/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* C O N T R O L F L O W * * C F _ L O O P . C */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/aux.h" #include "cf.h" #define MARK_STRONG(b) b->b_flags |= BF_STRONG #define MARK_FIRM(b) b->b_flags |= BF_FIRM #define BF_MARK 04 #define MARK(b) b->b_flags |= BF_MARK #define MARKED(b) (b->b_flags&BF_MARK) #define INSIDE_LOOP(b,lp) Lis_elem(b,lp->LP_BLOCKS) /* The algorithm to detect loops that is used here is taken * from: Aho & Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, section 13.1. * The algorithm uses the dominator relation between nodes * of the control flow graph: * d DOM n => every path from the initial node to n goes through d. * The dominator relation is recorded via the immediate dominator tree * (b_idom field of bblock struct) from which the dominator relation * can be easily computed (see procedure 'dom' below). * The algorithm first finds 'back edges'. A back edge is an edge * a->b in the flow graph whose head (b) dominates its tail (a). * The 'natural loop' of back edge n->d consists of those nodes * that can reach n without going through d. These nodes, plus d * form the loop. * The whole process is rather complex, because different back edges * may result in the same loop and because loops may partly overlap * each other (without one being nested inside the other). */ STATIC bool same_loop(l1,l2) loop_p l1,l2; { /* Two loops are the same if: * (1) they have the same number of basic blocks, and * (2) the head of the back edge of the first loop * also is part of the second loop, and * (3) the tail of the back edge of the first loop * also is part of the second loop. */ return (l1->LP_COUNT == l2->LP_COUNT && Lis_elem(l1->lp_entry, l2->LP_BLOCKS) && Lis_elem(l1->lp_end, l2->LP_BLOCKS)); } STATIC bool inner_loop(l1,l2) loop_p l1,l2; { /* Loop l1 is an inner loop of l2 if: * (1) the first loop has fewer basic blocks than * the second one, and * (2) the head of the back edge of the first loop * also is part of the second loop, and * (3) the tail of the back edge of the first loop * also is part of the second loop. */ return (l1->LP_COUNT < l2->LP_COUNT && Lis_elem(l1->lp_entry, l2->LP_BLOCKS) && Lis_elem(l1->lp_end, l2->LP_BLOCKS)); } STATIC insrt(b,lpb,s_p) bblock_p b; lset *lpb; lset *s_p; { /* Auxiliary routine used by 'natural_loop'. * Note that we use a set rather than a stack, * as Aho & Ullman do. */ if (!Lis_elem(b,*lpb)) { Ladd(b,lpb); Ladd(b,s_p); } } STATIC loop_p natural_loop(d,n) bblock_p d,n; { /* Find the basic blocks of the natural loop of the * back edge 'n->d' (i.e. n->d is an edge in the control * flow graph and d dominates n). The natural loop consists * of those blocks which can reach n without going through d. * We find these blocks by finding all predecessors of n, * up to d. */ loop_p lp; bblock_p m; lset loopblocks; Lindex pi; lset s; lp = newloop(); lp->lp_extend = newcflpx(); lp->lp_entry = d; /* loop entry block */ lp->lp_end = n; /* tail of back edge */ s = Lempty_set(); loopblocks = Lempty_set(); Ladd(d,&loopblocks); insrt(n,&loopblocks,&s); while ((pi = Lfirst(s)) != (Lindex) 0) { m = (bblock_p) Lelem(pi); Lremove(m,&s); for (pi = Lfirst(m->b_pred); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,m->b_pred)) { insrt((bblock_p) Lelem(pi),&loopblocks,&s); } } lp->LP_BLOCKS = loopblocks; lp->LP_COUNT = Lnrelems(loopblocks); return lp; } STATIC loop_p org_loop(lp,loops) loop_p lp; lset loops; { /* See if the loop lp was already found via another * back edge; if so return this loop; else return 0. */ register Lindex li; for (li = Lfirst(loops); li != (Lindex) 0; li = Lnext(li,loops)) { if (same_loop((loop_p) Lelem(li), lp)) { #ifdef DEBUG /* printf("messy loop found\n"); */ #endif return (loop_p) Lelem(li); } } return (loop_p) 0; } STATIC collapse_loops(loops_p) lset *loops_p; { register Lindex li1, li2; register loop_p lp1,lp2; for (li1 = Lfirst(*loops_p); li1 != (Lindex) 0; li1 = Lnext(li1,*loops_p)) { lp1 = (loop_p) Lelem(li1); lp1->lp_level = (short) 0; for (li2 = Lfirst(*loops_p); li2 != (Lindex) 0; li2 = Lnext(li2,*loops_p)) { lp2 = (loop_p) Lelem(li2); if (lp1 != lp2 && lp1->lp_entry == lp2->lp_entry) { Ljoin(lp2->LP_BLOCKS,&lp1->LP_BLOCKS); oldcflpx(lp2->lp_extend); Lremove(lp2,loops_p); } } } } STATIC loop_per_block(lp) loop_p lp; { bblock_p b; /* Update the b_loops