# Types: # # I, F, L, D: int, float, long, double # i, F: int, float; promoted to long, double based on size # .: ignore this parameter # ?: pull/push types from other ? parameters # Simple terminals S ?=.. CONST # must be followed by float form S ?=.. CONSTF V ?=.. REG S ?=?. NOP S I=.. LABEL S I=.. BLOCK V ?=.. PAIR S ?=.. ANY S ?=.. LOCAL V ?=.. PHI # Magic stack operations S ?=?. PUSH S ?=.. POP # Memory operations S ?=I. LOAD S I=I. LOADB S I=I. LOADH S ?=I? STORE S ?=I? STOREB S ?=I? STOREH # Arithemetic operations S i=ii ADD S i=ii SUB S i=ii MUL S i=ii DIV S i=ii DIVU S i=ii MOD S i=ii MODU S i=ii NEG S f=ff ADDF S f=ff SUBF S f=ff MULF S f=ff DIVF S f=ff NEGF S i=ii AND S i=ii OR S i=ii EOR S i=ii NOT S i=ii ASL S i=ii ASR S i=ii LSL S i=ii LSR # Bitwise conversions # (Remember, these don't change the value, merely move it) # (order is important here; the 8-byte version of each must immediate succeed # the 4-byte version) S F=I. COPYI S I=F. COPYF S D=L. COPYL S L=D. COPYD # Semantic conversions # (order is important here; the 8-byte version of each must immediate succeed # the 4-byte version) S ?=I. FROMUI S ?=L. FROMUL S ?=I. FROMSI S ?=L. FROMSL S ?=F. FROMF S ?=D. FROMD # The H versions are only used if wordsize > 2 S I=I. EXTENDB S I=I. EXTENDH S I=I. TRUNCATEB S I=I. TRUNCATEH # Tristate comparisons # (order is important here; the 8-byte version of each must immediate succeed # the 4-byte version) S I=II COMPARESI S I=LL COMPARESL S I=II COMPAREUI S I=LL COMPAREUL S I=FF COMPAREF S I=DD COMPARED # Tristate to boolean conversion S I=I. IFEQ S I=I. IFLT S I=I. IFLE # Procedures S i=.. CALL # Flow control --- these never return V .=i. JUMP V .=i. CJUMPEQ V .=i. CJUMPLT V .=i. CJUMPLE V .=.. RET # Special S ?=i. STACKADJUST S ?=i. SETRET S i=.. GETFP S i=.. GETSP S ?=i. SETSP S i=i. CHAINFP S i=i. FPTOARGS