/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* L E X I C A L A N A L Y S E R F O R M O D U L A - 2 */ /* $Header$ */ #include <alloc.h> #include "idfsize.h" #include "idf.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "input.h" #include "f_info.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "class.h" struct token dot, aside; int idfsize = IDFSIZE; int ForeignFlag; static int eofseen; STATIC SkipComment() { /* Skip Modula-2 comments (* ... *). Note that comments may be nested (par. 3.5). */ register int ch; register int CommentLevel = 0; LoadChar(ch); if (ch == '$') { LoadChar(ch); switch(ch) { case 'F': /* Foreign; This definition module has an implementation in another language. In this case, check that the object file is present and don't generate a rule for it. */ ForeignFlag = 1; break; default: PushBack(); break; } } for (;;) { if (class(ch) == STNL) { LineNumber++; } else if (ch == '(') { LoadChar(ch); if (ch == '*') CommentLevel++; else continue; } else if (ch == '*') { LoadChar(ch); if (ch == ')') { CommentLevel--; if (CommentLevel < 0) break; } else continue; } else if (ch == EOI) { lexerror("unterminated comment"); break; } LoadChar(ch); } } STATIC GetString(upto) { /* Read a Modula-2 string, delimited by the character "upto". */ register int ch; while (LoadChar(ch), ch != upto) { if (class(ch) == STNL) { lexerror("newline in string"); LineNumber++; break; } if (ch == EOI) { lexerror("end-of-file in string"); break; } } } static char *s_error = "illegal line directive"; STATIC int getch() { register int ch; for (;;) { LoadChar(ch); if ((ch & 0200) && ch != EOI) { error("non-ascii '\\%03o' read", ch & 0377); continue; } break; } if (ch == EOI) { eofseen = 1; return '\n'; } return ch; } CheckForLineDirective() { register int ch = getch(); register int i = 0; char buf[IDFSIZE + 2]; register char *c = buf; if (ch != '#') { PushBack(); return; } do { /* * Skip to next digit * Do not skip newlines */ ch = getch(); if (class(ch) == STNL) { LineNumber++; error(s_error); return; } } while (class(ch) != STNUM); while (class(ch) == STNUM) { i = i*10 + (ch - '0'); ch = getch(); } while (ch != '"' && class(ch) != STNL) ch = getch(); if (ch == '"') { c = buf; do { *c++ = ch = getch(); if (class(ch) == STNL) { LineNumber++; error(s_error); return; } } while (ch != '"'); *--c = '\0'; do { ch = getch(); } while (class(ch) != STNL); /* * Remember the file name */ if (!eofseen && strcmp(FileName,buf)) { FileName = Salloc(buf,(unsigned) strlen(buf) + 1); } } if (eofseen) { error(s_error); return; } LineNumber = i; } char idfbuf[IDFSIZE + 2]; int LLlex() { /* LLlex() is the Lexical Analyzer. The putting aside of tokens is taken into account. */ register struct token *tk = ˙ register int ch, nch; if (ASIDE) { /* a token is put aside */ *tk = aside; ASIDE = 0; return tk->tk_symb; } again1: if (eofseen) { eofseen = 0; ch = EOI; } else { again: LoadChar(ch); if ((ch & 0200) && ch != EOI) { error("non-ascii '\\%03o' read", ch & 0377); goto again; } } tk->tk_lineno = LineNumber; switch (class(ch)) { case STNL: LineNumber++; CheckForLineDirective(); goto again1; case STSKIP: goto again; case STGARB: if ((unsigned) ch - 040 < 0137) { lexerror("garbage char %c", ch); } else lexerror("garbage char \\%03o", ch); goto again; case STSIMP: if (ch == '(') { LoadChar(nch); if (nch == '*') { SkipComment(); goto again; } else if (nch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); } if (ch == '&') return tk->tk_symb = AND; if (ch == '~') return tk->tk_symb = NOT; return tk->tk_symb = ch; case STCOMP: LoadChar(nch); switch (ch) { case '.': if (nch == '.') { return tk->tk_symb = UPTO; } break; case ':': if (nch == '=') { return tk->tk_symb = BECOMES; } break; case '<': if (nch == '=') { return tk->tk_symb = LESSEQUAL; } if (nch == '>') { return tk->tk_symb = '#'; } break; case '>': if (nch == '=') { return tk->tk_symb = GREATEREQUAL; } break; default : crash("(LLlex, STCOMP)"); } if (nch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); return tk->tk_symb = ch; case STIDF: { register char *tag = &idfbuf[0]; register struct idf *id; do { if (tag - idfbuf < idfsize) *tag++ = ch; LoadChar(ch); } while(in_idf(ch)); if (ch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); *tag++ = '\0'; tk->TOK_IDF = id = findidf(idfbuf); return tk->tk_symb = id && id->id_reserved ? id->id_reserved : IDENT; } case STSTR: GetString(ch); return tk->tk_symb = STRING; case STNUM: { /* The problem arising with the "parsing" of a number is that we don't know the base in advance so we have to read the number with the help of a rather complex finite automaton. */ enum statetp {Oct,OptHex,Hex,Dec,OctEndOrHex,End,OptReal,Real}; register enum statetp state; state = is_oct(ch) ? Oct : Dec; LoadChar(ch); for (;;) { switch(state) { case Oct: while (is_oct(ch)) { LoadChar(ch); } if (ch == 'B' || ch == 'C') { state = OctEndOrHex; break; } /* Fall Through */ case Dec: while (is_dig(ch)) { LoadChar(ch); } if (ch == 'D') state = OptHex; else if (is_hex(ch)) state = Hex; else if (ch == '.') state = OptReal; else { state = End; if (ch == 'H') ; else if (ch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); } break; case OptHex: LoadChar(ch); if (is_hex(ch)) { state = Hex; } else state = End; break; case Hex: while (is_hex(ch)) { LoadChar(ch); } state = End; if (ch != 'H') { lexerror("H expected after hex number"); if (ch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); } break; case OctEndOrHex: LoadChar(ch); if (ch == 'H') { state = End; break; } if (is_hex(ch)) { state = Hex; break; } if (ch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); /* Fall through */ case End: return tk->tk_symb = INTEGER; case OptReal: /* The '.' could be the first of the '..' token. At this point, we need a look-ahead of two characters. */ LoadChar(ch); if (ch == '.') { /* Indeed the '..' token */ PushBack(); PushBack(); state = End; break; } state = Real; break; } if (state == Real) break; } while (is_dig(ch)) { /* Fractional part */ LoadChar(ch); } if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'D') { /* Scale factor */ if (ch == 'D') { LoadChar(ch); if (!(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || is_dig(ch))) goto noscale; } LoadChar(ch); if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { /* Signed scalefactor */ LoadChar(ch); } if (is_dig(ch)) { do { LoadChar(ch); } while (is_dig(ch)); } else { lexerror("bad scale factor"); } } noscale: if (ch == EOI) eofseen = 1; else PushBack(); return tk->tk_symb = REAL; /*NOTREACHED*/ } case STEOI: return tk->tk_symb = -1; case STCHAR: default: crash("(LLlex) Impossible character class"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /*NOTREACHED*/ }