/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990 by AT&T Bell Laboratories, Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ %{ # include "defs.h" # include "p1defs.h" static int nstars; /* Number of labels in an alternate return CALL */ static int datagripe; static int ndim; static int vartype; int new_dcl; static ftnint varleng; static struct Dims dims[MAXDIM+1]; static struct Labelblock *labarray[MAXLABLIST]; /* Labels in an alternate return CALL */ /* The next two variables are used to verify that each statement might be reached during runtime. lastwasbranch is tested only in the defintion of the stat: nonterminal. */ int lastwasbranch = NO; static int thiswasbranch = NO; extern ftnint yystno; extern flag intonly; static chainp datastack; extern long laststfcn, thisstno; extern int can_include; /* for netlib */ ftnint convci(); Addrp nextdata(); expptr mklogcon(), mkaddcon(), mkrealcon(), mkstrcon(), mkbitcon(); expptr mkcxcon(); struct Listblock *mklist(); struct Listblock *mklist(); struct Impldoblock *mkiodo(); Extsym *comblock(); #define ESNULL (Extsym *)0 #define NPNULL (Namep)0 #define LBNULL (struct Listblock *)0 extern void freetemps(), make_param(); static void pop_datastack() { chainp d0 = datastack; if (d0->datap) curdtp = (chainp)d0->datap; datastack = d0->nextp; d0->nextp = 0; frchain(&d0); } %} /* Specify precedences and associativities. */ %union { int ival; ftnint lval; char *charpval; chainp chval; tagptr tagval; expptr expval; struct Labelblock *labval; struct Nameblock *namval; struct Eqvchain *eqvval; Extsym *extval; } %left SCOMMA %nonassoc SCOLON %right SEQUALS %left SEQV SNEQV %left SOR %left SAND %left SNOT %nonassoc SLT SGT SLE SGE SEQ SNE %left SCONCAT %left SPLUS SMINUS %left SSTAR SSLASH %right SPOWER %start program %type <labval> thislabel label assignlabel %type <tagval> other inelt %type <ival> type typespec typename dcl letter addop relop stop nameeq %type <lval> lengspec %type <charpval> filename %type <chval> datavar datavarlist namelistlist funarglist funargs %type <chval> dospec dospecw %type <chval> callarglist arglist args exprlist inlist outlist out2 substring %type <namval> name arg call var %type <expval> lhs expr uexpr opt_expr fexpr unpar_fexpr %type <expval> ubound simple value callarg complex_const simple_const bit_const %type <extval> common comblock entryname progname %type <eqvval> equivlist %% program: | program stat SEOS ; stat: thislabel entry { /* stat: is the nonterminal for Fortran statements */ lastwasbranch = NO; } | thislabel spec | thislabel exec { /* forbid further statement function definitions... */ if (parstate == INDATA && laststfcn != thisstno) parstate = INEXEC; thisstno++; if($1 && ($1->labelno==dorange)) enddo($1->labelno); if(lastwasbranch && thislabel==NULL) warn("statement cannot be reached"); lastwasbranch = thiswasbranch; thiswasbranch = NO; if($1) { if($1->labtype == LABFORMAT) err("label already that of a format"); else $1->labtype = LABEXEC; } freetemps(); } | thislabel SINCLUDE filename { if (can_include) doinclude( $3 ); else { fprintf(diagfile, "Cannot open file %s\n", $3); done(1); } } | thislabel SEND end_spec { if ($1) lastwasbranch = NO; endproc(); /* lastwasbranch = NO; -- set in endproc() */ } | thislabel SUNKNOWN { extern void unclassifiable(); unclassifiable(); /* flline flushes the current line, ignoring the rest of the text there */ flline(); }; | error { flline(); needkwd = NO; inioctl = NO; yyerrok; yyclearin; } ; thislabel: SLABEL { if(yystno != 0) { $$ = thislabel = mklabel(yystno); if( ! headerdone ) { if (procclass == CLUNKNOWN) procclass = CLMAIN; puthead(CNULL, procclass); } if(thislabel->labdefined) execerr("label %s already defined", convic(thislabel->stateno) ); else { if(thislabel->blklevel!=0 && thislabel->blklevel<blklevel && thislabel->labtype!=LABFORMAT) warn1("there is a branch to label %s from outside block", convic( (ftnint) (thislabel->stateno) ) ); thislabel->blklevel = blklevel; thislabel->labdefined = YES; if(thislabel->labtype != LABFORMAT) p1_label((long)(thislabel - labeltab)); } } else $$ = thislabel = NULL; } ; entry: SPROGRAM new_proc progname {startproc($3, CLMAIN); } | SPROGRAM new_proc progname progarglist { warn("ignoring arguments to main program"); /* hashclear(); */ startproc($3, CLMAIN); } | SBLOCK new_proc progname { if($3) NO66("named BLOCKDATA"); startproc($3, CLBLOCK); } | SSUBROUTINE new_proc entryname arglist { entrypt(CLPROC, TYSUBR, (ftnint) 0, $3, $4); } | SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist { entrypt(CLPROC, TYUNKNOWN, (ftnint) 0, $3, $4); } | type SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist { entrypt(CLPROC, $1, varleng, $4, $5); } | SENTRY entryname arglist { if(parstate==OUTSIDE || procclass==CLMAIN || procclass==CLBLOCK) execerr("misplaced entry statement", CNULL); entrypt(CLENTRY, 0, (ftnint) 0, $2, $3); } ; new_proc: { newproc(); } ; entryname: name { $$ = newentry($1, 1); } ; name: SNAME { $$ = mkname(token); } ; progname: { $$ = NULL; } | entryname ; progarglist: SLPAR SRPAR | SLPAR progargs SRPAR ; progargs: progarg | progargs SCOMMA progarg ; progarg: SNAME | SNAME SEQUALS SNAME ; arglist: { $$ = 0; } | SLPAR SRPAR { NO66(" () argument list"); $$ = 0; } | SLPAR args SRPAR {$$ = $2; } ; args: arg { $$ = ($1 ? mkchain((char *)$1,CHNULL) : CHNULL ); } | args SCOMMA arg { if($3) $1 = $$ = mkchain((char *)$3, $1); } ; arg: name { if($1->vstg!=STGUNKNOWN && $1->vstg!=STGARG) dclerr("name declared as argument after use", $1); $1->vstg = STGARG; } | SSTAR { NO66("altenate return argument"); /* substars means that '*'ed formal parameters should be replaced. This is used to specify alternate return labels; in theory, only parameter slots which have '*' should accept the statement labels. This compiler chooses to ignore the '*'s in the formal declaration, and always return the proper value anyway. This variable is only referred to in proc.c */ $$ = 0; substars = YES; } ; filename: SHOLLERITH { char *s; s = copyn(toklen+1, token); s[toklen] = '\0'; $$ = s; } ;