextch<lastch && nextch[0]=='t' && nextch[1]=='o') { nextch+=2; retval = STO; break; } retval = gettok(); break; reteos: case RETEOS: lexstate = NEWSTMT; retval = SEOS; break; default: fatali("impossible lexstate %d", lexstate); break; } if (retval == SEOF) flush_comments (); return retval; } /* Get Cards. Returns STEOF or STINITIAL, never STCONTINUE. Any continuation cards get merged into one long card (hence the size of the buffer named sbuf) */ LOCAL int getcds() { register char *p, *q; flush_comments (); top: if(nextcd == NULL) { code = getcd( nextcd = sbuf, 1 ); stno = nxtstno; prevlin = thislin; } if(code == STEOF) if( popinclude() ) goto top; else return(STEOF); if(code == STCONTINUE) { lineno = thislin; nextcd = NULL; goto top; } /* Get rid of unused space at the head of the buffer */ if(nextcd > sbuf) { q = nextcd; p = sbuf; while(q < endcd) *p++ = *q++; endcd = p; } /* Be aware that the input (i.e. the string at the address nextcd) is NOT NULL-terminated */ /* This loop merges all continuations into one long statement, AND puts the next card to be read at the end of the buffer (i.e. it stores the look-ahead card when there's room) */ ncont = 0; do { nextcd = endcd; if (ncont < CONTMAX) linestart[ncont++] = nextcd; } while(nextcd+66<=send && (code = getcd(nextcd,0))==STCONTINUE); nextch = sbuf; lastch = nextcd - 1; /* Handle buffer overflow by zeroing the 'next' pointer (nextcd) so that the top of this function will initialize it next time it is called */ if(nextcd >= send) nextcd = NULL; lineno = prevlin; prevlin = thislin; return(STINITIAL); } static void bang(a,b,c,d,e) /* save ! comments */ char *a, *b, *c; register char *d, *e; { char buf[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; register char *p, *pe; p = buf; pe = buf + COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE; *pe = 0; while(a < b) if (!(*p++ = *a++)) p[-1] = 0; if (b < c) *p++ = '\t'; while(d < e) { if (!(*p++ = *d++)) p[-1] = ' '; if (p == pe) { store_comment(buf); p = buf; } } if (p > buf) { while(--p >= buf && *p == ' '); p[1] = 0; store_comment(buf); } } /* getcd - Get next input card This function reads the next input card from global file pointer infile. It assumes that b points to currently empty storage somewhere in sbuf */ LOCAL int getcd(b, nocont) register char *b; { register int c; register char *p, *bend; int speclin; /* Special line - true when the line is allowed to have more than 66 characters (e.g. the "&" shorthand for continuation, use of a "\t" to skip part of the label columns) */ static char a[6]; /* Statement label buffer */ static char *aend = a+6; static char *stb, *stbend; static int nst; char *atend, *endcd0; int amp; char storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; char *pointer; top: endcd = b; bend = b+66; amp = speclin = NO; atend = aend; /* Handle the continuation shorthand of "&" in the first column, which stands for " x" */ if( (c = getc(infile)) == '&') { a[0] = c; a[1] = 0; a[5] = 'x'; amp = speclin = YES; bend = send; p = aend; } /* Handle the Comment cards (a 'C', 'c', '*', or '!' in the first column). */ else if(comstart[c & 0xfff]) { if (feof (infile)) return STEOF; storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE] = c = '\0'; pointer = storage; while( !feof (infile) && (*pointer++ = c = getc(infile)) != '\n') { /* Handle obscure end of file conditions on many machines */ if (feof (infile) && (c == '\377' || c == EOF)) { pointer--; break; } /* if (feof (infile)) */ if (c == '\0') *(pointer - 1) = ' '; if (pointer == &storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE]) { store_comment (storage); pointer = storage; } /* if (pointer == BUFFER_SIZE) */ } /* while */ if (pointer > storage) { if (c == '\n') /* Get rid of the newline */ pointer[-1] = 0; else *pointer = 0; store_comment (storage); } /* if */ if (feof (infile)) if (c != '\n') /* To allow the line index to increment correctly */ return STEOF; ++thislin; goto top; } else if(c != EOF) { /* Load buffer a with the statement label */ /* a tab in columns 1-6 skips to column 7 */ ungetc(c, infile); for(p=a; p<aend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF; ) if(c == '\t') /* The tab character translates into blank characters in the statement label */ { atend = p; while(p < aend) *p++ = BLANK; speclin = YES; bend = send; } else *p++ = c; } /* By now we've read either a continuation character or the statement label field */ if(c == EOF) return(STEOF); /* The next 'if' block handles lines that have fewer than 7 characters */ if(c == '\n') { while(p < aend) *p++ = BLANK; /* Blank out the buffer on lines which are not longer than 66 characters */ endcd0 = endcd; if( ! speclin ) while(endcd < bend) *endcd++ = BLANK; } else { /* read body of line */ while( endcd<bend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF ) *endcd++ = c; if(c == EOF) return(STEOF); /* Drop any extra characters on the input card; this usually means those after column 72 */ if(c != '\n') { while( (c=getc(infile)) != '\n') if(c == EOF) return(STEOF); } endcd0 = endcd; if( ! speclin ) while(endcd < bend) *endcd++ = BLANK; } /* The flow of control usually gets to this line (unless an earlier RETURN has been taken) */ ++thislin; /* Fortran 77 specifies that a 0 in column 6 */ /* does not signify continuation */ if( !isspace(a[5]) && a[5]!='0') { if (!amp) for(p = a; p < aend;) if (*p++ == '!' && p != aend) goto initcheck; if (addftnsrc && stb) { if (stbend > stb + 7) { /* otherwise forget col 1-6 */ /* kludge around funny p1gets behavior */ *stb++ = '$'; if (amp) *stb++ = '&'; else for(p = a; p < atend;) *stb++ = *p++; } if (endcd0 - b > stbend - stb) { if (stb > stbend) stb = stbend; endcd0 = b + (stbend - stb); } for(p = b; p < endcd0;) *stb++ = *p++; *stb++ = '\n'; *stb = 0; } if (nocont) { lineno = thislin; errstr("illegal continuation card (starts \"%.6s\")",a); } else if (!amp && strncmp(a," ",5)) { lineno = thislin; errstr("labeled continuation line (starts \"%.6s\")",a); } return(STCONTINUE); } initcheck: for(p=a; p<atend; ++p) if( !isspace(*p) ) { if (*p++ != '!') goto initline; bang(p, atend, aend, b, endcd); goto top; } for(p = b ; p<endcd ; ++p) if( !isspace(*p) ) { if (*p++ != '!') goto initline; bang(a, a, a, p, endcd); goto top; } /* Skip over blank cards by reading the next one right away */ goto top; initline: if (addftnsrc) { nst = (nst+1)%3; if (!laststb && stb0) laststb = stb0; stb0 = stb = stbuf[nst]; *stb++ = '$'; /* kludge around funny p1gets behavior */ stbend = stb + sizeof(stbuf[0])-2; for(p = a; p < atend;) *stb++ = *p++; if (atend < aend) *stb++ = '\t'; for(p = b; p < endcd0;) *stb++ = *p++; *stb++ = '\n'; *stb = 0; } /* Set nxtstno equal to the integer value of the statement label */ nxtstno = 0; bend = a + 5; for(p = a ; p < bend ; ++p) if( !isspace(*p) ) if(isdigit(*p)) nxtstno = 10*nxtstno + (*p - '0'); else if (*p == '!') { if (!addftnsrc) bang(p+1,atend,aend,b,endcd); endcd = b; break; } else { lineno = thislin; errstr( "nondigit in statement label field \"%.5s\"", a); nxtstno = 0; break; } firstline = thislin; return(STINITIAL); } /* crunch -- deletes all space characters, folds the backslash chars and Hollerith strings, quotes the Fortran strings */ LOCAL void crunch() { register char *i, *j, *j0, *j1, *prvstr; int k, ten, nh, nh0, quote; /* i is the next input character to be looked at j is the next output character */ new_dcl = needwkey = parlev = parseen = 0; expcom = 0; /* exposed ','s */ expeql = 0; /* exposed equal signs */ j = sbuf; prvstr = sbuf; k = 0; for(i=sbuf ; i<=lastch ; ++i) { if(isspace(*i) ) continue; if (*i == '!') { while(i >= linestart[k]) if (++k >= CONTMAX) Fatal("too many continuations\n"); j0 = linestart[k]; if (!addftnsrc) bang(sbuf,sbuf,sbuf,i+1,j0); i = j0-1; continue; } /* Keep everything in a quoted string */ if(*i=='\'' || *i=='"') { int len = 0; quote = *i; *j = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */ for(;;) { if(++i > lastch) { err("unbalanced quotes; closing quote supplied"); if (j >= lastch) j = lastch - 1; break; } if(*i == quote) if(i<lastch && i[1]==quote) ++i; else break; else if(*i=='\\' && i<lastch && use_bs) { ++i; *i = escapes[*(unsigned char *)i]; } if (len + 2 < MAXTOKENLEN) *++j = *i; else if (len + 2 == MAXTOKENLEN) erri ("String too long, truncating to %d chars", MAXTOKENLEN - 2); len++; } /* for (;;) */ j[1] = MYQUOTE; j += 2; prvstr = j; } else if( (*i=='h' || *i=='H') && j>prvstr) /* test for Hollerith strings */ { j0 = j - 1; if( ! isdigit(*j0)) goto copychar; nh = *j0 - '0'; ten = 10; j1 = prvstr; if (j1+4 < j) j1 = j-4; for(;;) { if (j0-- <= j1) goto copychar; if( ! isdigit(*j0 ) ) break; nh += ten * (*j0-'0'); ten*=10; } /* a hollerith must be preceded by a punctuation mark. '*' is possible only as repetition factor in a data statement not, in particular, in character*2h */ if( !(*j0=='*'&&sbuf[0]=='d') && *j0!='/' && *j0!='(' && *j0!=',' && *j0!='=' && *j0!='.') goto copychar; nh0 = nh; if(i+nh > lastch || nh + 2 > MAXTOKENLEN) { erri("%dH too big", nh); nh = lastch - i; if (nh > MAXTOKENLEN - 2) nh = MAXTOKENLEN - 2; nh0 = -1; } j0[1] = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */ j = j0 + 1; while(nh-- > 0) { if (++i > lastch) { hol_overflow: if (nh0 >= 0) erri("escapes make %dH too big", nh0); break; } if(*i == '\\' && use_bs) { if (++i > lastch) goto hol_overflow; *i = escapes[*(unsigned char *)i]; } *++j = *i; } j[1] = MYQUOTE; j+=2; prvstr = j; } else { if(*i == '(') parseen = ++parlev; else if(*i == ')') --parlev; else if(parlev == 0) if(*i == '=') expeql = 1; else if(*i == ',') expcom = 1; copychar: /*not a string or space -- copy, shifting case if necessary */ if(shiftcase && isupper(*i)) *j++ = tolower(*i); else *j++ = *i; } } lastch = j - 1; nextch = sbuf; } LOCAL void analyz() { register char *i; if(parlev != 0) { err("unbalanced parentheses, statement skipped"); stkey = SUNKNOWN; lastch = sbuf - 1; /* prevent double error msg */ return; } if(nextch+2<=lastch && nextch[0]=='i' && nextch[1]=='f' && nextch[2]=='(') { /* assignment or if statement -- look at character after balancing paren */ parlev = 1; for(i=nextch+3 ; i<=lastch; ++i) if(*i == (MYQUOTE)) { while(*++i != MYQUOTE) ; } else if(*i == '(') ++parlev; else if(*i == ')') { if(--parlev == 0) break; } if(i >= lastch) stkey = SLOGIF; else if(i[1] == '=') stkey = SLET; else if( isdigit(i[1]) ) stkey = SARITHIF; else stkey = SLOGIF; if(stkey != SLET) nextch += 2; } else if(expeql) /* may be an assignment */ { if(expcom && nextch<lastch && nextch[0]=='d' && nextch[1]=='o') { stkey = SDO; nextch += 2; } else stkey = SLET; } else if (parseen && nextch + 7 < lastch && nextch[2] != 'u' /* screen out "double..." early */ && nextch[0] == 'd' && nextch[1] == 'o' && ((nextch[2] >= '0' && nextch[2] <= '9') || nextch[2] == ',' || nextch[2] == 'w')) { stkey = SDO; nextch += 2; needwkey = 1; } /* otherwise search for keyword */ else { stkey = getkwd(); if(stkey==SGOTO && lastch>=nextch) if(nextch[0]=='(') stkey = SCOMPGOTO; else if(isalpha_(* USC nextch)) stkey = SASGOTO; } parlev = 0; } LOCAL int getkwd() { register char *i, *j; register struct Keylist *pk, *pend; int k; if(! isalpha_(* USC nextch) ) return(SUNKNOWN); k = letter(nextch[0]); if(pk = keystart[k]) for(pend = keyend[k] ; pk<=pend ; ++pk ) { i = pk->keyname; j = nextch; while(*++i==*++j && *i!='\0') ; if(*i=='\0' && j<=lastch+1) { nextch = j; if(no66flag && pk->notinf66) errstr("Not a Fortran 66 keyword: %s", pk->keyname); return(pk->keyval); } } return(SUNKNOWN); } initkey() { register struct Keylist *p; register int i,j; register char *s; for(i = 0 ; i<26 ; ++i) keystart[i] = NULL; for(p = keys ; p->keyname ; ++p) { j = letter(p->keyname[0]); if(keystart[j] == NULL) keystart[j] = p; keyend[j] = p; } comstart['c'] = comstart['C'] = comstart['*'] = comstart['!'] = 1; s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"; while(i = *s++) anum_buf[i] = 1; s = "0123456789"; while(i = *s++) anum_buf[i] = 2; } LOCAL int hexcheck(key) int key; { register int radix; register char *p; char *kind; switch(key) { case 'z': case 'Z': case 'x': case 'X': radix = 16; key = SHEXCON; kind = "hexadecimal"; break; case 'o': case 'O': radix = 8; key = SOCTCON; kind = "octal"; break; case 'b': case 'B': radix = 2; key = SBITCON; kind = "binary"; break; default: err("bad bit identifier"); return(SNAME); } for(p = token; *p; p++) if (hextoi(*p) >= radix) { errstr("invalid %s character", kind); break; } return key; } /* gettok -- moves the right amount of text from nextch into the token buffer. token initially contains garbage (leftovers from the prev token) */ LOCAL int gettok() { int havdot, havexp, havdbl; int radix, val; struct Punctlist *pp; struct Dotlist *pd; register int ch; char *i, *j, *n1, *p; ch = * USC nextch; if(ch == (MYQUOTE)) { ++nextch; p = token; while(*nextch != MYQUOTE) *p++ = *nextch++; toklen = p - token; *p = 0; /* allow octal, binary, hex constants of the form 'abc'x (etc.) */ if (++nextch <= lastch && isalpha_(val = * USC nextch)) { ++nextch; return hexcheck(val); } return (SHOLLERITH); } if(needkwd) { needkwd = 0; return( getkwd() ); } for(pp=puncts; pp->punchar; ++pp) if(ch == pp->punchar) { val = pp->punval; if (++nextch <= lastch) switch(ch) { case '/': if (*nextch == '/') { nextch++; val = SCONCAT; } else if (new_dcl && parlev == 0) val = SSLASHD; return val; case '*': if (*nextch == '*') { nextch++; return SPOWER; } break; case '<': if (*nextch == '=') { nextch++; val = SLE; } if (*nextch == '>') { nextch++; val = SNE; } goto extchk; case '=': if (*nextch == '=') { nextch++; val = SEQ; goto extchk; } break; case '>': if (*nextch == '=') { nextch++; val = SGE; } extchk: NOEXT("Fortran 8x comparison operator"); return val; } else if (ch == '/' && new_dcl && parlev == 0) return SSLASHD; switch(val) { case SLPAR: ++parlev; break; case SRPAR: --parlev; } return(val); } if(ch == '.') if(nextch >= lastch) goto badchar; else if(isdigit(nextch[1])) goto numconst; else { for(pd=dots ; (j=pd->dotname) ; ++pd) { for(i=nextch+1 ; i<=lastch ; ++i) if(*i != *j) break; else if(*i != '.') ++j; else { nextch = i+1; return(pd->dotval); } } goto badchar; } if( isalpha_(ch) ) { p = token; *p++ = *nextch++; while(nextch<=lastch) if( isalnum_(* USC nextch) ) *p++ = *nextch++; else break; toklen = p - token; *p = 0; if (needwkey) { needwkey = 0; if (toklen == 5 && nextch <= lastch && *nextch == '(' /*)*/ && !strcmp(token,"while")) return(SWHILE); } if(inioctl && nextch<=lastch && *nextch=='=') { ++nextch; return(SNAMEEQ); } if(toklen>8 && eqn(8,token,"function") && isalpha_(* USC (token+8)) && nextch<lastch && nextch[0]=='(' && (nextch[1]==')' || isalpha_(* USC (nextch+1))) ) { nextch -= (toklen - 8); return(SFUNCTION); } if(toklen > 50) { char buff[100]; sprintf(buff, toklen >= 60 ? "name %.56s... too long, truncated to %.*s" : "name %s too long, truncated to %.*s", token, 50, token); err(buff); toklen = 50; token[50] = '\0'; } if(toklen==1 && *nextch==MYQUOTE) { val = token[0]; ++nextch; for(p = token ; *nextch!=MYQUOTE ; ) *p++ = *nextch++; ++nextch; toklen = p - token; *p = 0; return hexcheck(val); } return(SNAME); } if (isdigit(ch)) { /* Check for NAG's special hex constant */ if (nextch[1] == '#' || nextch[2] == '#' && isdigit(nextch[1])) { radix = atoi (nextch); if (*++nextch != '#') nextch++; if (radix != 2 && radix != 8 && radix != 16) { erri("invalid base %d for constant, defaulting to hex", radix); radix = 16; } /* if */ if (++nextch > lastch) goto badchar; for (p = token; hextoi(*nextch) < radix;) { *p++ = *nextch++; if (nextch > lastch) break; } toklen = p - token; *p = 0; return (radix == 16) ? SHEXCON : ((radix == 8) ? SOCTCON : SBITCON); } } else goto badchar; numconst: havdot = NO; havexp = NO; havdbl = NO; for(n1 = nextch ; nextch<=lastch ; ++nextch) { if(*nextch == '.') if(havdot) break; else if(nextch+2<=lastch && isalpha_(* USC (nextch+1)) && isalpha_(* USC (nextch+2))) break; else havdot = YES; else if( !intonly && (*nextch=='d' || *nextch=='e') ) { p = nextch; havexp = YES; if(*nextch == 'd') havdbl = YES; if(nextch<lastch) if(nextch[1]=='+' || nextch[1]=='-') ++nextch; if( ! isdigit(*++nextch) ) { nextch = p; havdbl = havexp = NO; break; } for(++nextch ; nextch<=lastch && isdigit(* USC nextch); ++nextch); break; } else if( ! isdigit(* USC nextch) ) break; } p = token; i = n1; while(i < nextch) *p++ = *i++; toklen = p - token; *p = 0; if(havdbl) return(SDCON); if(havdot || havexp) return(SRCON); return(SICON); badchar: sbuf[0] = *nextch++; return(SUNKNOWN); } /* Comment buffering code */ static void store_comment(str) char *str; { int len; comment_buf *ncb; if (nextcd == sbuf) { flush_comments(); p1_comment(str); return; } len = strlen(str) + 1; if (cbnext + len > cblast) { if (!cbcur || !(ncb = cbcur->next)) { ncb = (comment_buf *) Alloc(sizeof(comment_buf)); if (cbcur) { cbcur->last = cbnext; cbcur->next = ncb; } else { cbfirst = ncb; cbinit = ncb->buf; } ncb->next = 0; } cbcur = ncb; cbnext = ncb->buf; cblast = cbnext + COMMENT_BUF_STORE; } strcpy(cbnext, str); cbnext += len; } static void flush_comments() { register char *s, *s1; register comment_buf *cb; if (cbnext == cbinit) return; cbcur->last = cbnext; for(cb = cbfirst;; cb = cb->next) { for(s = cb->buf; s < cb->last; s = s1) { /* compute s1 = new s value first, since */ /* p1_comment may insert nulls into s */ s1 = s + strlen(s) + 1; p1_comment(s); } if (cb == cbcur) break; } cbcur = cbfirst; cbnext = cbinit; cblast = cbnext + COMMENT_BUF_STORE; } void unclassifiable() { register char *s, *se; s = sbuf; se = lastch; if (se < sbuf) return; lastch = s - 1; if (se - s > 10) se = s + 10; for(; s < se; s++) if (*s == MYQUOTE) { se = s; break; } *se = 0; errstr("unclassifiable statement (starts \"%s\")", sbuf); }