/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ %token ILLEGAL ; %token ASSYM ; %token BASESYM ; %token CALLSYM ; %token CLEARSYM ; %token CLOSESYM ; %token DATASYM ; %token DEFINTSYM ; %token DEFSNGSYM ; %token DEFDBLSYM ; %token DEFSTRSYM ; %token DEFSYM ; %token DIMSYM ; %token ELSESYM ; %token ERRSYM ; %token ERLSYM ; %token ERRORSYM ; %token FIELDSYM ; %token FORSYM ; %token FUNCTION ; %token FUNCTID ; %token INKEYSYM ; %token GETSYM ; %token GOSUBSYM ; %token GOTOSYM ; %token IFSYM ; %token INPUTSYM ; %token LETSYM ; %token LINESYM ; %token LSETSYM ; %token MIDSYM ; %token NEXTSYM ; %token ONSYM ; %token OPENSYM ; %token OPTIONSYM ; %token PRINTSYM ; %token POKESYM ; %token PUTSYM ; %token RANDOMIZESYM ; %token READSYM ; %token REMSYM ; %token RESTORESYM ; %token RETURNSYM ; %token ENDSYM ; %token STOPSYM ; %token STEPSYM ; %token SWAPSYM ; %token THENSYM ; %token TOSYM ; %token TRONOFFSYM ; %token USINGSYM ; %token USRSYM ; %token WHILESYM ; %token WENDSYM ; %token WRITESYM ; /* special tokens */ %token EOLN ; %token INTVALUE ; %token FLTVALUE ; %token DBLVALUE ; %token STRVALUE ; %token UNARYSYM ; %token IDENTIFIER ; %token ANDSYM ; %token ORSYM ; %token IMPSYM ; %token EQVSYM ; %token XORSYM ; %token VARPTR ; /* Those were originally %left */ %token BOOLOP ; %token NOTSYM ; %token RELOP ; %token MODSYM ; /* Some contstant declared as tokens (?) */ %token LESYM ; %token GESYM ; %token NESYM ; %token UNARYMINUS ; { #define YYDEBUG #include "bem.h" #include "llmess.c" typedef union { int integer ; Symbol *Sptr ; char *cptr ; } YYSTYPE ; int basicline; int yydebug; YYSTYPE yylval; int ival; char *dval; char *sval; int in_data = 0; /* set if processing DATA statement */ char *formatstring; /* formatstring used for printing */ Symbol *s; /* Symbol dummy */ #include "yylexp.c" #include "basic.lex" } %lexical yylexp; %start LLparse,programline ; programline : INTVALUE { basicline = ival;newblock(ival); newemblock(ival); } stmts EOLN | '#' INTVALUE STRVALUE EOLN | EOLN ; stmts : singlestmt [ %while ( LLsymb == ':' ) ':' singlestmt ]* ; singlestmt { int d2 ; } : callstmt | clearstmt | CLOSESYM closestmt | datastmt | defstmt | defvarstmt | dimstmt | ERRORSYM expression(&d2) { errorstmt(d2); } | fieldstmt | forstmt | getstmt | gosubstmt | onstmt | ifstmt | illegalstmt | inputstmt | letstmt | lineinputstmt | lsetstmt | midstmt | NEXTSYM nextstmt | GOTOSYM INTVALUE { gotostmt(ival); } | openstmt | optionstmt | pokestmt | printstmt | randomizestmt | readstmt | REMSYM | restorestmt | returnstmt | ENDSYM { C_loc((arith) 0 ); C_cal("_hlt"); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } | STOPSYM { C_cal("_stop"); } | swapstmt | TRONOFFSYM { tronoff=yylval.integer; } | whilestmt | wendstmt | writestmt | /* EMPTY STATEMENT */ ; illegalstmt: ILLEGAL { illegalcmd(); } ; callstmt { Symbol *id; int i; } : CALLSYM IDENTIFIER { id = yylval.Sptr; } [ parmlist(&i) { C_cal(id->symname); C_asp((arith) (i*BEMPTRSIZE)); } | /* empty */ { C_cal(id->symname); } ] ; parmlist(int *ip;) { int var ; } : '(' variable(&var) { *ip = 1; } [ ',' variable(&var) { *ip = *ip + 1; } ]* ')' ; clearstmt { int exp; } : CLEARSYM [ ',' expression(&exp) ]*2 { warning("statement ignored"); } ; closestmt: filelist | /* empty */ { C_cal("_close"); } ; filelist { int intv; } : cross intvalue(&intv) { C_loc((arith) ival); C_cal("_clochn"); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } [ ',' cross intvalue(&intv) { C_loc((arith) ival); C_cal("_clochn"); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } ]* ; datastmt: DATASYM { datastmt(); in_data = 1;} datalist { fprint(datfile,"\n"); in_data = 0; } ; dataelm : INTVALUE { fprint(datfile,"%d",ival); } | '-' [ INTVALUE { fprint(datfile,"%d",-ival); } | FLTVALUE { fprint(datfile,"-%s",dval); } ] | FLTVALUE { fprint(datfile,dval); } | STRVALUE { fprint(datfile,"\"%s\"",sval); } | IDENTIFIER { fprint(datfile,"\"%s\"",sval); } ; datalist: dataelm [ ',' { fprint(datfile,","); } dataelm ]* ; defstmt : DEFSYM [ deffnstmt | defusrstmt ] ; deffnstmt { int exp; } : heading '=' expression(&exp) { endscope(exp); } ; heading : FUNCTID { newscope(yylval.Sptr); } [ '(' idlist ')' ]? { heading(); } ; idlist : IDENTIFIER { dclparm(yylval.Sptr); } [ ',' IDENTIFIER { dclparm(yylval.Sptr); } ]* ; defvarstmt: DEFINTSYM { setdefaulttype( INTTYPE); } | DEFSNGSYM { setdefaulttype( FLOATTYPE); } | DEFDBLSYM { setdefaulttype( DOUBLETYPE); } | DEFSTRSYM { setdefaulttype( STRINGTYPE); } ; defusrstmt: USRSYM ':' { illegalcmd(); } ; dimstmt { Symbol *symp; } : DIMSYM arraydcl(&symp) ')' { dclarray(symp); } [ ',' arraydcl(&symp) ')' { dclarray(symp); } ]* ; arraydcl(Symbol **sympp;) : IDENTIFIER { *sympp = s = yylval.Sptr; } '(' INTVALUE { s->dimlimit[s->dimensions]=ival; s->dimensions++; } [ ',' INTVALUE { if(s->dimensionsdimlimit[s->dimensions]=ival; s->dimensions++; } else error("too many dimensions"); } ]* ; fieldstmt { int intv; } : FIELDSYM cross intvalue(&intv) { setchannel(ival); } ',' fieldlist { notyetimpl(); } ; fieldlist { int intv,var; } : intvalue(&intv) ASSYM variable(&var) [ ',' intvalue(&intv) ASSYM variable(&var) ]* ; forstmt { int exp; } : FORSYM IDENTIFIER { forinit(yylval.Sptr); } '=' expression(&exp) { forexpr(exp); } TOSYM expression(&exp) { forlimit(exp); } step ; step { int exp; } : STEPSYM expression(&exp) { forstep(exp); } | /*EMPTY*/ { C_loc((arith) 1); forstep(INTTYPE); } ; nextstmt: [ IDENTIFIER { nextstmt(yylval.Sptr); } | /* empty */ { nextstmt((Symbol *)0); } ] [ ',' IDENTIFIER { nextstmt(yylval.Sptr); } ]* ; getstmt { char *cp; int intv; } : getput(&cp) [ /* empty */ { C_loc((arith) 0); C_cal(cp); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } | ',' intvalue(&intv) { C_loc((arith) ival); C_cal(cp); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } ] ; getput(char **cpp;) { int intv; } : GETSYM cross intvalue(&intv) { setchannel(ival); *cpp = "$_getrec"; } | PUTSYM cross intvalue(&intv) { setchannel(ival); *cpp = "$_putsym"; } ; gosubstmt: GOSUBSYM INTVALUE { gosubstmt(ival); } ; returnstmt: RETURNSYM { returnstmt(); } ; ifstmt { int exp; int d1; } : IFSYM expression(&exp) { d1=ifstmt(exp); } thenpart { d1=thenpart(d1); } elsepart { elsepart(d1); } ; thenpart: THENSYM [ INTVALUE { gotostmt(ival); } | stmts ] | GOTOSYM INTVALUE { gotostmt(ival); } ; elsepart: %prefer ELSESYM [ INTVALUE { gotostmt(ival); } | stmts ] | /* empty */ ; inputstmt { int intv; } : INPUTSYM [ semiprompt readlist | '#' intvalue(&intv) { setchannel(ival); } ',' readlist ] ; semiprompt { int str; } : semi STRVALUE { str = yylval.integer; } [ ';' { loadstr(str); prompt(1); } | ',' { loadstr(str); prompt(0); } ] | /*EMPTY*/ { setchannel(-1); C_cal("_qstmark"); } ; semi : ';' | /* empty */ ; letstmt { int var,exp; } : LETSYM variable(&var) { save_address(); } '=' expression(&exp) { assign(var,exp); } | variable(&var) { save_address(); } '=' expression(&exp) { assign(var,exp); } ; lineinputstmt { int var,intv; } : LINESYM [ INPUTSYM semiprompt { setchannel(-1); } variable(&var) { linestmt(var); } | '#' intvalue(&intv) { setchannel(ival); } ',' variable(&var) { linestmt(var); } ] ; readlist: readelm [ ',' readelm ]* ; readelm { int var; } : variable(&var) { readelm(var); } ; lsetstmt { int var,exp; } : LSETSYM