sets */ register Lindex bi; for (bi = Lfirst(lp->LP_BLOCKS); bi != (Lindex) 0; bi = Lnext(bi,lp->LP_BLOCKS)) { b = (bblock_p) Lelem(bi); Ladd(lp,&(b->b_loops)); } } STATIC loop_attrib(loops) lset loops; { /* Compute several attributes */ register Lindex li; register loop_p lp; loop_id lastlpid = 0; for (li = Lfirst(loops); li != (Lindex) 0; li = Lnext(li,loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(li); lp->lp_id = ++lastlpid; loop_per_block(lp); } } STATIC nest_levels(loops) lset loops; { /* Compute the nesting levels of all loops of * the current procedure. For every loop we just count * all loops of which the former is an inner loop. * The running time is quadratic in the number of loops * of the current procedure. As this number tends to be * very small, there is no cause for alarm. */ register Lindex li1, li2; register loop_p lp; for (li1 = Lfirst(loops); li1 != (Lindex) 0; li1 = Lnext(li1,loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(li1); lp->lp_level = (short) 0; for (li2 = Lfirst(loops); li2 != (Lindex) 0; li2 = Lnext(li2,loops)) { if (inner_loop(lp,(loop_p) Lelem(li2))) { lp->lp_level++; } } } } STATIC cleanup(loops) lset loops; { /* Throw away the LP_BLOCKS sets */ register Lindex i; for (i = Lfirst(loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,loops)) { Ldeleteset(((loop_p) Lelem(i))->LP_BLOCKS); } } STATIC bool does_exit(b,lp) bblock_p b; loop_p lp; { /* See if b may exit the loop, i.e. if it * has a successor outside the loop */ Lindex i; for (i = Lfirst(b->b_succ); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_succ)) { if (!INSIDE_LOOP(Lelem(i),lp)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } STATIC mark_succ(b,lp) bblock_p b; loop_p lp; { Lindex i; bblock_p succ; for (i = Lfirst(b->b_succ); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_succ)) { succ = (bblock_p) Lelem(i); if (succ != b && succ != lp->lp_entry && INSIDE_LOOP(succ,lp) && !MARKED(succ)) { MARK(succ); mark_succ(succ,lp); } } } STATIC mark_blocks(lp) loop_p lp; { /* Mark the strong and firm blocks of a loop. * The last set of blocks consists of the end-block * of the loop (i.e. the head of the back edge * of the natural loop) and its dominators * (including the loop entry block, i.e. the * tail of the back edge). */ register bblock_p b; /* First mark all blocks that are the successor of a * block that may exit the loop (i.e. contains a * -possibly conditional- jump to somewhere outside * the loop. */ if (lp->LP_MESSY) return; /* messy loops are hopeless cases */ for (b = lp->lp_entry; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { if (!MARKED(b) && does_exit(b,lp)) { mark_succ(b,lp); } } /* Now find all firm blocks. A block is strong * if it is firm and not marked. */ for (b = lp->lp_end; ; b = b->b_idom) { MARK_FIRM(b); if (!MARKED(b)) { MARK_STRONG(b); } if (b == lp->lp_entry) break; } } STATIC mark_loopblocks(loops) lset loops; { /* Determine for all loops which basic blocks * of the loop are strong (i.e. are executed * during every iteration) and which blocks are * firm (i.e. executed during every iteration with * the only possible exception of the last one). */ Lindex i; loop_p lp; for (i = Lfirst(loops); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(i); mark_blocks(lp); } } loop_detection(p) proc_p p; { /* Find all natural loops of procedure p. Every loop is * assigned a unique identifying number, a set of basic * blocks, a loop entry block and a nesting level number. * Every basic block is assigned a nesting level number * and a set of loops it is part of. */ lset loops; /* the set of all loops */ loop_p lp,org; register bblock_p b; bblock_p s; Lindex si; loops = Lempty_set(); for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { for (si = Lfirst(b->b_succ); si != (Lindex) 0; si = Lnext(si,b->b_succ)) { s = (bblock_p) Lelem(si); if (dom(s,b)) { /* 'b->s' is a back edge */ lp = natural_loop(s,b); if ((org = org_loop(lp,loops)) == (loop_p) 0) { /* new loop */ Ladd(lp,&loops); } else { /* Same loop, generated by several back * edges; such a loop is called a messy * loop. */ org->LP_MESSY = TRUE; Ldeleteset(lp->LP_BLOCKS); oldcflpx(lp->lp_extend); oldloop(lp); } } } } collapse_loops(&loops); loop_attrib(loops); nest_levels(loops); mark_loopblocks(loops); /* determine firm and strong blocks */ cleanup(loops); p->p_loops = loops; }