variable(&var) '=' expression(&exp) { notyetimpl(); } ; midstmt { int exp; } : MIDSYM '$' midparms '=' expression(&exp) { C_cal("_midstmt"); C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE + 2*BEMPTRSIZE)); } ; midparms: '(' midfirst midsec midthird ')' ; midfirst { int exp; } : expression(&exp) { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); } ; midsec { int exp; } : ',' expression(&exp) { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); } ; midthird { int exp; } : ',' expression(&exp) { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); } | /* empty */ { C_loc((arith) -1); } ; onstmt : ONSYM [ exceptionstmt | ongotostmt ] ; exceptionstmt: ERRORSYM GOTOSYM INTVALUE { exceptstmt(ival); } ; ongotostmt { int exp; } : expression(&exp) [ GOSUBSYM constantlist { ongosubstmt(exp); } | GOTOSYM constantlist { ongotostmt(exp); } ] ; constantlist: INTVALUE { jumpelm(ival); } [ ',' INTVALUE { jumpelm(ival); } ]* ; openstmt { int exp; } : OPENSYM mode openchannel expression(&exp) { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); } [ /* empty */ { openstmt(0); } | INTVALUE { openstmt(ival); } ] ; openchannel: cross INTVALUE ',' { setchannel(ival); } ; mode { int exp; } : expression(&exp) ',' { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); } | ',' { C_lae_dnam("_iomode",(arith)0); } ; optionstmt { int intv; } : OPTIONSYM BASESYM intvalue(&intv) { optionbase(ival); } ; printstmt { int plist; } : PRINTSYM [ /* empty */ { setchannel(-1); C_cal("_nl"); } | file format printlist(&plist) { if(plist) C_cal("_nl"); } ] ; file { int intv; } : '#' intvalue(&intv) ',' { setchannel(ival); } | /* empty */ { setchannel(-1); } ; format { int var ; } : USINGSYM [ STRVALUE { loadstr(yylval.integer); } ';' | variable(&var) ';' { if(var!=STRINGTYPE) error("string variable expected"); } ] | /* empty */ { formatstring=0; } ; printlist(int *ip;) { int exp; } : [ expression(&exp) { printstmt(exp); *ip=1; } | ',' { zone(1); *ip=0; } | ';' { zone(0); *ip=0; } ]+ ; pokestmt { int exp1,exp2 ; } : POKESYM expression(&exp1) ',' expression(&exp2) { pokestmt(exp1,exp2); } ; randomizestmt { int exp; } : RANDOMIZESYM [ /* empty */ { C_cal("_randomi"); } | expression(&exp) { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); C_cal("_setrand"); C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE); } ] ; readstmt { int var; } : READSYM { setchannel(0); } variable(&var) { readelm(var); } [ ',' variable(&var) { readelm(var); } ]* ; restorestmt : RESTORESYM [ INTVALUE { restore(ival); } | /* empty */ { restore(0); } ] ; swapstmt { int var1,var2; } : SWAPSYM variable(&var1) ',' variable(&var2) { swapstmt(var1,var2); } ; whilestmt { int exp; } : WHILESYM { whilestart(); } expression(&exp) { whiletst(exp); } ; wendstmt : WENDSYM { wend(); } ; writestmt: WRITESYM [ /* empty */ { setchannel(-1); C_cal("_wrnl"); } | file writelist { C_cal("_wrnl"); } ] ; writelist { int exp; } : expression(&exp) { writestmt(exp,0); } [ ',' expression(&exp) { writestmt(exp,1); } ]* ; cross: '#' | /* empty */ ; intvalue(int *ip;) : INTVALUE { *ip = yylval.integer; } ; variable(int *ip;) { Symbol *symp; int exp; } : identifier(&symp) [ %avoid /* empty */ { *ip = loadaddr(symp); } | '(' { newarrayload(symp); } expression(&exp) { loadarray(exp); } [ ',' expression(&exp) { loadarray(exp); } ]* ')' { *ip = endarrayload(); } ] | ERRSYM { C_lae_dnam("_errsym",(arith) 0); *ip = INTTYPE; } | ERLSYM { C_lae_dnam("_erlsym",(arith) 0); *ip = INTTYPE; } ; expression(int *ip;) { int neg; } /* NIEUW */ : expression1(&neg) { *ip = neg; } [ IMPSYM expression(&neg) { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,IMPSYM); } ]? ; expression1(int *ip;) { int neg; } : expression2(&neg) { *ip = neg; } [ EQVSYM expression2(&neg) { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,EQVSYM); } ]* ; expression2(int *ip;) { int neg; } : expression3(&neg) { *ip = neg; } [ XORSYM expression3(&neg) { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,XORSYM); } ]* ; expression3(int *ip;) { int neg; } : expression4(&neg) { *ip = neg; } [ ORSYM expression4(&neg) { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,ORSYM); } ]* ; expression4(int *ip;) { int neg; } : negation(&neg) { *ip = neg; } [ ANDSYM negation(&neg) { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,ANDSYM); } ]* ; negation(int *ip;) { int comp; } : NOTSYM compare(&comp) { *ip=boolop(comp,0,NOTSYM); } | compare(ip) ; compare(int *ip;) { int sum1,sum2,rel; } : sum(&sum1) [ /* empty */ { *ip = sum1; } | RELOP { rel=yylval.integer; } sum(&sum2) { *ip=relop(sum1,sum2,rel); } | '=' sum(&sum2) { *ip=relop(sum1,sum2,'='); } ] ; sum(int *ip;) { int term1; } : term(&term1) { *ip = term1; } [ %while(1) '-' term(&term1) { *ip=plusmin(*ip,term1,'-'); } | '+' term(&term1) { *ip=plusmin(*ip,term1,'+'); } ]* ; term(int *ip;) { int fac1; } : factor(&fac1) { *ip = fac1; } [ '*' factor(&fac1) { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'*'); } | '\\' factor(&fac1) { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'\\'); } | '/' factor(&fac1) { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'/'); } | MODSYM factor(&fac1) { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,MODSYM); } ]* ; factor(int *ip;) : '-' factor(ip) { *ip=negate(*ip); } | factor1(ip) ; factor1(int *ip;) { int mant,exp; } : factor2(&mant) [ /* empty */ { *ip = mant; } | '^' factor1(&exp) { *ip = power(mant,exp); } ] ; factor2(int *ip;) { int var,func,expl,funcc,exp,intv,funcn,inpt; int typetable[10]; } : INTVALUE { *ip=loadint(ival); } | '(' expression(&exp) ')' { *ip=exp; } | FLTVALUE { *ip=loaddbl(dval); } | STRVALUE { *ip= STRINGTYPE; loadstr(yylval.integer); } | variable(&var) { *ip=var; loadvar(var); } | INKEYSYM '$' { C_cal("_inkey"); C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE); *ip= STRINGTYPE; } | VARPTR '(' '#' intvalue(&intv) ')' { warning("Not supported"); *ip=INTTYPE; } | FUNCTION { func=yylval.integer; } [ %avoid /* empty */ { *ip= callfcn(yylval.integer,0, typetable); } | '(' cross exprlist(&expl, typetable) ')' { *ip=callfcn(func,expl, typetable); } ] | funcname(&funcn) [ %avoid /* empty */ { *ip=fcnend(0); } | funccall(&funcc) ')' { *ip=fcnend(funcc); } ] | MIDSYM '$' midparms { C_cal("_mid"); C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE)); C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE); *ip= STRINGTYPE; } | INPUTSYM '$' '(' expression(&exp) inputtail(&inpt) { /*waar worden inpt en exp gebruikt?*/ C_cal("_inpfcn"); C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE)); *ip= STRINGTYPE; } ; inputtail(int *ip;) { int exp; } : ',' cross expression(&exp) ')' { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); *ip= INTTYPE; } | ')' { C_loc((arith) -1); *ip= INTTYPE; } ; funcname(int *ip;) : FUNCTID { *ip=fcncall(yylval.Sptr); } ; funccall(int *ip;) { int exp; } : '(' expression(&exp) { callparm(0,exp);*ip=1; } [ ',' expression(&exp) { callparm(*ip,exp); *ip = *ip+1; } ]* ; identifier(Symbol **ident;) : IDENTIFIER { dcltype(yylval.Sptr); *ident=yylval.Sptr; } ; exprlist(int *ip; int *typetable;) { int exp; } : expression(&exp) { typetable[0]=exp; *ip=1; } [ ',' expression(&exp) { typetable[*ip]=exp; *ip = *ip+1; } ]* ; { #ifndef NORCSID static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ; #endif }